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OK im just gonna come out and say it now. My life sucks. It always had my family doesnt accept me and every time I try to make a good friend i always and i mean always screw up lives. There is no way to count on how many times ive screwed up lives and im sick of it. Im sick of everything. I dont want suicide. They say life can get better and maybe it will so thats not what i want. So i cut. I have scars all over and I know i need to stop. I shoulda done this a long time ago but i didnt. If you come here and just tell me that im a stupid emo kid and just stop cutting you have no idea how hard it is. It feels so much better after you do it and i always have cravings to do it again and again and if i start i cant stop. Please help me i have to stop!!

Tell me ways!!


2007-08-10 10:00:09 · 17 answers · asked by Matt A 2 in Social Science Psychology

17 answers

oh matt. I'm so sorry. i'm not going to tell you to just "stop. all you have to do is not do it!" i don't cut, but rather i take out my emotions through eating. (and then i feel bad and starve myself, then i eat again, and so on) but basically i think the only fool-proof way (not gonna be easy, trust me) is to get some sort of hobby. whenever i feel a horrible binging attack coming, i try to distract myself. maybe exercise? that releases hormones called endorphines or something that are supposed to make you happy. or maybe you should listen to some music. anything to get your mind distracted. if that fails, you should see a therapist to help you deal wih this. best of luck. :[

2007-08-10 10:08:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Anyone who thinks that because you cut yourself that you are emo is idiotic and dumb. I know that I have felt the way you do I reallly have, but I'll tell you why I don't cut.

It's because of my friends. I think I've screwed up people's lives, but you might honestly be suprised to know that your wrong. I think that that might be a way to help you. Does anyone else know what you do? Has anyone shown that they are really upset by it?
If they have then you really have to believe that they do, because trust me they do.

If you really don't feel like anyone else cares, which I will have to admit just because you don't doesn't mean it's true, you must think about how dangerous cutting yourself can be. The scars may last a lifetime, it leaces you more open for infection, all sorts of stuff.

But please, try and get help. Something I know for a fact is that this is something that is very hard to fix alone and you don't have to. In these circumstances, we can only hope that our friends and family will understand and you have to believe that they love you.

I hope and wish and pray that you will be able to get better and I think if you try you will be able to.

Hope that might help.

2007-08-10 10:39:25 · answer #2 · answered by dog n' boots 2 · 0 0

Have you tried substituting the cutting with something less destructive to you? That would seem to be the first step. Just try to think of something else that would give you the same "rush" that isn't nearly as harmful. I don't condone drug use unless prescribed by a physician, but that can be helpful too. As far as the hurting those in your life, once you start to feel better about your own life, things will fall into place. Trust me on this one! I know from experience. I'm here for ya!

2007-08-10 10:11:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Believe it or not I do know where you are coming from... my life has been pretty bad too. I took up surfing as a way to well I guess release anger, stress, pain, whatever you want to call it. I also know it is pretty hard to find someone you really trust too (probably) but maybe if you could find just one person, they could really help you out some one you can easily talk too. Perhaps, do what I did, as an alternate to cutting take up a sport, or find something you really want to do or like to do. Another thing... I don't know how old you are but maybe you could move out of your house... I did that as soon as I turned 18. Anyways mate, if you want to or ever need someone to talk to, you can email me... I do know what its like and well... yeah. So Good Luck, best wishes! You can get through this!

2007-08-10 10:15:33 · answer #4 · answered by Mimi 2 · 0 0

you have to tell us how your screwing up peoples lives. I dont believe you can do that all the time unless your doing that on purpose. to stop cutting yourself give all your sharp objects to a family member that will make sure you cant use it to cut yourself in the 1st place. The only way to really get over it is have a strong faith in god and to talk to a pastor or someone who can really help you see life in a completely different way

2007-08-10 11:40:51 · answer #5 · answered by stallion 4 · 0 0

the sister of my best friend once told me that she sometimes feels the need to RUN so fast that she almost falls or breaks down from exhaustion. she says it makes her feel ALIVE.

although i cannot share this feeling or need, i do understand that life sometimes gets so crazy, boring, out of hand...that you might need something to remind yourself that there still is something inside of you, something important and different from everything outside.

the world today has many challenges to offer, many roads you can go, many things to believe in - distraction, chaos, fear.
most people depend on their family and friends to find love and acceptance. or they put their lives in a lover's hand - and are totally lost when love leaves them - alone once again.

if you are strong enough to endure misery in your life without seeing suicide as an option, then you are strong enough for this:
there is no intention in life, no reason, no help.
what we call luck or happiness is a product of your own beliefs, your strength and your own hard work.
"luck is believing you're lucky"

you don't commit suicide, because you want to live. and you cut, because everything else in your life doesn't make you FEEL alive - according to what you think should make you feel alive: "my family is supposed to love me. friendship is something great..."
you need to understand that there are no rules in life. only what you believe is true. so the answer to your problem is:

"the only part of the universe you can be certain of improving is your own self." (Aldous Huxley)

if your family doesn't love you, leave them behind.
if you screwed up lives, leave them behind.
others might be too weak to take responsibility for their own lifes, but that doesn't mean that YOU have to be made or even feel responsible for them!

try to gather around as much positive things as you can. do what you like, no matter what your family thinks, no matter what ANYBODY thinks! it's YOUR life! YOU DECIDE!

long story short: i tried to open your mind about the reasons you cut and the reasons you can't stop. of, course, you need to continue with that and then find substitutes, as i tried, that have the same effect - without the scars and the pain.

and keep going with "i'm just gonna come out and say it now."! do not be afraid to ask for help! if you consider "therapy" something for a nutty, that opinion itself shows your fear of being judged by others. again: it's your life - fight for it!

2007-08-10 10:44:06 · answer #6 · answered by baerchen80 3 · 0 0

Cutting is a very strong addiction, and you need help ASAP, and its going to take a long time of Rehab to stop. You should seek some help in Depression & Cutting. There are things you probably need to vent and speak too. I know it's summertime, and schools right now are closed, but if you can, look up information hotline.

2007-08-10 10:27:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh dude dude dude. Thats not the answer. I know what your feeling - Nothing is going right..you feel like all your doing everyday is mess up your life and everybody elses right? I know dude...I know. I have never cut, but I used to punch my wall and mirrors over and over again. I've gone through ups and downs too many to count. But the point is is that things DO get better. And yes, sometimes they get worse again, but thats the key to life is understanding that to get to the good times you have to get through the bad times.

Things will get better for you bro, but you gotta stop hurting yourself.

2007-08-10 10:28:31 · answer #8 · answered by Zen.Frank. 3 · 0 0

Please find a therapist that you can talk to about your problem. The school could refer you or your pastor or your parents, whoever find someone and get help. You are not a stupid kid you are a kid with a problem that is so big you cannot see a solution and it hurts so you take it out on yourself and it has become addictive. Addictions require help from someone who has been there or is trained to deal with the addiction.

You are a good kid looking for help and I pray that you find it.

2007-08-10 11:19:26 · answer #9 · answered by Nancy B 5 · 0 0

Honey you need to talk to someone. Cutting is your way of releasing emotional pain that you have not been able to deal with in other ways. Find someone that you trust, if it's not family member or a friend, talk to your school counselor, or teacher, or doctor. Someone who can help you pinpoint where this is coming from and help you find ways to work it out.
Good luck

2007-08-10 10:13:55 · answer #10 · answered by Pask 5 · 0 0

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