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be nice everyone...no need to be crude or rude

2007-08-10 09:12:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

14 answers

The type of question that riles me are the ones that are blatantly racist, the ones that are horribly illiterate, and the just plain stupid ones. They are such a waste of time and space. There have been some questions in the last two or three weeks that I have found appalling in their assumption of white supremacy. I'm not crazy about the ones that have no right or wrong answers either, but the bottom line is that I don't have to answer any of them if they are a waste of space. I tend to stick to the questions where I think what I know might be of some help.

2007-08-10 09:24:38 · answer #1 · answered by BeeGee 4 · 3 0

There aren't really any questions that get me riled up, (though I ignore leading questions where it's obvious that the asker is waiting for someone to attack just like a Venus fly trap does). I guess I also tend to ignore the seemingly pointless polls and statistics questions (regardless of where they're placed) that ask questions like What's your favoire color?, or Do you prefer chicken or beef? If you are conducting a poll because you need to do a survey for some research project, this is no problem. If you are just asking these questions because you don't have any friends and don't have anyone else to talk to then I feel terribly sorry for you (and I wish you'd find another way to deal with your loneliness because nearly half of all questions on this system now are the second type).

But anyway, I get a little irritated about answers that aren't really answers to the question (aren't really intended to increase the body of knowledge), but instead are temper tantrums, or personal attacks, or that are just intended to get points and not be helpful.

This is a free country and so everyone is entitled to speech and expression, whether it be useful to the discussion or not, but on a system which was originally intended to be a useful tool to learn stuff &/or share things you already learned, it has largely become a forum for extremely nasty personal attacks and venting frustration completely irrelevant to the question being asked.

Everyone I am sure has heard the old saying you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, and that applies to expressing your opinion and trying to get others to see your point of view. And I commend everyone on here that may adamantly disagree with a particular question or viewpoint, but shares that disagreement in a calm, polite, intelligent, and mature manner. Since this is just as easy to do as the alternative (ranting and raving and cursing and threatening) it kind of makes me wonder what's wrong with the people who can't do it, and why they bother answering a question at all if their intention isn't to try to teach, persuade, &/or contribute.

If the negative expression that is expressed on here really needs an outlet, it is a shame that Yahoo doesn't create a separate system where people can just go and attack each other and leave a separate clean system for others who have legitimate questions they need answered, or opinions that they want civilized commentary on.

2007-08-10 16:35:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

In no particular order:

-- Questions that can easily be answered if the person asking bothered to type their question into a search engine rather than Y!A. That can be something like "how many days are in a year" or "what's Britney Spears' birthday, or "what's the capitol of Iceland." It bothers me when people are (or at least, for all appearances, seem to be) just, well, beyond lazy.

-- Questions that are basically requests for other Y!A users to do your homework for you. I don't mean "help" with homework, I mean questions like "Write three paragraphs on the symbolism in the Scarlett Letter," or some such. Makes me shudder to think of what people are so apparently *not* learning, or bothering with.

-- A question that's part of the never-ending stream of "Am I/Could I be pregnant" questions. Buy a test. Come on.

-- Along similar lines to the above, questions about pregnancy (usually, getting) that show...well...to say "a lack of understanding of the basics of human reproduction" is beyond putting it mildly. Those annoy me because 1) I shudder to think of what people don't know and 2) good god, if you're having sex don't you think you should, you know, have the tiniest idea of how it all works?

-- Questions on heated subjects that are really meant to do no more than...light a fire. Basically, any question about "do you believe in abortion" falls under the heading. The fact that those questions (the abortion ones) are generally posted in the "pregnancy" section makes it all the more irritating. I don't like that people just want to make waves and, yes, I find the particular subject to be one that riles me up to start with.

-- Most of the questions I see in the R&S section. I usually browse questions by clicking on "Answer" and browing the questions posted across all categories, but the ones I see from R&S often jump out at me. At the same time, I can see how someone would get sucked into that forum, even if it means pulling your own hair out.

2007-08-10 16:27:00 · answer #3 · answered by ljb 6 · 3 0

The best way I can explain it is by giving you an example of it.

Example: A person asked a question that sounded like they were asking about religion, after a lot of people had answered the question with what they felt was a question based on religion. The person asking the question came back with additional details.

In the details the person poked fun at people and said that "while I'm religious, that was not what I was referring to or even what I'm asking". Then it was stated," I was referring to (example) Time travel". The person then pointed out, some thing about them self and "how I should have been clearer."

It might not have been so bad if they would have stopped there with their comments but they didn't. This person made a comment to the person they had given the points to saying. That a lot of the answers were narrow minded and sounded like fortune cookies

I have to say that it amazed me that only one person managed to understand what this person was supposedly speaking about, when every one else was seeing a question based upon religion. It was as if it came to that person via magic, wow how special that person is to just know what it was really about all along. While

As if by magic one person managed to get this person meaning when every one was so off in left field. It left me wondering how only this one (1) person out of forty (40) managed to get it right, I have to say that's pretty amazing!!!! NOT!

So, I guess my only thought it that called point grabbing or Trolling or what? I don't ususally have a problem with some of the thing that go on here, but this stunk like a skunk! LOL

2007-08-10 17:50:49 · answer #4 · answered by Cindy 6 · 0 0

Generalization questions like ,why do Men or Women do this or that or race or religion, Etc, Etc.
The reason is that there is no way anyone will ever meet every person and we all are different, the question assumes that all the identified people are the same way.

2007-08-10 16:23:15 · answer #5 · answered by sirmrmagic 6 · 2 0

♥ The ones that where Christians "gay bash" and use the bible to hide behind. Or when others gay bash!

♥ The ones where people ask "how can I become gay or how can I become straight?" Sure people theres a friggin 12 step program at your local Y... I mean come on get a life...

PS~ I'm not being rude or crude... just annoyed and having a bad day!

2007-08-10 16:17:31 · answer #6 · answered by NCIS ♥ Addict 6 · 3 2

Personally, I think a lot of questions and most answers are totally absurd, but I do not let any of them upset me. When we walk with the Lord, we are not to let petty things like YA get us upset.

2007-08-10 20:14:07 · answer #7 · answered by Scott 3 · 0 0

Questions in the form of Should I do X or will it hurt my credit score. Where X is things like getting rid of unused credit cards, canceling an unused charge account, or paying an old bill.

People should just do the right thing, and manage their money, and the credit ratings will take care of themselves.

2007-08-10 16:18:47 · answer #8 · answered by hottotrot1_usa 7 · 2 0

The ones asked by evolution deniers (sorry Fireball) where they come out with some ridiculous out-of-context 'fact' they've heard from some preacher somewhere and then caper about going "See? Told you so! Bible truth! Evolution is a lie! People who don't believe in the Bible are fools!"

OK, thanks for letting me get that out of my system. Fortunately there aren't many tonight. Not like last night. Oh and all the whole liberals-are-evil-traitors thing.

2007-08-10 16:24:45 · answer #9 · answered by Citizen Justin 7 · 2 1

The ones where people ask about a STEREOTYPICAL trait in a specific race. For example:

Do black people also have nappy hair down there? (I promise, this was an actual question!)

First of all, that's just rude. Second of all, who really cares what's down there????

2007-08-10 16:17:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

fedest.com, questions and answers