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What are your views on abortion? Why do you feel this way?
P.s. Look at my answers to previous questions on this issue (especially the "What's going on tonight" question) and you'll see where I stand with this. I think it's interesting how strongly people feel about this issue, and how closed minded people seem to me about others' opinions (bc they feel so strongly).
What do you think (either way)? I don't pass judgement.

2007-08-10 12:30:05 · 11 answers · asked by Impavidsoul 5 in Social Science Psychology

"What's more important, life or their own wants..." this is why this issue interests me so much. Just to throw something out there: so a child that is unwanted is supposed to suffer later in life because the mother decided not to get an abortion, but makes her child feel unwanted his whole life, and tortures him with abuse, and neglect? What's better? Having him survive this his whole life, with possible psychological consequences, or abort him? Interesting, no?

2007-08-10 13:00:11 · update #1

And another thing: there are sooooo many unwanted children in this world that are already up for adoption. Is it right to have adoption as an "easy out" too? I know for me, it would be way harder to carry my baby 9 months, and give birth, and give it up, then not go through the experience to begin with.

2007-08-10 13:04:10 · update #2

Very well put Tinman!

2007-08-10 14:19:04 · update #3

Just Me: Exactly ... so this is my point about the whole thing: people automatically think that women like me who are pro choice are 'evil' or don't love children the way they're supposed to, but clearly I made my point that I could not do it. And, I'm not doing it - I'm almost 7 1/2 months pregnant and am a single mother (due to the father's choices), and I'm taking responsibility in my case for my actions. Interesting, no?

2007-08-11 09:50:55 · update #4

BUT: my case for abortion over neglect is for parents who abuse their children, expose them to drugs, rape (like in a drug home), and neglect (no proper care). These parents obviously don't care about their children, and obviously didn't bond with them the way a responsible parent would.

2007-08-11 09:54:26 · update #5

11 answers

Sometimes, abortion is an intelligent and viable choice (early in the pregnancy). It should never be used as a birth control method !

As you said, an unwanted child usually (if not always) is a wounded child. A child whose mother does not have the resources to provide for her/him is a : deprived child.

There was a recent book wherein the authors maintained that Roe v. Wade (and subsequent legal abortions) did not bring into this world a whole bunch of boys and girl who would have been unwanted or deprived (at best) and traumatized, victimized and full of self/other hatred (at worst). These authors concluded that, as far as the crime rate was concerned, it was much lower; because there weren't a bunch of young adults with grudges against mom and the world. As can be expected, they took a lot of heat and criticism for their guarded and caveated conclusions.

It is pure evil to call a young lady a murderer; simply because she did what was right in her sight and for her own survival. I am incensed about so called Christians and their busy body judgments about matters that are none of their concern.

As one of my fave bumper sticker says: "Don't believe in abortion? Then, don't have one"!

2007-08-10 14:27:18 · answer #1 · answered by Bill S 4 · 1 0

you're right that it is a very strong issue and many women are closed minded about it with good reason. they either believe it's murder or a women should be able to choose what is best for her. both situations are important. but you have to take a closer look and realize what is more important. life or your own wants. now i know that women that are for abortions dont believe the fetus is a living thing until out of the womb, but let's take a closer look.

there is no special change in a baby from in the womb to the moment it is outside. it is the same. even when it was just 1 month old it was alive and had the potential to be a human in our world. many think that the fetus is just a blob of tissue. no. a blob of tissue doesnt have the potential to be anything accept that, while a fetus is a living, breathing, and growing thing.

it just doest seem right that we can judge whether or not a fetus can come into this world and be a success or not.


edit: so you said that it would be better for a child to be aborted than to be given birth to and neglected. yet you also said " I know for me, it would be way harder to carry my baby 9 months, and give birth, and give it up, then not go through the experience to begin with." so you are admitting that once you give birth to the child it would be hard to give it up. this is because most women, when they see their child, have a motherly instinct to bond and love the child. proving that women that decide not to get an abortion most likely will not neglect and abuse (as you said) the child.

