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i used to be funny, happy, etc.

i've been alone in the house for my whole summer vacation, my parents and brother are here, but we barely ever talk to eachother. now i feel i'm just an annoyance to everyone, everything would be better if i could just move somewhere and start over, new, but i'm too young for that. i hate how i've changed and i hate myself, i dont want to feel this way, i dont know what to do, i've been having terrible dreams and my life is just so worthless, i get texts from friends and reply but i feel like im just boring them, and my replies are not anything worth actually reading. i cant talk to anyone, my mom always calls me bad names, shes a good mom, but it just kills me that she can call me those things with acting like she means them. no one likes me, people would like me more if i were dead, but i cant kill myself knowing things might get better, i dont know what to do, i have no close friends, most of my friends were my friends because i was funny, but now

2007-08-10 12:13:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

[/cont] but now i'm just boring and i dont know.

what should i do, help me, i dont want to feel like this

2007-08-10 12:14:47 · update #1

8 answers

Get out of the house. It is summer time. Many people are in the parks. Really nice people. You must first show yourself friendly to obtain Friends. There are so many organizations like Big Brothers/Sisters. People in convalescent homes need visitors. So many of their families have put them away and forgotten them. Look at the best seller list in the book stores and choose a good book to read while sitting in the park. The key is out of the house. What about a job? are some type of school? There are so many things creative to do. Go to the missions and help the people there feed the homeless. Get up off you butt and stop the pity party. Your depression is a cop out. I know some one will tell you that you need a psychiatrist. That' another cop out. You know more about yourself than he/she can ever tell you. All that will do is make their paycheck bigger. And give them a conversation piece at meal time.

2007-08-10 12:29:37 · answer #1 · answered by MS Williams 5 · 0 0

you're still funny, just having a more reflective mood"!, at times everyone has down times, for a million different reasons, all of them valid 100%. Whether anyone else understands or appreciates them is crap. What matters to you is important. write a list of what you want truly, out of life. Add in how you will achieve those goals, school, voluntary, whatever. Make every action you do have a reason and a goal. If you dont score first time, then try again, going around the block if you have to. Tell your Mom shes a good mom, ask her what you can do to help, cos you know she has a lot to do, and do those things that she asks for help in, all the time. Life isn't easy, but those of us who find it hard, just have more to give. Mentor someone, a kid who is being bullied or findning the school work hard, use your skills to help elders, talk to them, they are a real laugh, whatever, be human and understand things are not always easy or good, but all is ther to make us better.

2007-08-10 19:28:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ah little grasshopper...I remember those teen years! They can totally suck, yep. But you're right about things getting better. One thing in life that you can always always count on, and that's that it will change. So, with that in mind, know it will be better soon. That's logic. Now about how you're feeling, I'd suggest calling your school counselor, he or she can be found even if school's out. Find out if there's a support group or someone you can talk to outside of the family where you can get these feelings out and start working on some solutions. You're worthy of your life, no matter what mood you're in, or how funny you are, or if you're cute, ugly, fat, covered in zits, in sports, a nerd or whatever. The only person you owe your happiness to is yourself. So what if you're not funny. Neither is my cat, she just lazes around all day, but I love her anyway cause she's just being herself. We change as humans. Did you know that Einstein flunked math? Who know how cool he'd turn out to be? Do you know how much makeup movie stars have to put on to look exciting? Or how many hours comedians have to practice to come off looking funny? Know thine own coolness kiddo. It's kind of a fun secret.

2007-08-10 19:56:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am saddened by your letter. and it seems there are far too many young people going through the same thing. I very much suggest you talk to a professional to help you cope with depression. you can do it on your own, without the help of your mother. simply call your family doctor and make an appointment. make sure you get out of the house to do things. get out for a walk, read books. make some new friends, join groups that share your interests. I think you should be proud of yourself for reaching out for help.That takes great courage, but please take my advice and get professional help. all the best.

2007-08-10 19:21:44 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

you know what? i feel your pain. i'm kinda in that space myself. life is a really hard experience sometimes. enough to make u feel like you are already in hell. it gets to the point where u have to let everyone go and concentrate on yourself. love yourself. work on yourself. forget about everyone else cause when it comes down to it, no one is never gonna care for you like u would yourself. if your mom is talkin crap to u, learn how to tune her out. learn how to not let her words get to u. she has already showed u that she doesnt care for your feelings, so why do u keep your emotions open to her? understand that for anyone to get to know whats deep inside of u is a privilege. you have to believe you are worth that. show by example. love yourself. and sooner than later you will start to have people in your life that WANTS to love you like u deserve. if youre friends arent your friend anymore since youre not bein funny then forget those losers. friends come and go. few are actually permenant. and real friends are with you no matter what. you are much too hard on yourself and i know by experience. dont give people that power over you. u dont always have to be that funny person. you only have to be you. its the easiest thing u can be. and in time u find friends who want to be your friend because you are who you are, not because you make them laugh. the pain and depression can consume you if u let it. its hard to get up from because no one is gonna be there to help u thru it. be strong. love yourself. believe that you are worth the love and attention you are looking for and never lose sight of that. if u need to talk to someone, u can talk to me. thats real. i been where u at and i know where youre goin. i'm here to tell u that if u stay strong and believe and love yourself, things will definitely get better. but u have to believe it for yourself. stop tellin yourself negative things. and stop listening to people who tell u negative things. you have a friend here if u need it...

2007-08-10 19:32:53 · answer #5 · answered by unbeeleevaboo 1 · 0 0

reach out look up deppression on line .there are counselors on line who can help you and get you through this.tell some you have these thoughts how old are you? somebody on yahoo answers can help you! use yahoo answer as a way to vent your frustrations!! with your situation don't give up.don't kill your self because of a temporary situtation.

2007-08-10 19:54:08 · answer #6 · answered by dms 4 · 0 0

Quit using drugs and alcohol.

2007-08-10 19:20:08 · answer #7 · answered by box of rain 7 · 0 0


2007-08-10 19:20:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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