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18 answers

Because we don't practice what we preach? I mean, here we are trying to show everyone why being free and being in a democracy is a great thing, and then we find out our president is eavesdropping on us illegally.

Make no mistake; I love my country. I love it so much that I served in the military and in a war. Nothing will shake that.

On paper, our way of life is perfect, but our execution of it is seriously flawed.

2007-08-10 13:52:44 · answer #1 · answered by sirmoosta 2 · 1 0

The USA has a lot to be proud of like the Apollo missions, space probes that have extended everyone's knowledge of the Universe, fighting an internal war over slavery (yes, I know is was supposed to be "state's rights) and their assistance to other democratic countries in the two major wars of the 20th century. The USA is full of really decent people.

The USA has ongoing problems with racism, though it's trying to reduce them. Some of it's people come across as ignorant, swaggering and arrogant bullies. Many appear to be totally ignorant of things outside their own borders, non-Americans on Yahoo answers see it all the time. "If it is summer in America, what season is it in Ireland?" "Did NASA recently find an Earth-like planet?" No they did not. The astronomer was Swiss, the telescope was in Chile and the orbiting telescope was Canadian. Almost none of the answers pointed this out. The assumption that only Americans are capable of science went unchallenged.

Then of course there is creationism and a sort of puritanism that some Americans seem determined to export across the world. The USA is home to Scientology, the Assemblies of God, "Christian Science", crazed Baptist churches harassing homosexuals, hyper-autonomy and extortionate greed, school massacres, and belief in all sorts of junk from polygraphs to alien abductions. I'm not saying that some of these things are absent elsewhere, they are a lot more common in the USA.

The reality is that the achievements of the USA are based the most advanced technologies and science in the world, that developed in Europe generally and the United Kingdom, France and Germany in particular in the 19th century. Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, folks. He did not even invent mass production. With the exception of those things produced by Bell, Edison and Armstong there is hardly a significant invention in any field from the USA between 1800 and perhaps 1930.

Some alleged American inventions were direct copies of European ones, the best example I know of being the flat wick burner for kerosene lamps which was invented in Vienna, Austria. People used to say the Japanese copied everything. They did. But the USA did it in the 19th century.

Americans applied this technology to the more habitable part of a virtually empty continent possessing a regular and mostly mild climate, fertile and almost never- before-farmed soils and mineral, coal and oil resources that had lain untouched until about 1750 or much later. It would have taken a supremely stupid form of government and a supremely stupid population to mess that up. And the US had neither of those.

I have only to read some of the answers prior to this to see that some of my remarks are factual.

2007-08-10 21:58:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please define swaggering bully, in what way? please state actions that we took that would fall under the term swaggering bullydom. We are fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with one hand tied behind our back because people would complain if ACTUALLY fought the war, so we go through the motions and get our people killed because guys like you complain. This to me doesn't sound like a "swaggering bully". WE gave billions to Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union and helped them with their oil fields so they could increase their output and give them much needed income because they really didn't have anything else, and Russia's economy is growing fairly quickly, and what do they do?, they're starting the whole cold war BS all over again, and "WE'RE" the swaggering bully, right?. We tried to feed the Somalies but the Islamists didn't like that so what happened?
and the people went on starving and all there was was anarchy, and "WE'RE" the problem, right?. I won't get into Europe post WWII, and China's present prosperity is directly due to us, but of course they're looking for a fight now too, and India's growing prosperity is in large part due to us also. This list can go on and on but I think the point has been made. Everyone in the world gets P-ss-d at us because maybe we don't do precisely what THEY want us to do, we're supposed to just pick up the tab for it all.

2007-08-10 21:36:45 · answer #3 · answered by booboo 7 · 0 1

It's called laziness. They see how successful we've become after 230 years of existence, and figure if they start saying they're doing the same things we do, they'll instantly achieve that level of success. It took us two centuries of hard work to get to where we are; maybe the other nations just need to be a little more patient. (Or, in the words of many European nations, "tolerant." Gad.)

2007-08-10 22:07:04 · answer #4 · answered by Richard S 5 · 0 0

While I'm sure that many countries aspire to have the same wealth that the U.S. has, not all or not even most of them aspire to have the same political, religious, or social values as the U.S. I would be heartbroken if my home country, Canada, became more like the U.S. As for "hating everything" that the U.S. does, I think you only need to look at the last 7 years of American foreign policy to recognize that the U.S. has become a swaggering bully. Nobody likes a bully.

2007-08-10 20:52:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

They want to be like us because we have freedom and unalienable rights. Our country was founded and based upon good and desirable things. What nations hate nowadays is what we've done and are doing to take advantage of some of these things. I mean, look at how far America has come, and what it's turning out to be.

2007-08-10 22:12:00 · answer #6 · answered by missouri 3 · 0 0

agree with others, jealousy is a big part of it, sad, isn't it? We are honestly the most tolerant country in the world, we possess a natural sense of knowing what is right and what is wrong. We are also the most giving country in the world. Studies have shown that we give more with private donations than any country. We are not forced to give through our taxes the way some countries are. We are a country rich in Judea- Christian principles. We have an amazing military and an incredible resilience when things go wrong. We accept the responsibility of being a large and rich country by giving our support in many ways to other countries. Yes we are not perfect, but we have the freedom to not be perfect if we choose....i know im not expressing this the way I want, but I am very proud to be American. and
azawali! you proved my point about tolerance in America.... we have every kind of religion, and political opinions and every kind of social value u care to choose to have....this IS what makes us great, not the wealth, but the acceptance, which you do not have... you are intolerant. we are not bullies and you just remember that when you need our help again.

and another thing!!! our president is not eavesdropping on me!! Do you have something to hide if he is on you?! I give our govt carte blanche to eavesdrop away ....we are in a battle of our lives to protect our freedoms, so yes, some may have theirs compromised at times, but not unless they have a good reason to eavesdrop as you call it....

2007-08-10 20:59:00 · answer #7 · answered by oopsie913 3 · 0 2

well the thing most nations are more aware of the actions of the united states then it own citizens. if most people in our country knew the kind of stuff that the cia was responsible for then we would understand much more why people dint like us. that's why people often say that its not American ppl the have probs with but rather the gov. it has nothing to do with jealousy jus history

2007-08-10 20:52:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Who gives a crap if they like us or not? I sure as hell dont. No other country can hold a candle to the USA! You notice France just elected a conservative President. and kicked their Liberal Prez to the curb. Why? Because they realize we got it going on.

2007-08-10 22:15:24 · answer #9 · answered by simpleokie.blogspot.com 3 · 0 0

Most other nations have different religions and beleieves that we don't share. Like radical Islamist. They believ That if you don't believe in Muhamad or whatever you should die. They also don't like the vast amounts of freedom we have, like freedom of speech and the freedom of a wife to divorce. But do you think they give a $h!t what Americans think?...


2007-08-10 20:51:49 · answer #10 · answered by Norm 3 · 2 1

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