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Social Services seem to do nothing at all about Child Abuse, except say: "Lessons will be learned,and steps will be taken"
Isn't it time that the entire Politically Correct,Work-shy,Jobsworths had their
heads banged together?

2007-08-10 13:14:40 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Sociology

As a little afterthought:
Are there any Conservative Social Workers out there?
Are there any Social Workers who've ever done a stroke of WORK in all their miserable lives?

2007-08-11 05:35:55 · update #1

Hi bletherskyte,
A fine scientific assessment. Is that the Psychology and Sociology that you were taught in your course at Trotsky Towers or wherever
I have known a lot of these fools (not professionally, who'd want to deal with dumbos like that)
If you want to know how to deal with a problem. Watch "Casualty" and "Holby"
Any man in a suit is a child Abuser!
Any illegal immigrant is either a Brain Surgeon or The World's Greatest Violinist!
Every Black is a Victim of the BNP/Skinheads!
Every Black Junkie is, ipso facto, an ideal parent!
Any Gypsy Chlld with the weals from a leather belt has an allergic reaction!
BTW have you ever been on one of these SS schemes where they book into a hotel and beat each other on the bottom with hair-brushes?

Learn a lot from that I'm sure!

2007-08-11 12:37:03 · update #2

Another BTW,
Watch what you say about Ben Elton!

2007-08-11 12:40:43 · update #3

Hey Bletherskyte,
Let's hear you spout about Haringey .
What's THAT ? 13 years of Tory misrule?

2007-08-13 14:45:59 · update #4

21 answers

My work protects kids everyday from abuse and it is successful due to the hard work and efforts of social workers.I am not a social worker but I work in partnership with them and believe me they work damn hard at keeping the kids I work with safe.For every mistake that is made there are thousands of kids saved.I know this from data so am not guessing.If you knew the complexities involved when dealing with some families you may understand why on rare occasions tragedies happen.In an ideal world this would not be the case but we don't live in an ideal world and there is no way any social worker i know, and i know dozens, would deliberately allow a child to be abused and do nothing about it.

2007-08-10 13:34:29 · answer #1 · answered by Niamh 7 · 3 3

Well i,m training to be a social worker Vince and my training so far tells me what we have here is a gobbo that doesnt have the first clue about helping people, he can criticise but would drop his load if he ever had to make a decision of this magnitude (otherwise if he cares that much he would be doing it, yes?)

You may have personal experiences that have put you against social workers (or a particular social worker) thats sad i,m sure but not my problem tonight. It does not give you the right to preach hatred of others, especially those that TRY and help others, admittedly without a 100% success rate

Oh yeah , i,m 49 born and raised on a rough council estate (worms eye a speciality chewy), commy as they come, worked 30+ years from building sites to sales and expect to work harder than i ever have in my life when i qualify.

See not all of us are politically correct little girls that need people like you to value us, I dont really care about the social injustice, attachment problems anomie or enui etc that have brought you to this point, just shut it.

As for Ben Elton, heheheh! enough said, sad little bourgois s**t

Oh sorry an answer, No, no and some of them.. Tw*t

EDIT. Just shows the crap that passes for common knowledge. The social work qualification is now a three year full time B.A. including over a year of practical placement. I count myself as more intellegent than the average 12 year old Katy (having brought up a couple) and believe me it is not easy.

There are few conservative social workers because a right wing mentality tends to look for the cause of peoples difficulties within the individual, a kind of determinist view.

With Thatcher claiming there is no such thing as society it is hard to see how her disciples would seek social work as a career.

2007-08-11 09:56:53 · answer #2 · answered by bletherskyte 4 · 0 2

I honestly believe that it's time that Social Workers were held accountable for bad practice and had their certification withdrawn ... and I'm an ex-Social Worker myself.

I do agree with Niamh, that most Social Workers work damned hard. Unless you've worked in that kind of profession I doubt that you can understand the stress levels involved. Think about it for a second. You're making decisions that may well affect the rest of someone's life. This doesn't excuse the incompetence that I've witnessed myself. It simply makes it imperative that the correct training should be offered.

I also believe that not enough staff supervision goes on, and, in some cases, the supervisors/line managers are ill equipped themselves to undertake this supervision.

I agree with the statement that's been made that a lot of buck passing will go on ... again. It's damned well time that lessons were learned. How many more children will die before we get our act together on this issue?

