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*Have a beautiful weekend*, ahead of you! :)

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Take care!

2007-08-10 11:58:04 · 23 answers · asked by Kimberly 6 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

Tom B and I ♥ Sirius Black, thanks :)

2007-08-10 12:10:06 · update #1

Third P, thanks :)

2007-08-10 12:29:53 · update #2

Q-ball and Polly, thank you :)

2007-08-11 07:06:01 · update #3

Ghoulina, thank you :)

2007-08-13 07:23:07 · update #4

23 answers

A good twist in asking a good question. In directing your life you must be the driver because it is you who is maneuvering the direction or way to the road. As the driver you must be armed with the safety rules & regulations in life otherwise your life will be in a misery. In otherwords you will have violations during the course of the way. As the lone driver of your life, you must choose the road to goodness, that is the path for a smooth life. The road to evil is fool of rough tangling and it is too hard to reach the destiny you want to because of the wrong path. Remember don't let your life drive by someone else. It is too delicate and very immature for a person. You will not grow if someone will lead your way. What if your driver met an accident and dies who will drive for you. Your life must not be dependent to others. Stand on your own and BE INDEPENDENT!

2007-08-10 12:26:24 · answer #1 · answered by Third P 6 · 3 0

What beautiful and thoughtful answers above to a great question.
My first instinct when reading this was to say I'm a 'driver' as in most areas I have control of my life and generally I have driven while loved-ones have been the passengers as our lives together have developed around the course I've taken. Even so, as passengers, they've all gone off and done their separate thing regularly returning. So maybe I'm driving a bus where the passengers can get on and off at different destinations but the bus is always there for them when they need it.
In some situations in life however I do like to leave the driver's seat free as I feel I can see so much more of what is going on from the back seat. For instance I am secretary of the local village hall and I'm currently aware of so much of what's happenning within the committee whereas the Chairman is totally out of touch. Whether that might mean a change of drivers, maybe. But sometimes it is possible to 'control' while being a passenger because the passenger's got the map while the driver just goes where the passenger says.
Great question,

2007-08-10 20:29:18 · answer #2 · answered by pollyanna 6 · 1 0

Sometimes I don't think my life has a driver.
It is going in all sorts of directions and changes every day it seems.
When I was taking care of my invalid mother I had to be the driver because I was the only one that knew what to do for her and if I wanted any help, I had to tell everyone what to do.
I have two daughters who just entered adulthood and I feel like I am now a passenger in that aspect of my life when I once was the driver.
With my husband I even feel like the driver because nothing will get done around here unless I steer him in the right direction. And he is always asking me about stuff.
As for work or career, I am not a driver or passenger, because I am in limbo and don't know what to do at the present. I always have so much stuff to do, I really don't know when I could find time to work.
Ok, so I am the driver in my life or is it everyone else's life I am the driver in and not my life?
Whatever, it is working for me at the present.
Though I would just like to sit back and be the passenger once in a while but then I wouldn't be in control.

2007-08-10 15:28:26 · answer #3 · answered by Tigger 7 · 1 0

I am the driver. I am the one to choose if I wish to turn into a side road or not; I am alert to any hazards. I am 100% responsible. When I was very young, I had a recurring nightmare. I was always in the passenger seat. The driver was invisible, but in control. It was the same treacherous mountain road, & I was terrified at every narrow curve. At the moment the wheels on my side slipped to the edge of a deep abyss, I'd wake up. At some point in time, I was on that mountain road alone, the driver. I wasn't terrified, but had to be extremely cautious. This dream evolved to its finality. I was driving, approaching that mean old mountain road, & saw another that led into a beautiful, flat meadow. Only in retrospect have I realized that the dream represented my feelings of impotency, & being controlled. It was less, but still "dangerous" when I was the driver. The meadow was an alternative I hadn't observed. I traced the pattern of my life at that time, & see precisely the things that occurred, leading me to the meadow. I've been the driver ever since, & literally, when in a car, I only feel safe & confident when I'm in the driver's seat.