2007-08-10 12:52:16 · answer #2 · answered by just me 3 · 0 0

Using the term closed minded is really counterproductive regardless what side uses it, or what side you want to stand on.
In essence you have 2 camps here.
One side wants to exercise a women's right to do what she wants with her body. This camp consist of two subgroups:
the pro-abortion followed by the pro-choice.
The other camp is opposed to abortion. No pro-choice here.
Pro choice seems to be riding the fence. But no, anytime that that abortion is an option it fails to be neutral. Prochoice cannot be neutral. I hate to admit this but I have greater respect for a plain pro-abortion stance then one that attempts to ride the fence with prochoice.
The pro-life group places the rights of the unborn child ahead of the mother. The child is not given a pro-choice vote to live or die in the pro-abortion argument. The pro-life takes the position in behalf of the unborn child that the child wants to live. The pro-life group believes that the mother has a choice to get pregnant or not. There are many options to prevent such pregnancy. Its when pregnancy has become real that pro life believes you must surrender you first choice to you and exercise a choice in behalf of the unborn child.
What has fueled the debate even more is that the abortion industry is exactly that, an industry. Abortions are primarily done for convenience and less so having to do with the health of the mother. The other thing going against abortion is abortions performed on minors (less than 16 years old).
The identity of the male that got her pregnant is protected on the terms of the rights of the minor. How many minors have been pregnant because an adult male got her that way. A child rapist gets away with it.
Lets narrow this down to this if you would allow me to.
It's an issue about a woman's right verses the rights of the unborn choice. Or better yet, does the unborn child have any rights. Some try to dehumanize the child by addressing it as a fetus. A fetus is strickly a medical term.
There is nothing closed minded about this from either side of the abortion issue. Very simply, both sides have dug their heels in and nobody is moving. Oh by the way, I am prolife.
Thank you for a very good question addressed to all who read this.

2007-08-10 13:31:26 · answer #3 · answered by Tinman12 6 · 2 0

I am pro-choice. Personally I think if a woman is raped or a young girl who is sexually abused by a relative should not have to go through the trauma of having a child that may one day be in search of them. I was a victim of child abuse and although I never got pregnant, I am glad I was not faced with that decision. I don't feel abortion should be taken advantage of because there are so many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. I have three children and after 6 years I thought my child bearing days were over, but to my surprise I recently found out I am pregnant again. For a split second I did consider abortion (mainly for financial reasons) but I decided it happened for a reason and I feel blessed about the new addition to our family. I am married and we both work, but our finances is what worries me. I do remember my mother, who did have an abortion for the same reason, telling me if you can feed 3 then you can feed 4.

2007-08-10 12:57:21 · answer #4 · answered by juju baby 2 · 2 0

My opinion on the matter is, a abortion should be used as a last resort not for birth control, a women should have a in depth counseling session, as well as being put on a list for future references to possibly be mandated a tubal ligation,because some women do rely on abortion clinics, as a form of birth control. I also strongly believe a child being born into a world that's not neither wanted by either parent is no good either, therefore this can be a cause for irrational behavior on either parent therefore other options should be introduce in the abortion clinic as well. And with this not setting aside finances. Before I had belief in GOD, I thought about the idea of abortion more openly, but since I have seen GOD meet my needs, so much; I am not as open, because conception begins early on, much sooner than most think and GOD is a provider. Sometimes we just have to grin and bear it. Sorry I am neither for it or against it

2007-08-10 13:01:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

personally i could not do it and think it has become a means of birth control as opposed to a needed medical procedure, but i think that if the father wanted to raise the baby after he/she was born then he should have a say... have a chance to agree or disagree with the abortion. after all it is only fair - if the woman decides to keep the baby, the father will be made to pay child support whether he agrees to or not. So i think that it would be prudent for the father to have a say with regards to the potential abortion. just my opinion of course.

2007-08-10 12:41:14 · answer #6 · answered by wickedturnip 4 · 3 0

I believe in the Woman's right to choose for herself. Some women however say they felt unsupported and pressured into having an abortion. It is a complex issue and must be a very difficult decision to make but this is not a perfect world and unwanted pregnancies happen.

2007-08-10 12:48:26 · answer #7 · answered by kirrii 3 · 2 1

My view is that abortion is a medical procedure for a problem, not a form of birth control.

2007-08-10 12:36:19 · answer #8 · answered by Hot Coco Puff 7 · 3 0

I think it's stupid. Seriously, if you don't want a kid you can just give it up for adoption.

2007-08-10 13:24:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe in the babies' right to choose. Unfortunately, they don't have that right.

2007-08-10 12:52:15 · answer #10 · answered by MJ 5 · 1 1

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