2007-08-10 15:09:41 · answer #3 · answered by micksmixxx 7 · 3 0

Previously, i gained work experience with Social Services in their Children & families sector & was surprised at what i found. Like many people, i too believed the stigma attached to social workers- 'interfering busy bodies & breaking families apart & oppressive practices'- however, the reality is quite different.

It is important to remember from the onset, that children in care have come to be so, due to their families being unable to meet their needs & exposing them to risk. It is the social worker who develops care plans & puts forwards strategies which aim to meet these needs and reduce risks to the child/family.

Due to the lack of social workers & the large amount of children known to the local authority, many social workers have a heavy caseload- often balancing twice as much priorities & working until late, on most evenings!! (Often to get a quicker outcome for the child/family). Many agencies working with children such as schools, foster placements, are suppose to support & work with social workers but often they do not do their part, and when expectations are not met, are comfortable with placing blame on the social worker.

To sum up: Social Workers are damned if they do and they are damned if they don't...it's a career i would not wish upon anyone! (unless you have the ability to be in more than one place at one time, be aware of all that is said and thought & are thick-skinned enough to take criticism when it is not warrented....No thank you!)

2007-08-13 14:28:01 · answer #4 · answered by shaani 2 · 0 0

I have friends who work with older traumatised kids who have real behavioural problems. It's hard work and very demanding. It isn't helped by the cuts in funding and the rigid rules that are placed on them by Government departments. For instance my friend has a huge case load but every month she is required to go and see a badly disabled young girl to see how and if she is learning "social skills" as she is bed ridden and unable to communicate this is a complete waste of time. It takes her away from working with young people with real problems. What needs to be looked at is why children are left to die but others are taken away on the say of false medical evidence as with a family recently who lost all their children because their younger son was misdiagnosed. Or the the couple who had their well kept and much loved daughter taken because the Social worker thought the mother was not of sufficient intelligence to be able to stimulate her child! This is all done under the cover of the secret family courts and many injustices have been done.
However, having said all that I think that an overhaul of the system and the way it operates is long over due - there are many hard working and caring workers who are let down by rigid guidelines drawn up by people who have never done the job. By the quality of those in management and by the lack of funding.

2007-08-10 20:34:48 · answer #5 · answered by Grannygrump 3 · 2 2

Yep, Ben Elton is corrrect. Social workers should be taken out and flogged every day. Maybe then, they will appreciate the hardships felt by the kids and families they are dealing with. Too many of them come from well to do families themselves and only have "notions" on what is going on in the real world beneath their feet. .

2007-08-11 04:00:59 · answer #6 · answered by Chewbydoo 5 · 1 0

My child was taken from me and given to a family with known drug addiction, prostitution, and abuse.....all because one of the people were friends with prominent members of the town. The social workers knew that my daughter was better off with me, yet because of "connections" allowed the state to keep her with those horrible people. The actual social worker position was created to help, but the people who take those jobs don't seem to realize how much of an impact they have on the children and families they exercise their authority over. FYI - if it were up to Hillary Clinton, the state and their workers would have limitless power over taking children.

2007-08-13 08:24:12 · answer #7 · answered by Jessy 2 · 0 0

That's the problem with the "Caring Professions".

They just don't care, they only appear to, so that they can grab their pay packets, go home and forget all about it.

And yes, that includes G.P.s, nurses, care workers, teachers, and all the other professions that used to be vocations, things people were drawn towards because they had a caring nature, not because you got a good pay packet, good holidays, good pension, and an easy life.

2007-08-12 23:49:38 · answer #8 · answered by Valmiki 4 · 1 0

lesson's are never learned only cover ups did you know
that they worm out of taking responsibility by falsifying reports. 'mistakes were made' always makes me laugh
that's the cop out line a 12yr old could pass the exams to be a social worker. they are an outmoded service that should have been abandoned years ago

2007-08-12 10:16:31 · answer #9 · answered by Jezabel 6 · 1 0

absolutely right. Social workers do more harm than good. There are dozens and dozens of families who have had their children taken away and fostered, for no good reason- yet time and time again, we hear of cases like that poor little girl in the news today, who had been tortured and murdered.

social workers- vermin.

2007-08-11 04:08:01 · answer #10 · answered by shutyerfaceup 5 · 2 0

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