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Policies are made by leaders..leaders that we elect to represent us and look out for us. Yet, these leaders have given us policies that (((ENCOURAGE)) companies to close factories here and send jobs overseas to other countries and even to tyrnannical communist regimes that have nukes pointed at us, and are building armies to go to war against us.

Our leaders have spent more money than we take in from taxes and to make up the difference they have put us in hoc to countries who are tyrannical communist and are building armies to fight us.....oh...and also give weapons to other enemy countries in the meanwhile to kill our soldiers.

Our leaders have ((((invited)) and ((allowed))) mexico to tell its people to leave mexico and go to the USA and break our laws, cross our borders illegally and take jobs that ordinarily would be done by americans and or depress their wages.

Our leaders gladly spend our tax dollars as giveaway freebies to other countries while ignoring our ...

2007-08-10 08:48:00 · 13 answers · asked by me 3 in Politics & Government Politics

infrastructure which old and decrepit, and as we now know dangerous.
and on and on and on..

2007-08-10 08:49:02 · update #1

Now. I want someone who agrees with all these policies to give me an intelligent reason why I should support them...while everybone in my body tells me the complete opposite.

2007-08-10 08:50:02 · update #2

13 answers

I can't explain....it really is sad behavior. Americans seem always to be willing to sell out their fellow Americans for a buck. The Chinese don't do that to their country. Not even the Mexicans do that stuff.

Policies are made by folks who #1 usually have money, #2 have access to excellent health care, #3 are well paid by Lobbyists to work for them and not the American People.

The argument is often made that Lobbyists do represent the American People. You can find some truth to it. Certainly, a whole lot of Americans make a good living in the insurance, pharmaceutical, and defense industries. But why is it that the Energy lobbies are able to avoid EPA regs, save boatloads of money...and yet the actual miners don't seem to see any benefit improvements.

The reality is that money is still log-jammed at the top in our society.

Every American tax payer has a an absolute right to expect a reasonable Return on Investment that we all make to this nation in our taxes.

We decry the taxes in Canada, Great Britain, Germany, the Scandanavian countries...but they do get a very real return on that investment.

And does anyone wonder why illegal Mexican immigrants come to this country in search of work...when we send thousands of good manufacturing jobs to Mexico every year.

It's like some bizarre Kafka novel.

2007-08-10 09:08:40 · answer #1 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 7 0

I don't agree with all those policies, but I believe I can articulate some possible non-traitorous rationales for them.

1) Globalization. America has a comparatively strong currency - compared to developing nations, like China, not to developed ones like much of the EU - which makes Americans expensive to employ, but makes imports cheap. Cheap imports allow Americans to enjoy growing wages without rapid inflation, which is a good thing. But, it also means that only the most productive/proffitable/efficient forms of work can be done in America competatively. Thus, Americans are forced to improve thier job skills if they want to stay employed over the long run. Americans /are/ one of the most versatile and productive workforces in the world. Allowing lower-productivity jobs to flow to developing countries drives the development of thier economies, which opens up markets for high-value American goods & international services, /and/ tends stabilize and liberalize those countries, politically, as well.

2) Deficit spending. The theory behind sustained deficit spending is that it's a fiscal policy that stimulates the economy, and, by the time the debt comes due, the growing economy will have resulted in higher tax revenues, so the paying off of those debts won't be burdensome. Who holds the debt is actually irrellevant. US Treasuries are bonds, not callable loans, so they are paid off when mature, not when the holder wants his money back. They are also very liquid - they can be readily bought and sold - being owed money by the Treasury is not that different from simply having money, you just recieve a little interest, and bear some interest-rate/inflation/exchange-rate risk on your principal. Thus, it doesn't matter who holds public debt, it doesn't give them any particular power over the issuing government.

Illegal Immigration: This is a case where, yes, representatives are regularly thwarting the will of the people. The argument can be made, though, that the will of the people is just counter-produtive in this case. The reason is that Americans have historically been isolationist and unwilling to allow high levels of immigration. Yet, Americans are also unwilling to give up programs like Social Security that depend on an ever-growing workforce to remain solvent /and/ Americans stopped having a lot of kids back in '66 (the USA fertility rate is below replacement, meaning our population would be /shrinking/ without immigration). Put those two together and you have an unsustainable situation. You need to either slash social security and accept a weak economy going forward, or increase legal immigration - and the American People /won't let you do either/. The solution, bad though it is, is to turn a blind eye to illegal immigration.

