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How are we going to restore our image as not only a group of compassionate individuals, but a party that can truly lead the worlds greatest superpower?

2007-08-10 14:00:30 · 9 answers · asked by Randolph 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

9 answers

Democrats need to do several things not only to restore their own image, but also to repair our national image in the eyes of the world.

First, avoid unilateralism. When the US does things on its own without favorable support from other countries, it damages our international reputation. We should be strong, yes. We should not let other countries dictate what we do. But if the US is the ONLY country that wants something, maybe we should take a look at our motives.

Second, be up-front about our motives. People have lost faith in the Presidency, and rightly so given the lies, the hidden agendas, the 'executive privilidge', the closed-door sessions, the lost E-mails, and all the other things BushCo has done to make it clear that they consider themselves above the law. The next president should be forthright, humble, and clear. (This would rule Hillary out, but not Obama or Edwards.)

Admit your mistakes. If you do something that doesn't work, be willing to admit it was a mistake, change it, and move on. Edwards did this when he admitted he made a mistake in voting for the Iraq war. Hillary has not admitted that she made a mistake. (In my opinion, Hillary is a lot like Bush - she thinks she knows best, she doesn't admit mistakes, she takes criticism personally, she doesn't open up on reasons.)

Put the middle class first. Be the champions of hard-working Americans who are out there every day trying to make a good living and getting squeezed into poverty little by little.

Impose the PayGo system, as we had in the 90s, to balance the budget.

Use the Powell Doctrine to determine when it is appropriate to use the military.

Instead of ignoring the United Nations, as Bush has done since they denied him support for Iraq, become the leader that it needs. Transform it from the inside to be a real forum for international change, not just the rubber-stamp for US policies that Bush wanted it to be.

In the 1970, the USA lost a lot of prestiege internationally, and the US people lost faith in their government. Viet Nam, Watergate, Inflation, Oil Embargos, Iran Hostage crisis, etc. Ronald Reagan became president and restored America's place in the world and its sense of itself. He did it by clearly stating what he wanted to do, doing it, and radiating an aura of confidence that was contagious. The Democrats need a liberal version of Ronald Reagan, or a "Give 'em Hell, Harry" Truman type who is willing to stand up to the special interests, the entrenched leaders in Congress, and attack head-on the many issues facing our nation.

Unfortunately, I don't see anyone on the Democratic side who fits that bill. Of the declared candidates, Edwards comes closest - he's been bucking lobbyists, admitting mistakes, and radiating charm all over the place. But even he doesn't have the Reagan gavitas, the confidence-inspiring humble self-assurance, that make Reagan a great President.

Note: I am a registered Democrat but a political moderate. I can see the good on both sides. I didn't always agree with Reagan's policies. He spent the nation into serious debt just like Bush is doing, he cut social programs in order to balloon the military, and he did a few underhanded deals. But he was a great leader who inspired people, who was America's greatest cheerleader, who rallied us all around the flag and gave us a new vision of what America means. I can understand why Republicans revere him. Like FDR, Truman, Lincoln, and Jefferson, he took a wounded nation and made it whole.

That's the type of leader America needs. Does either side have such a leader?

2007-08-10 14:45:23 · answer #1 · answered by Chredon 5 · 2 0

By just not being a Republican at this time and place goes a long way toward renewing the Democratic image.

But mostly it is up to the Democratic politicians to mean what they say or not say it. Do what they promise or not promise it.. and for God sake try to steer clear of scandals.

Bush and his group of crooked merry men.. have practically handed the country back to the Democrats if they just do things right. And that starts with congress.. they better start to shape up or get the hell out of there and let someone else do it. Pelosi better pull her ship together or she will be gone!

2007-08-10 21:14:17 · answer #2 · answered by Debra H 7 · 1 0

They lost my vote because of them voting for the Same sex people rights. It will continue to allow the Same Sex abuse in Foster Care of Children AND EVEN IN THE CHURCH---- Cath. They Have lost this one.They don't say anything about the Genocide going on in this nation from experiments on children that are dying from drug research, Kids of all ages.
Check out my 360 blog more imformation of course some of my webs site are being changed which is ok, because if you know where to go you can fine more.

2007-08-10 21:10:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

create a platform that unifies us instead of serving the petty needs of small groups

2007-08-10 21:08:20 · answer #4 · answered by Ford Prefect 7 · 4 0

we need real candidates who will stand up for real democratic values. even though kucinich has no chance at getting the nomination, he encompasses virtually all true democratic values.

2007-08-10 21:10:01 · answer #5 · answered by dcguy 2 · 1 1

Move just slightly right to get away from the radical part of our party. Most of us are Moderates probably.

2007-08-10 21:06:35 · answer #6 · answered by grumpyoldman 7 · 3 2


2007-08-10 21:06:57 · answer #7 · answered by Constitutional Watchdog 7 · 2 0

Well Randy, how about becoming a Republican!

2007-08-10 21:05:53 · answer #8 · answered by James F 2 · 2 4


2007-08-10 21:04:00 · answer #9 · answered by ken s 5 · 2 4

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