2007-08-10 19:45:36 · answer #4 · answered by Valac Gypsy 6 · 2 0

I think right now I am a student driver, I am driving during the day with others in the passenger seat, assisting me in an advisory state only, until night comes when I must turn over the keys to someone else. The meaning of that is there are still many things in my life that I don't have complete control over, but some that I've got covered.

2007-08-16 13:51:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When you start out, from baby stage to toddler stage, you are pretty much a passenger, being dependant upon your very survival on your parent/s and/or care-takers. As you grow older, though, you become more and more the driver of your own destination, as you start taking responsibility for your own well-being as each year progresses towards adulthood. And then, once you reach adulthood, you take full control, and you ride the road of life in the driver's seat - to a greater or to a lesser degree as a free spirit, depending on how much you allow external distractions to influence your life. As to the directions you take, it is pretty much up to you: How well do you plan before taking the trip; how well do you understand the road signs; how much do you allow extrenal influences to change your course; how well do you understand the vehicle that you are traveling in (your body and especially your soul)?
And then, just when you think you are now mastering this action of driving with confidence - when you reach the pinacle of your life - you start loosing control again, as old age starts taking control: You loose bodily powers (the engine starts faltering and lossing power); the computer which controls the mechanism of the vehicle starts gettint too cluttered (and starts lossing control), and lo-and-behold, before you realize it, you are not in control anymore and other "drivers" start taking over your "steering mechanism". As an oldster you again become dependant upon care-takers . . .
From time-to-time you do loose control of the situation and are distracted from steering a straight course, along the way! Susch distractions include: Romance; Career changes: Menopause (in women) and Middle Age awareness (in men); love affairs; financial mistakes; taking chances and doing something you will surely regret; etc. These are normally more wrong/bad choices in your choice of routes . . . As with all vehicles, sometimes the oil or gas is dirty, which negatively impacts upon the performance; and like in driving long distances, you have to take a pit stop somewhere along the line, stretch your legs and get rid of excess bodily waste products; in life too you have to do so - and sometimes your body, or circumstances beyond your control, simply demands this from you . . .
YET! As with all vehicles, there was a time when you too were simply a blue print on a drawing board, and a Master Planner, did a lot of R&D before welding the first two plates together, and bolting on the first wheel nut. Thus, however you look at it, at the end of the day, your performance, as a driver (who learns the art of drving hands-on throughout your life) is dependant upon the Master Plan laid down by the Master Planner, for even though you are the driver, you are at the same time also the vehicle being driven. So: after all is said and done, your are intrinsically just a passenger, THINKING that he/she is the driver . . .
PS: Thanx for the well-wishing - ditto 2U!

2007-08-11 04:30:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Good good question. I think at times I am the driver and at other times I am the passenger. Sometimes I take charge of my life other times I let other lead or take control. When i was younger my parents took control. Now that I am wiser, I have control, however I do let my husband be a backseat driver...he gets some say on where I am going. :)

2007-08-13 06:59:25 · answer #7 · answered by Ghoulina 3 · 1 0

Actually both...when you are in school or meet an experienced ppl in life you are like a passenger...you take the good things and apply to your life which will reduce the time and energy you would have applied to experience it. When After you have been a passenger...then you can take over the wheel and be the driver yourself.

2007-08-10 12:03:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am a pedestrian whom you are trying to run over. Just kidding! That's a victim, which is much like a passenger. I believe I am a driver, since I make the decisions that affect my life. I also accept the responsiblity for ALL of my actions.

2007-08-16 13:44:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am a driver, but that does not mean I am in complete control. When you drive you have control of the car but what if deer jumps out in front you and completely changes what you were doing. Also when you drive you have control over the car but the road was laid down before got there and will be there once you are gone.

2007-08-10 12:11:55 · answer #10 · answered by spartanmike 4 · 1 0

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