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I think not. I have noticed that SOME people on here are either (1) well-meaning liberals who unknowingly support the socialist agenda (useful idiots), or (2) avowed socialists who deceitfully defend the socialist agenda and attack patriots like myself. I don't know which category each individual lib falls into, and I don't really care, but it is time to clear the air.
A review of facts supports the reality that Socialism is a very clear and present danger:

In the early 1900s, unrest in Europe brought thousands of socialists to America. Many held degrees in psychology, sociology and psychiatry (the behavioral sciences) and a number of them became university professors
The socialists' first target was education, and they attacked with deceitful language. There were no badges or socialist labels; followers described themselves as "liberal," "progressive," and even "moderate." Words were the weapon of choice in this new war. By changing the meanings of words, socialists concealed their true purpose.
America's educational system began to decline with the introduction of Socialism. Lenin said: "Communism is socialism in a hurry." Socialism, therefore, is Communism by gradualism rather than by revolution.


John Dewey, known as "the father of modern education," was an avowed socialist and the coauthor of the "Humanist Manifesto." The U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities discovered that he belonged to 15 Marxist front organizations.


Norman Thomas, a socialist and member of the American Civil Liberties Union, boldly told the world: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."


Like so many frogs-in-the-pot, there are people in the USA who haven't yet noticed the heat rising incrementally. Those of us who see the light, are not going to stand idly by and be boiled


Socialism must be destroyed, once and for all.

2007-08-10 11:29:42 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

Yep, it is a real threat and these people simply can't see it nor do they want to admit it. They think that living off of the government trough and receiving entitlements are a way of life.

Our new generation are a bunch of spoiled people who expect others to supply everything for them. I refuse to support them and will never allow myself to become a part of the system that they propose.

Socialism is a real fear.

2007-08-10 11:36:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 7

LOL! Look at all these libs.....'socialism works for Canada, socialism works in Europe, socialism works in Denmark,,,,,,blah, blah, blah. Remember what momma used to say? If your best friend jumped off a bridge, would you do so as well?"

Are all you liberal women secure enough in your employment that you will have that job under a socialist 'president'?--willing to accept socialism and all the 'goodies' that come with it? Guess what? Under Germany's welfare laws, any woman under 55 who has been out of work for more than a year can be forced to take an available job – including in the sex industry – or lose her unemployment benefit. Oh, here is your link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/01/30/wgerm30.xml

Can't happen here? Think again--because you're overmedicated.

Let's talk about the trend of you progressives to embrace 60s liberalism. First-you have this idea of free love. After all, we are told that Europe is so much freer than the U.S. because they show boobies on TV and 14 year-olds can throw back a cold one legally. (You really sound like jealous teenagers whining about how America needs to be more like Europe.) So, naturally, they legalize prostitution. The modern left, though, can't just legalize something. But if something is legal, then it must be OK and who are we to judge? Well, if something is ok and we have declared that is not immoral, well, by God, it's a right to do what you want AND have it funded by the government!!

We have many examples here in the U.S. of this thought process. How many times have proposals to shut down the National Endowment of the Arts been labeled "censorship"? No, we aren't denying you your right to say stupid things or paint obscene pictures. We are merely saying that you need to fund such projects yourself. And just like the feminazis desire to not only have legal abortions, but federally funded abortions here in the states, the German left said that if prostitution is legal, then it deserves equal rights at the public trough. So, you have a woman, who turns down a job as a whore, and her unemployment check is going to be withheld. There has got to be something absurdly poetic about having your ability to avoid work funded by the government. I guess if you are gonna be an entitlement whore, you might as well be a good sport and be a real whore as a favor to the economy. If Godzillary is elected--she WILL bring a whole new meaning to "THE DC MADAM".

So for all you remedial socialists, this is what you get. Government takes money from the people BY FORCE. Then, they use it to provide a substandard service. If you don’t like it, your complaints fall on deaf ears, and you can never revoke the program. This is not freedom. This is tyranny aka SOCIALISM.

2007-08-10 19:56:33 · answer #2 · answered by Cherie 6 · 3 1

Thanks for the references. I always wanted to know who followed Debs and La Follette (loser 1 and 2) but it was never worth the time or effort to look it up.

It's amazing how many people are, as you say, useful idiots or deceitful, ingenuous, or naive in their understanding of how the world works (I have lived in, visited, or even driven in more countries than most of those who comment have knowledge of).

Socialism in all its forms and organizations is the largest threat to the US and the world today. Like a cancer, it can't survive without a healthy host to support its destructive existence; inevitably, as history has shown, socialism sprouts, grows, and destroys its host.

Why is Antioch college bankrupt and closing?

Because, see George Will (with comments) reference 1:
Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, had been so busy turning undergraduates into vessels of liberalism and apostles of social improvement that it had not found time for the tiresome task of teaching them tedious facts, such as that the rebels in Spain were Franco's fascists.
end quote

To those who aggrandize the socialists in Europe, ask why the socialists just got their collective butts kicked in France and Germany...

To those who have traveled and not seen poverty in Europe, I say "baloney" (balogna for the educated). Look at the 'drug parks' in large cities and the souls who inhabit them. Look at the ugly concrete high-rise apartment buildings and tell me they are a desirable place to live (house the sheeple who will vote for more socialistic 'protection').

Then go see some poverty that does certainly exist there or ask *any* of my many Brit friends why they travel to India or the US to have timely and reasonable medical care. Ask an honest Canadian why they travel to the US for medical care.

Don't forget to add the South American barrios which are a product of what type of government? (kleptocracies that pander their socialistic gruel to the masses?)

