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9 answers

There are no bad ones. Your baby gets a better start in life, grows better and will not get sick as oftten and when they do it will not be as bad. Also you lose weight faster and will have a decereased risk of cancer, it helps your uterus to shrink faster as well. Not to mention the bonding factor

2007-08-10 08:23:59 · answer #1 · answered by Marie 2 · 3 0

For baby:
-improved health
-improved immune system and prevention of disease
-improved gastrointestinal function
-improved growth and development in all areas
-improved nutrition
-greater exercise and development of the muscles of the palate, jaw and tongue, which are used later on in solid feeding and talking
-nappies don't smell as bad
-spit up doesn't smell as bad
-protection against ear infection (the action of breastfeeding opens and clears the eustachian tube (the one that gets full of gunk during an ear infection) and the protective elements of breastmilk mean the baby is less likely to contract an ear infection in the first place)

there are a host of psychological benefits associate with breastfeeding for the baby too

For you:
- immediately after birth, the brain releases burst of oxytocin in response to the baby suckling at the breast, which causes the uterus to contract down quicker, enabling it to return to a normal state faster and reducing the likelihood of a post partum hemmorhage
- continued exclusive breastfeeding delays the return of ovulation and menstruation, reducing the risk of iron deficient anaemia as the mothers iron stores are not lost as quickly as a mother who is menstruating
- more rapid and sustained weight loss (breastfeeding and milk production burns around 500 calories a day...the equivalent of swimming 30 laps or bike riding for an hour)
- diabetic mothers tend to need less insulin if breastfeeding
- breastfeeding for at least six months during your lifetime leads to a decreased risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and uterine cancer
- some current research suggest that although breastfeeding uses the body's calcium stores and in the past was thought to be an osteoporosis risk, now researchers believe that the calcium deprivation is temporary, and that the bones of the mother actually become stronger after a woman has breastfed and weaned

again there are a host of psychological benefits associated with breastfeeding for the mother

The enviromental impact of breastfeeding is far smaller when compared to bottle feeding.

My list is by no means exhaustive too, there are a lot more benefits than I've listed.

2007-08-10 15:40:21 · answer #2 · answered by KooriGirl 5 · 2 0

1.I didn't have a period the whole time I breast feed. (1 year) But I didn't do formula at all.
2.I lost weight.
3. My baby didnt have any ear infections( the bottle are more likely to give them one) 4.The babies have strong immune systems. Some studies show the risk of the child develping cancer and other horrible diesases is less.
5. You dont have to wake up in the middle of the night to make a bottle.
6. The babies poop does not stink as bad
7. Less bottles to clean.
8. They love mommy (not that bottle babies dont but...hey there is nothing like being able to do something for your child that one one else is capable of doing)
9.Did I tell you I didnt have a period? That was one of the best perks.
10. Formula is not natural. The label has words that you cant pronounce. :0)

Good Luck in which everyone you choose may you have a health baby!

2007-08-10 15:35:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You will pass all of your immunities on to your baby, so when cold & flue season are he he will be less llikely to get sick. Breastfed babies are usually heathier than formula fed babies. I breastfed my oldest for only 7 weeks but was able to breastfeed my second for 14 months. He is much healthier than his sister. You will loose weight faster because the breasffeeding will help the uterus to shrink back to its normal size. I also think it helps with bonding, although I do realize that mothers who bottle feed still bond with their babies and I would never try to say they don't, but it's just different. It is really the best thing you can do for your baby. I realize some people are not able and I would never critize them for it. Like I said I was only able to breastfeed my oldest for 7 weeks. But I think that every mother should at least try it. Even just the colustrum from the first few days is better than not breastfeeding at all.

2007-08-10 15:29:02 · answer #4 · answered by kat 7 · 4 0

bonding, a very healthy baby. You will lose your baby "pouch" faster because the nipple stimulation makes your uterus contract down and so you won't still look like you're six months pregnant a week from now...or longer. Plus, I believe your baby will be strong. Everyone says how strong my baby is like they are surprised. But I think it's cause of the breastmilk.

2007-08-10 15:26:01 · answer #5 · answered by mamaofone1 2 · 3 0

A healthy baby! Breastmilk is so good that the scientists (you know, the smart people) can't even figure out all the elements in breastmilk. They can't duplicate it!

2007-08-10 15:34:55 · answer #6 · answered by Dorothy D 4 · 2 0

breast milk has a natural laxative effect, so no constipation until they start solids

2007-08-10 15:36:05 · answer #7 · answered by dreemac 3 · 1 0

I believe it boosts their immune system.

2007-08-10 15:29:13 · answer #8 · answered by kattsmeow 7 · 3 0

sore nipples

2007-08-10 15:25:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

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