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It’s very hard to look beyond a question at face value; especially when a question challenges your existence and being. I am not trying to justify for those that pose questions that are intolerant of the LGBTQ community. Nor am I trying to justify those of us who are smug by putting everyone else’s opinion other than those of our own down. We all have a different belief system and have different faiths. Before we ask, or answer, let us take a closer look at our own words. Make sure that these are the very same words that we can proudly identify as our own. It’s easy to put down someone whose opinions differ than ours. It’s easier to call them out by derogatory names like bigot, idiot, sexist, pig, racist, homophobe, etc.

2007-08-10 11:24:41 · 16 answers · asked by Tom W 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Our cycle of abuse has to stop with each other. Let it stop with me! Let it stop with you! Let’s look beyond the questions and answers. Let’s look at the people who are behind the computer screen. Maybe it’s a soldier venting his frustration and anger for being away from his family. Maybe it’s a little girl scared because of the sexual abuse from another woman. Maybe it’s a teenager looking to get a few laughs. Maybe it’s someone who is married but knows that he/she is gay looking for an answer to why he feels this way. Whatever our reasons may be for asking and answering, we all continue on a cycle. Let the cycle of abuse stop! Let the cycle of healing and understanding begin!

What are your thoughts?

2007-08-10 11:24:55 · update #1

16 answers

i feel exactly the same way. it just seems like this forum is a battleground for everyone to yell at and call eachother names. people post things about the bible and how it sayd that we are going to hell and them we post things about how close- minded they are. it just goes back and forth and it doesn't seem like it'll ever stop. people start reporting eachother and then accounts get deleted. there have been times when i would get sick of being on this forum and move to another because i see the same things everyday.

i think we need to stop fighting. if people have a problem with us being gay then they have no buisness being on this forum. they shouldnt be here if they disagree with us. and if we see a negative post, we shouldnt even respond to it, we should just ignore it and pay attention to the people whose questions we can answer without an argument

2007-08-10 11:41:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

I completely agree with you! I personally show my own perspective and point of view on things when I answer a question, I try not to use bad words offending the person who asked the question because I don't think it is really necesserely, specially if the question contents bad words in it. I know I can express myself without it but I have to confess I told Dr. Doris to f***k herself once but because she really crossed the line.
I have to say I really like answering some questions, sometimes I can really relate to them and it is nice to read different stories. I feel when I answer I am actually conecting with the person by showing my opinion.
I think some people really make question to find some hope sometimes, some are very confused and really needs an advice. When I was 17 I was thinking about suicide because I felt strong feelings for a girl and I didn't have anyone to turn to, I was very depressed I hardly talked to anyone. I couldn't fit in at school, I was feeling very lonely. I searched on internet for people who were like so that I could talk to them, I had no gay or bi friends. To make a long story short I joined this lesbian forum and due to that I didn't committed suicide because I didn't feel so alone anymore.
What I try to do here is to help when I can because I know the difference it might have in someone's life when things are really bad and they don't have anyone to turn to.

2007-08-10 12:12:47 · answer #2 · answered by Lari 2 · 2 0

I'm not really sure what your question is but some of your beliefs are quite clear and I agree. We should take the time to try to understand others and not resort to dislike (and for some, hate) so easily. Life is not an easy road and we need all the help that we can get. If we all just slowed down a bit to welcome everyone we encounter, there would be less animosity. We are just too busy shutting people out. We should be opening up our doors and our hearts more often.

2007-08-10 11:32:34 · answer #3 · answered by realangst 5 · 4 0

I got reported for answering a question that QUOTED your question and got reported for it, probably by some fundaMENTAList Christian who got his panties in a bunch and didn't like what WE had to say. Some people will never be tolerant. Best to just ignore them, or in the case of Y! A, some advice I've seen before from LBGT community (and good advice): "report and move on". There's just too many people with too many different opinions and too little time to change them all. As long as you can at least start to make improvements against hate, you are doing OK.

2007-08-10 13:21:24 · answer #4 · answered by Paul Hxyz 7 · 1 0

The eternal struggle for a perfect world. The way I look it is were all here, we should all get along. We all go out to work, interact with the public, then go home to our private lives. Jesus did a whole big thing on it ages ago. Amazing, isn't it? That the more things change they really do stay the same.

2007-08-10 12:13:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I do agree some questions I've read such as if racial profling at airports necessary for the safety of free nations though impolitically correct, and askers of other controversial questions have been immediately labelled as bigots. I think we've got to look at what they've have to say, rather than to immediately dismiss it because it goes against what is currently being accepted.

2007-08-10 11:34:20 · answer #6 · answered by mrblonde3056 3 · 3 0

Sadly there are people who come into this answer forum strictly to act up and cause trouble. I answered a question just a few minutes ago. A simple question about British French relations and the first answer started with 'You limey bastard my grandfather died at Normandy" . Something that absolutely nothing to do with the question. We have to except that these people are going to be in these forums and learn when to ignore them. We're here and we're here to stay but unfortunately so are they.

2007-08-10 12:32:29 · answer #7 · answered by ericbryce2 7 · 1 0


I feel the questions depending on whether or not the person is serious or not because if someone asks a question like "should all gays die?" then yes your point stands cause that's an ignorant question but so are questions like "Are all Christians schitzo?" though some questions like the one that I asked are acctually serious as you and I have discussed via notes my concept was extreme but it was to make a point. SO in closeign you have a point that there are many questions on here that are ignorant and rude but there are also questions on here that are ment to be thought provoking but come off badly because many people in here are of the same mind set

2007-08-10 11:43:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

A couple of days ago i asked why some, repeat some LGBT people are rude to str8 folks who are NOT homophobic (like me). the answers were a mix of denial and sarcasm with one or two really looking at what i said. .
thanks for putting the issue up for answers again .

2007-08-10 14:08:37 · answer #9 · answered by sAm cbt 5 · 2 0

You have made an excellent point, sir. One we all (me included) should carefully consider. Perhaps I shoulda read this question / post prior to answering the question about christian schizos.

What you propose is sometimes very difficult to do with one's self. I will try though.

Thanks for pointing this out for ALL of us.

2007-08-10 11:35:11 · answer #10 · answered by Lon E 4 · 4 0

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