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Married 10 years, going out 11 years before marriage. Hubby is now bald, fat and hairy and snores.

He just got sacked as a professional. What should i do?

2007-08-10 12:11:06 · 32 answers · asked by ezmarelda 3 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

32 answers

divorce him and marry some other man

thanks for thumbs down nowt like a little unappreciation

one question ezmarelda how do you compare to twenty one years ago (and be honest)

i have added four stone , four inches of loose belly, changed hair colour naturally(grey) , packed up smoking, and my wife still loves me and doesnt complain about me too much

2007-08-10 12:13:58 · answer #1 · answered by dave kp61 4 · 1 4

People age and they won't always look like they did when you first married them. I've been married 20 years. My husband has gained a little wait and is losing his hair.
But I think he looks better now then back then. Good grief - some of those old pictures with the big hair. Anyway, you might just have to be encouraging in a non condescending way. I run 4 miles a day and am in better shape now then when I was 20. Rather then bugging my husband about his weight, I found a way that we could work out together.
He is probably also feeling pretty low if he just lost his job so keep that in mind.
The snoring part - well, he can't help that. But my husband uses those nose strips and they work like a miracle.
We always have felt lucky that we love doing the same things and have things in common. That's what keeps things interesting. Because no matter what, looks fade and people grow old. On the other hand, you don't have to act old just because you are getting older.

2007-08-10 12:31:00 · answer #2 · answered by jkc 5 · 1 0

I think it's important to romanticize your partner's small flaws (baldness, body hair and extra weight are definitely small flaws), to find them sweet. We're all becoming less and less perfect from the moment we're born, and our imperfections are really what make us human and loveable.

If you don't find him sexy, it's probably really because you're feeling unappreciated yourself, or because of the stress everyone feels when their other loses a job. Maybe pampering yourself, and not thinking so much about your husbands negative qualities would take some pressure off of the situation. Buy a dress, get your nails done. . . do something to make yourself feel sexy and desirable. Sex isn't what your relationship is founded on anyway, if it were, you'd be out the door already.

That said, you might try doing new things together---

Dance lessons are good for chemistry (especially Tango)---the physical exertion and closeness usually lead to impure thoughts ;).

I like to cook with my partner and share some nice wine; one of us does the prep work, and the other plays chef. If your husband likes food well enough to put on weight, I'd take that as a sign that he has a sensual nature. Take advantage of that by trying/preparing interesting dinners together---whole, healthy, produce-driven dinners may help him lose a few pounds anyway. Something about being in the kitchen together, listening to music and drinking wine is so comforting! And take a walk after dinner.

Do what you like though (you know what you and your husband enjoy doing). Come together in the evenings. Be kind.

As other answerers have suggested, the nasal strips, called "Breathe Right," work wonders for people that snore.

2007-08-12 09:08:42 · answer #3 · answered by Crumbling Beauty 3 · 0 0

Okay - this is a tough one! The best remedy for unsexy is a sense of humour - I think its probably best to find time to be by yourselves for a little bit every week and have a laugh together - go bowling or go karting - something silly. People do tend to let themselves go after a while in a comfy relationship so why not try introducing healthy eating into the house - it will do everyone some good and may help him lose weight. He may snore less if he isn't so fat. Good luck.

2007-08-10 12:16:59 · answer #4 · answered by AUNTY EM 6 · 1 0

Marriages are like roller coasters, and it sounds like you are on a down spell. If you ride it out, most likely it will get fun and exciting again. You need to get him to do some self improvement, he should lose some weight for his health, and that should also help with the snoring. Then you need to start having fun with him again. Go out to dinner or to see a movie. You need to focus on the things that have made you love him all of these years. You should also be honest with him, don't say that you don't find him sexy, but tell him that you two need to spice things up.

2007-08-10 20:05:29 · answer #5 · answered by lifeisgood 5 · 0 0

god marriage means so little these days to so many huh?

first you live the life then the life happens around you - the only exeption I know to that rule is people wanting cash and winning the lottery.

you want a fitter household? take up a little exercise and encourage he joins in

you want him to be a lil more flirty, be a lil more flirty

you want him to be ore playful, be more playful

see a pattern here?
oki then the next problem - that only happens when you start?
maybe, maybe not - some people are jsut waiting for a cue to start up again. if not - keep it up, they'll get used to it, and then one day when they normally expect it, you dont (dont be nasty be nice and respond to them when they do)
besides keep it up long enough and neither of you will know who started it apart from once apon a time - back then.
other than that persistance - dont let anything kknock you down, and be positive - if you can use positivty to show how hes always doing something well ... well, some of these concepts are getting very advanced now .. put some life into it, and extend that to him - go play!

2007-08-10 12:26:13 · answer #6 · answered by Andy C 5 · 1 0

well i am getting married next month, and believe it or not my fiance has already started packing on the pounds, but what I do is try not to think about all that. I can't say being attracted to someone is not important, because it is. Maybe you can go out together dancing or something you used to do years ago when you were first married, make him dress up in something you love to see him in ( i know you have atleast ONE thing) and dress as sexy as possible..hey the sexier you look and feel, he'll prolly want to keep up to par because he wont want all the other men stealing his attention, and go out and have fun. Face it, we all get older , gain weight sometimes lose if were lucky, but hopefully theres something on the inside of him ( like his sweet side) that you find incredibly sexy.

i hope that helps...

2007-08-10 12:17:29 · answer #7 · answered by Jami 3 · 1 0

My husband and i married in 1988 , i was 17 and a size 12-14.(americans 10-12) . He's a builder so hes weatherbeaten , looks 50 rather then 42. He's going grey even in the pubes area which really turns me off.But im now a uk 18-20 and he still wants me after all these years. You have to realise we all change , get older , get less attractive .I deal with it . He probably does too (EVEN THOUGH IM PERFECT )

2007-08-10 13:37:46 · answer #8 · answered by nicolabuddah 3 · 2 0

Sounds like he let himself go - and lost his job. What would you want him to do if the situation was reversed? It really sounds like you were not all that thrilled with him lately anyway, but if you want to make it work -------
Encouragement would be nice - buy him nice clothes. watch "Queer eye for the straight guy" (if it is still on) to get him thinking about improving in a light hearted way.Take walks at night to help get the weight off and only have wholesome food in the house. At his age he will be competing with the younger group for a new job so he better get up to speed.

2007-08-10 12:20:24 · answer #9 · answered by justwondering 6 · 1 0

I would hope after a 21 year relationship ypi would be able to look past his appearance i wouldn t think you are as you were 21 years ago i bet you have a few extra pounds and sagging and lots of other faults there was a part in your vowels better for worse sickness and health

2007-08-10 14:29:47 · answer #10 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

well baldness could be stress or hederitory. so theres nothing you can do there.and anyways there are many sexy men out there who are bald.
and why don't you suggest joining the gym together as something you want to do and it would be nice if you could do it together.

and snoring well either pinch his nose while he's asleep or get him sum of this nose strips off the advert on the tele.


2007-08-10 12:42:41 · answer #11 · answered by the_lil_pixie14 2 · 1 0

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