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There is someone who always kinda makes fun of me(like the way i act,etc) and i really want to stand up for myself but i have no idea what to say something back :).... how can i learn to say something back to them??

Thanks :)

2007-08-10 13:11:50 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

37 answers

I think you should say.......... Why would you say that to me??? I thought we were friends, I would never say or do that to you .
It might hurt their feelings but that is what they are doing to you all the time...........

2007-08-10 13:16:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I always ask them "What do mean by that?" It works on almost any comment they can make. It puts the attention on them and they look ridiculous and tongue tied because they were expecting you to get intimidated and quiet.

Actually there are some people you need to ignore for your own safety like a mentally ill person with anger issues, someone who is drinking alcohol, a violent person, etc. If you have a problem with this person you need to report it to an adult with authority, parents, teachers, police.

But if this is just a jerk trying to be smart, you can outwit them. Just toughen up a little and practice the line with a friend or a mirror until you are comfortable with it. Role playing is a good way to learn about communication. Best of luck to you!!

2007-08-10 13:20:59 · answer #2 · answered by whrldpz 7 · 0 0

Ask them "hey, you tend to cut me down a lot and I was wondering if you get off on this or is there something that really bothers you about me" and then end it with "b/c I can not figure it out and the only thing I can think of is that your so unhappy with your own life and have a very low self esteem.." "correct me if I am wrong"....
after you say all that or something along the line, you will feel so much better.. trust me, if you don't stand up for yourself you will be walked on all the time by others... good luck...

2007-08-10 13:23:57 · answer #3 · answered by dillardeliza2000@verizon.net 2 · 0 1

Some times the best defence is not to fight back (s)he's just doing it to get under your skin, don't give in don't feed into it because once you've done that then they've acheived what they're out for to hurt you, keep your head up and love you for you doesn't matter what NOBODY says if you stay true to who you are be who you are then I love you for who you are and so does god, so remember don't feed into it ingore her it's not very fun making fun of someone who doesn't show anyeffect then the person looks like (s)he's a real jerk if you see her in the hall ways or somthing then just look straight, better days are comming. <33

2007-08-11 02:58:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

for sure you made your best option, smoking ciggs is stupid, risky, makes you have fairly some problems and why have been they asking you? they are able to't circulate themselves? you're someway inferior? possibly you undertaking lack of self assurance because you're no longer feeling healthful, powerful, advantageous. You look to have slightly of melancholy, rigidity or something of that type? you should ask tips for that. To replace right into somewhat more desirable mentally and extra balanced besides. Msg me or purely make a clean question in some area like option drugs. wish to make certain you quickly, have an stunning day.

2016-10-09 23:20:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well 1 you can just ignore them and pretend that they dont even exist. Or 2 if you do want to say something then just tell them to shut up and back off. They will more then likely say something back (make fun of you) but thats when they leave themselves open to you to say, "If I'm so stupid or dumb them why do you waste your time on me." Or, "I must be pretty interesting to you cause you keep talking about me." Or, " Am I always on your mind that you always have something to say about me, why dont you get a life and but out of mine already." You know once you open your mouth it will all come out pretty natural. I dont condone fighting words but sometimes you do have to say something for them to get it. I dont know what to tell you other than just do what you think feels right. If you feel this other person will try to fight you and that is not soemthing you want to happen. Then just ignore them and dont give them a reason for them to pick on you. Also, if it is a boy doing this then more then likely it is just his way of showing you he likes you!

2007-08-10 13:29:31 · answer #6 · answered by RAMONA G 1 · 0 0

Next time they say something rude, just shrug your shoulders, laugh to yourself and ask "Did you really come up with that one by yourself?"

Sometimes, you don't even have to say anything back when someone says something mean, just act like you could care less. People say mean things because they want to get a rise out of the person they are poking fun at. Don't lower yourself to their immature level by saying something mean back. Most the time, just ignoring them works fine.

2007-08-18 08:27:10 · answer #7 · answered by Zack 2 · 0 0

Well when they talk about the way you dress or the way you walk or whatever. Just pay attention to what they do or wear or do. For example a good looking girl says something bad to you just look at her and make fun of what you see wrong with her. Or if a guy says something bad just tell him " Hey your bf is looking for you something about you biting him". Just think and go from there. Want to caht more just IM me anytime

2007-08-10 13:23:35 · answer #8 · answered by Always ready for anything 5 · 0 0

Sometimes it depends what age you are, like for instanse if you are in middle school and the person looks at you and makes fun of you look her (or he) straight in the eye and flash a brillant smile then say "your point is.........?" with your eyebrows up, look confident dont let them put you down. or another way to deal with this is to immatate them. do the same thing they do like if they flip there hair do that two except exaggerate all of it, say what they say in a mocking tone. possible reactions to these are 1. the person rolling her eyes or whispering to her friend 2.the person walking away saying "what a loser" but dont pay attion to that there just trying not to feel bad.

i hope this helps!

2007-08-10 13:21:15 · answer #9 · answered by Sharon u 1 · 0 0

Usually if they know that it upsets you they will keep doing it. Try to laugh at yourself and maybe joke about yourself in a way that goes along with what they say about you. The other people listening will think you're a good sport, and it will make the other person look bad if they keep coming back with comments about you. once a joke is laughed at, people don't want to keep dwelling on it.

2007-08-10 13:21:29 · answer #10 · answered by Amanda V 2 · 0 0

When you get tried of that person making fun of you, you will stand up for yourself. Just open up your mouth and say I don't like the way you been putting me down. As long as you don't say nothing its going to continue to happen.

2007-08-18 11:07:47 · answer #11 · answered by dbrh_soto 6 · 0 0

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