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a friend of a friend always said she knew my sexuality before i came out. i am bisexual but she classes me as gay and my male friend calls me a lesbian. on the other hand my mum treats me like i am straight.

the point i am getting to is why do a lot of people avoid the term 'bisexual' and refuse to call you it.

i am not a lesbian and not gay or half of either i am bisexual.

bisexuality is a sexuality in it's own right.
that's why this section has L G 'B' & T

has anyone ever experienced this or heard of this before???

2007-08-10 11:35:04 · 14 answers · asked by ♥SPARKLES♥™ 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

tiffany w: very helpful thanks

2007-08-10 12:07:25 · update #1

14 answers

=/ Yeah, some people just don't treat the sexuality seriously, when in reality there -many- people who are bisexual but just refer to themselves as one extreme.

In the end, it helps just to ignore them. You know what you are, and that's all that matters.

2007-08-10 11:45:10 · answer #1 · answered by The Smile Man 6 · 4 0

there are many reason for this type of treatment, the first is that, sadly, many people don't even believe in bisexuality, even many people who are all up in the gay rights area don't think that it's a legitimate orientation all it's own, if you can convince these people otherwise, than go for it, but if you can't, it's not worth trying harder

on the other hand, there are people who just don't understand it, even gay men and women don't understand what it's like to love both of the sexes, these people can be made to understand by just answering any questions they have.

your mom might just be sticking to her customs, she might not even realize how she's treating you, plus, it's difficult to classify someone treating you as a bisexual vs. treating you "straight" vs. treating you "gay," unless she calls you "my little straight girl," or openly states that you only love men, then maybe she just doesn't know how else to treat you.

2007-08-10 19:18:34 · answer #2 · answered by Narry 3 · 1 0

Unfortunately, there are gay people and straight people who insist you have only two choices in life: gay or straight. They don't see any other option and view bisexuality as a refusal to admit you're gay.

I'm sorry to say that I thought that, too, when I was very young. I've grown and evolved and met enough bisexual people now to know it's real.

Sadly, what happens sometimes is that otherwise bisexual people feel compelled to only act on same-sex attraction. Then, later on, we see them claiming to have "changed" from gay to heterosexual when in reality they are simply bisexual to begin with.

More power to you for standing up for yourself and your reality.

2007-08-10 23:25:47 · answer #3 · answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7 · 1 0

Alot of Straight and Gay people refuse to acknowledge Bisexuality. Cuz they think "She is a Lesbian in denial," "On the fence," or my favorite- "She hasn't found the right man yet,"- Oh brother! Bisexuality is as real a Homosexuality and Heterosexuality. People also forget the Kinsey scale

The scale is as follows:

Rating Description

0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual
X Asexual

And that sexuality is very fluid. People can be straight as kids and NATURALLY turn gay as adults.Or vise versa. Please don't let it bother you.

2007-08-10 21:56:17 · answer #4 · answered by kate5rosemary 3 · 1 0

Some people disagree with the definition of bisexuality. You are either gay or straight. For the record, of course some people are bisexual

2007-08-10 18:44:49 · answer #5 · answered by Pink 5 · 1 0

yes its a laugh... you see and hear and read it all the time ...I myself am bisexual and so is my lady (very bi) , we are not gay or lesbian at all and have no desire at all to have a emotional relationship with the same sex BUT love the sexual aspect of same sex fun , we both find it very arousing and very satisfying ,but we are still called either gay or lesbian even though its plain to see we are not .. seems a lot of people can't or don't want to accept this ..maybe because they feel threatened who knows maybe even jealous because we DO have the best of both worlds sexually

2007-08-10 20:59:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you're mom treats u like you're straight because its what she wants. its easier for a parent to pretend that their kid is "normal" as with your friends...idk, maybe you need better friends who will accept you for what you truely are. dont listen tio what other people say, you know what you are and thats all that matters. people do the same to me as well. my mom has been trying to convince me that i am going through a "phase" for over 6 years. there was a time when i got drunk of my *** and made a decision that i greatly regret. now a number of my friends think that im bi instead of a lesbian. personally, i dont think that there should be any labels. u are who u r. and even if your gay or straight you'll never know if you'll fall for someone. you love who you love. it shouldnt matter

2007-08-10 18:50:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

to this day my sisters insist I am a lesbian. Even though I have been with my male fiance for 4 years... And my mom insists I'm straight... So yes. What ever makes them happy I guess.

2007-08-10 18:43:18 · answer #8 · answered by Ayana 6 · 1 0

i have a friend who recently told me that she thinks that there is no such thing as "bisexual". i didnt say anything to her because i did not want to start drama or anything.
but i personally think that there is no such thing as gay or straight.

it is not black or white. and you cannot say that you are ONLY attracted to one gender, but it is more of a preference. like "i prefer men" or "i prefer women".

but i have met many people who have had their preferences challenged. people who have lived their whole lives as "straight" that find themselves attracted to one person of the same gender. this does not make them gay, or even bisexual. it just makes them them.

tell your friends to stop defining you. and let you be what you know you are.

good luck.

2007-08-10 18:48:41 · answer #9 · answered by ohno 3 · 1 0

people think that just because you like one thing your attamatically gay or lesbian when its not true i think you shuld tell them *look im not gay im not a lesbian im bi* and tell them you dont like them saying thoughs things and parents try to avoid the fact that there kids are bi or w/e cause they think they might have done something wrong i think you should sit her down and tell her how you feel to and make sure she understands it was your own choice

hope i helped
if i did tell me =]] lol thx

2007-08-10 18:46:02 · answer #10 · answered by misstiffany 2 · 1 0

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