Which countries have the highest tax rates, highest suicide rates, and the highest rates of alcoholism (yeah, that's right, it's the socialistic ones).

Yes, I agree with your premise and recommendation.

Illigitemi non carborundum [not actually Latin, reference 2].

Keep up the good fight, there are some days that the the idiocy slows me down.

2007-08-10 20:20:13 · answer #3 · answered by xxpat 1 3 · 2 1

The United states is in a civil war (not with guns and soldiers but a war of philosophy) and the liberals don't seem to be aware of the obvious.

You are dead right on one point. There are 2 types of liberals. There is the "mastermind" , this liberal has a strategy and openly is campaigning, manipulating and fighting to make socialism grow. The other type of liberal is the "lemming". The "lemming" is emotionally driven, definitely not intelectually driven. This type of liberal is the pawn for the mastermind liberal to manipulate. The lemming is mostly single issue, knee jerk type- motivated by gay rights, abortion rights, illegal immigrant rights and many other selfish interest groups.

Michael Moore (mastermind liberal) will make a movie like "Sicko", trying to emotionally motivate the lemming or potential lemming, to be affected by his distrorted documentary. Moore doesn't admit he is trying to destroy the foundation of our society, in order to build it back up, his way- socialist. The funny part, trial lawyers are by FAR, the most evil, harmful element causing our health care to "sky rocket" and somehow Michael Moore gives them a pass. He didn't give insurance companies and drug comapnies a pass, just protected socialist "friends".

You won't see Michael Moore do a documenary on the tragedy of black leadership; instead of following Dr King's message to heal wounds, bring people together and forgive, instead we have false leaders like Sharpton and Jackson, bringing misery to the people they are supposed to help (and personally profiting).

But, Jackson and Sharpton are in the brotherhood of socialism and liberalism, where you never criticize another socialist; sorry my comrades, if you can't see how corrupt liberalism really is, then you are blind to reality.

2007-08-10 20:27:52 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 3 1

The United States is unique in the world in not having a socialist, communist or labor party worth spitting at, but that doesn't keep some people from spitting at the few American socialists. It's actually a major question in American studies why there is no socialist movement in the US. My grandma studied it in the 1920s. Now, if you think socialism is being gradually implemented in the US, the most pragmatic society in the world, then you must agree that socialism is inevitable. Americans are not being tricked into Socialism, they are trying to find solutions to difficult modern problems. If they hit upon Socialism, under whatever name, when they are just trying to find the best solution, then Socialism must be the best solution. QED.

p.s. I am not a Socialist, I just think you are a nut case. Remember, the bigger a conspiracy the harder it is to keep it secret (e.g. Watergate). So if the socialist conspiracy is really as big as you think, it wouldn't be secret.

2007-08-10 19:02:05 · answer #5 · answered by anotherguy 3 · 2 4

That's why I don't just leave the Democratic Party.

Read the part under "split" halfway down the following link:

2007-08-10 18:42:56 · answer #6 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 2 1

threat? no a consequence of social evolution? yes what's so scary about doing things together as a community? we already do lots of stuff together...schools, roads, police, fire, social security, medicare, medicaid, CDC, public health, Interstate highways, building inspections, community hospitals, regulated public utilities, water and sewer dept, search and rescue, public transportation, fishing license, hunting license, vehicle registration and inspections, local, state and national parks and recreation areas, and we all benefit from each of those. some of the nicest places in the world to live ( and I've been there to see for myself) have some form of democratic socialism as their system....Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, etc.....they have very high standards of living, people are happy, free, independent in a free market economy with free elections and those whom I have known (and often stayed with when invited - the farmers are the best) in cities or along remote country roads wouldn't trade with us for anything. I have never seen the kind of slums and very poor rural areas there like I see here, and I have traveled ALL over, way off the tourist track to remote rural areas and strolled through many cities way outside the tourist areas. Every kid has a first class school to go to no matter where they live, no matter how remote, no matter where they live in a city. The streets are clean and the people are prosperous. Some do move from their to here, but it's a small percentage...............I can her you suggest I move over there, but THIS is my country and I want my country to be better...as good as it can be...and we CAN do a lot better when we work together instead of trying to just look out for ourselves alone.

2007-08-10 18:49:32 · answer #7 · answered by amazed we've survived this l 4 · 3 2

Your assessment is most valid...a great percentage here on the left are as you say useful idiots or truly neosocialists. This is a clear and present danger that cannot be ignored.

2007-08-11 17:58:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

God this is pathetic. You have to get your information from wikipedia, try reading a book once in a while that isn't Harry Potter.

Why is half of America so stupid? EVERY other western developped country in the world uses socialist style health systems, education systems, social safety nets.

And before you start to go on about how these things are best done in the US (they are not) did you know the country with the lowest illiteracy levels in the world is Russia, a former communist country. My how American style education has created a nation of idiots.

2007-08-10 18:40:47 · answer #9 · answered by RedsForever 3 · 8 5

And what is it these Socialists going to do?

You have detailed HOW they have planned to take over, but WHAT do you think all this education and Civil Liberties are going to do to America?

2007-08-10 19:56:45 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. Bad Day 7 · 1 2

Both the conservatives and liberals in our government are all socialists unforutnately.. Everyone has their own agenda.... and thats why the country is in the mess that its in... There is also the middle class cruch where they are trying to eliminate us.. The best we can do is stop putting party names in front of us and remeber we are all Americans.. when something bad happens we all will suffer regardless of our beliefs... We need to be fighting against the rich, instead of amongst each other.. They are the ones who control everything and the must be stopped.. We can't have another corporate backed president..

2007-08-10 18:37:44 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

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