I was angry that scrooge sold out at the end of a christmas carol
I have a life sized statue of Ronny and Nancy in my front yard,
I own stock in Haliburton
I believe that a book of unknown authorship when it tells me gays are bad
I believe anyone that doesn't agree with me politically hates america.
I stand and salute my TV whenever George Bush come on,
I feel that it's ok to trade rights we rarely use for safety.
I love money and hate people that don't have money
I think if you can't afford health insurance that is too bad.
I own 72 automatic weapons so I can protect myself.
I don't listen to anyone that has a different viewpoint than me
I give bush credit for everything good but blame someone else for everything bad.
21 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
I forgot
I think abortina is wrong but anyone that commits a crime should be killed, though I am a big believer of the 10 commandments.
08:51:50 ·
update #1