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PK i am pregnant with my 4th and last child.
with my other 3 i screamed like a banshee while in labor.
i have no tolerance for pain and i was refused any kind of pain reliever with all of them.
im giong to a different dr and hospital and hope to get some drugs this time!
i wanna know does anyone else scream in labor or just me?! because the dr basically told me to shut up. :(

i just hate to make an *** of myself.........again.

2007-08-10 08:45:17 · 25 answers · asked by princessfionafantasy 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I did ask for drugs and was told its too early and would ask again and then be told its too late.

and yeah its the last one because of the pain and the fear i have now of the whole process. i know ill make it through it but it just scares me to death.

and why are you against ultrasounds? to the guy who said that.

2007-08-10 09:06:40 · update #1

25 answers

Well, there is no pain quite like it! That's for sure! Lots of my friends screamed, partly because they were so scared! I took the drugs, and found that I was stoned and still in labour...Some women find it takes the "edge" off the pain. I had an epidural and the doctor had to help with the delivery. Don't be ashamed, you are who you are! **PS. One of my friends punched her husband out, because he said SHE was embarrassing him!!!

2007-08-10 08:52:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Being male and never pregnant (at least, not that I'm aware of!), ;) I can't respond to the pains you must have gone through, but my friends who have had vaginal childbirth, as opposed to C-sections or cloning , all told me that the subsequent children got subsequently easier. By coincidence, perhaps, the subsequent children were also lighter in weight than the previous children, which, IMHO, had something to do with it (i.e., would you rather pass a bowling ball or a billiard ball?). ;)

One woman was told not to have any more children, because her fourth child was born at only 5 pounds, but was otherwise healthy (they knew all this in advance, thanks to ultrasound, which I'm against, but that's for a different question!). BTW, the first child (male) was 10 pounds, the second and third were 7 pounds (male and female); the fourth was female (nice balance as far as the sexes are concerned, eh?). ;)

I'm surprised you didn't mention whether you had gone through "Lemaze" training. If you haven't, maybe it's worth a shot. On the other hand, one would think you're experienced enough to go without it, but, maybe they can teach you something that may ease the birth pains. And, though I'm sure that many women want drugs, most doctors will not give them at the last minute, unless it is absolutely necessary, whatever that means!

BTW, was the phrasing "last child" because of the pain or for some other reason?

2007-08-10 16:01:22 · answer #2 · answered by skaizun 6 · 1 0

I don't scream during labour, it's too exhausting. At the most I groan loudly when I'm pushing, but that doesn't last very long (the longest I've had to push for is 15 minutes). I don't use pain relief either (five natural labours, one caesar).

I did have a spinal for my caesar, and didn't feel a thing. I think your hospital has done the wrong thing, refusing you pain relief. They can always top up an epidural if the drugs wore off.

And SHAME on your doctor for telling you to shut up. I would have told him to get f'd, or grabbed his testicals and squeezed them during my next contraction, and then asked him if HE felt like being quiet during it.

Don't stress yourself, you won't make an *** of yourself...there's no shame in vocalising during your labour if that's the way it happens for you. Do whatever you have to to get through it and stay sane...no-one else can have the baby for you, so no-one else should have any expectations on how you do it.

Good luck!

2007-08-10 16:16:07 · answer #3 · answered by KooriGirl 5 · 1 0

I never screamed during labor. It would have taken too much energy and I definitely need to conserve that for more important things :)

I have never heard of a hospital refusing medication when a woman requests it unless she is already dilated to a 9 or 10 at the time of the request. I HAVE heard of medication being denied in birthing centers where it's "against their philosophies" But most women who use a birthing center choose to do so because they are also opposed to the idea of pain medication.

2007-08-10 16:04:33 · answer #4 · answered by western b 5 · 0 0

If you didn't scream like a banshee...I wouldn't believe you LOL. You are giving birth not gettinga freakin pedicure, I would have kicked that doc. You were smart to try someone and somewhere else. Just ask the nurse a couple of times to remind you when you are coming too close for meds to do you any good and go from there. Hopefully you'll have one that will be fine with it :) Don't be afraid to ask for meds a couple of times, there is no need to feel like you are a bother again, you are giving birth and it hurts which they know darn well and good.

Good luck hun!

2007-08-10 16:13:14 · answer #5 · answered by Harley 6 · 1 0

Well the hospital I'm delivering at has gone through a lot of efforts to sound-proof the walls in between delivery rooms to help the moms in early labor not be so scared by the screams of the moms in later labor.

In other words, it's something they totally expect, and is very common.

2007-08-10 16:10:28 · answer #6 · answered by daisyk 6 · 2 0

Women that do it naturally scream all the time. Shame on your doc for not being more supportive. If you want pain meds then be sure you make it known the minute you walk in. Don't wait till the last minute because it may be too late. I have 4 myself...I also had 4 epidurals=)

2007-08-10 15:59:57 · answer #7 · answered by M&M 2 · 2 0

Honey, labor is one of the greatest pains a person can suffer, but its the most rewarding. If you want to scream then scream, **** the doctor hes never given birth!.

I give you props for doing it 3 times without drugs! I had an epidural with my daughter and a spinal block with my son for my c section.

2007-08-10 15:51:00 · answer #8 · answered by llllll_amanda_lllllll 6 · 3 0

I was put to sleep for my daughter and induced for my son. I had no pain until way after when the drugs started wearing off. But, I understand that a lot of women scream so I wouldn't worry about it. But, this question makes me wonder. How did Katie Holmes survive the silent birth when she had her daughter?

2007-08-10 15:55:20 · answer #9 · answered by Merilee L 3 · 1 0

I was talking to my husband's mom this passed weekend, and she said that while she was going through labor she started screaming, and the doctor just matter of factly said, "You don't have to scream." So, she stopped. hahaha I thought it was so funny. It's your decision to scream, people handle pain differently...some scream some are totally silent. Yeah, I would definitley opt for the epidural if you fear the pain of labor.

2007-08-10 16:30:06 · answer #10 · answered by Roz 4 · 0 0

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