2007-08-10 09:16:56 · answer #2 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 0 3

I admire your "ends" I disagree with the "means' however.We needn't a government to make more laws,WE THE PEOPLE run it,at the core.regardless of those who THINK the rich corporations do.I have made a conscious effort,and will soon start a website,trying to get some media help.The reason for the massive imports,the reason for the illegal immigrants is,WE THE PEOPLE.We wanted the cheap prices.In a capitalist society,people cannot sell what people will not buy.We wanted cheap,we got cheap.American made store goes out of business because they have to pay living wages to workers in the US.,while foreign made store pays 17c per hour in China and can make it cheaper.We wanted cheaper.They had 2 options,go out of business or outsource themselves to compete.Accepting that WE THE PEOPLE had the power to cause that,means we have the power to change,now that we are fully aware of the negative effects.

I now check anything I buy for "made in america"it costs more,there is less selection(biggest one is clothes)but if WE THE PEOPLE decide we want America back,we will do this.If demand returns,factories will reopen,jobs created,China has less money to build up their military to threaten us.Our economy booms.Less imports,much easier to reach that 100% inspection goal at the ports.Better security.

As far as the illegals.WE THE PEOPLE can do that also.Check with your builder,subcontractor,lawn man.Let them know if they want your business,they have to stand against illegal immigration.Take a stand,WE THE PEOPLE need to remember what civic duty is.I have thought a lot lately,lot of stuff I'm going to put out,I am passionate about this and we can do it.It doesn't take a bunch of clowns in Washington,making comittees,investigative panels,putting 100 billion dollars worth of earmarks on a bill with so many holes in it basically nothing gets accomplished.We need LESS government,not more
Want to take a stand?Do it!Get passionate about it.If we put our wallets where our mouths are,supply and demand takes over.No trade with companies that hire illegals,less jobs for illegals,less immigration problem.

Billions or trillions poured back into our economy.The selection is low now,but if WE THE PEOPLE let it be known with our wallets what we want.They WILL produce them.

We need a revolution.Not a military one,one of attitude.That WE THE PEOPLE run this country,we just have to reach out and take it.No politicians needed,nothing but plusses,are you willing to sacrifice a little for the long term good.Then hell with the politicians,that's the beauty of it also.It isn't a Republican"thing or a "democratic" thing.Politics has nothing to do with it.They pass laws,and not very good at it.WE THE PEOPLE can solve those issues better than any politician.TAKE BACK AMERICA,WE THE PEOPLE CAN rule,we need no permission,vote,or election.On capitalist issues,we simply make a choice to put our money back into America.JUST DO IT.I check everything.Not suggesting being silly and throwing out foreign good,just,if you have to replace,consider American.If WE THE PEOPLE decide.No coorporation,no politician can do a damn thing to stop us.

2007-08-10 09:53:50 · answer #3 · answered by nobodinoze 5 · 0 1

How can you question John Wayne, when he dodged the draft to star in a bunch of movies about war hero's. Questioning John Wayne is Grounds for hangin'

2016-05-19 00:55:41 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

you're "leaders" are being what we like to call conservative. it just proves even more that they only like the rich and don't care for the poor. when you said "policies that encourage companies to close factories here and send jobs overseas", i just smiles because i know its true. conservatives argue that why should we be giving money and supporting the drug using high school drop out? well, look where that money is going. to people who are LESS FORTUNATE than us--Iraq. We are providing universal healthcare over in Iraq for every one that cant afford it, but not here. that what the liberals want. to help out the less fortunate here in america.

and BTW, we don't support drug users, we support programs that help out people that are unfortunate and try to help them get their life back and be a productive member of society. thats what reduces poverty.

2007-08-10 09:04:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

well I agree with you but I don't agree with them.

We put them in power and they should be doing our bidding... not have us watching in astonishment as they throw our tax money out the window and keep demanding more.

I think you're doing a great job rebelling and ranting.

You are the voice of the disillusioned American people and you have every right to be heard.

2007-08-10 09:08:51 · answer #6 · answered by Lily Iris 7 · 6 0

You and me both!

Excellent question!!

A star for you!

EDIT: I see Tom can't answer the question so he attacks you!
Amazing how some don't even now what you are talking about is exactly what is going on!
All they know is it's a Republican in the White House so whatever the White House supports it must be right!!

And YES Clinton was as much to blame for this mess as Bush is to blame!

2007-08-10 08:55:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 12 1

this is gonna take some thought as some of it is treachorous and even treasonous in the Prescott Bush style anyway...more to come soon

2007-08-10 10:27:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well stated.Just about every regime across the world is USA supported.If you don't bend over,and cater to us than you are in the axis of evil

2007-08-10 09:03:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

I don't think you are going to get any intelligent answers to your question. As proof, I merely point to the guy above me who just attacked you and called you a liberal government hater for wondering why your government does not work for you. lol

2007-08-10 09:02:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 9 0

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