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In regards to economics, foreign policies, national debt, or anything in that matter. What are your thoughts?

2007-08-10 06:11:11 · 12 answers · asked by Liberal City 6 in Politics & Government Politics

This is a serious question. Please stop the party bashing.

2007-08-10 06:16:06 · update #1

12 answers

The international/foreign policy level is the most damaged field. Therefore, it needs such repairs as:

1-Curbing the imperialistic vision of the successive administrations, especially Bush Junior's administration: by this I mean trying to paly down the chauvinistic idea that the US is the leader of the world, undermining the notion of 'democracy' exportation-by force- by recognizing the different political traditions in other parts of the world.
2-Definitely a withdrawal from Iraq is a must
3-Closing the notorious Guantanamo where many innocent detainees are held and tortured, especally at the psychological level, and of course the pursuit of a fair trial for those who are found culprits

2007-08-10 06:25:13 · answer #1 · answered by rosyrose 3 · 2 2

Quit putting lawyers in the executive and legislative branches of our govt. Vote in a president and vice president willing to work with a House of representatives that no longer has any incumbants and ALL new blood within it truly representing the people. Same for the Senate as time will allow. All need to work on getting rid of the federal reserve system and returning to a hard currency policy under which we are really supposed to have anyways. issuing of credit and fiat money should be a matter of last resorts only(financing a war, etc.). Everything would begin to change for the better if we were to accomplish this. Everyone keeps asking about socialized medical care. Ok........how would you fund it? More taxes on an already overtaxed middle class population? No. If that were to occur then the inevitable would in fact occur. That being a revolution. Securing our borders would be a really good idea as well right now. We are in fact being invaded, and it is in fact causing severe negative impacts upon our infrastructure. Thats needs to be dealt with as well. swiftly and/or harshly if need be. All banking industries feloniously issuing credit to illegal immigrants should have their ceo's tried and prosecuted under USC 8 1324, as well as all individuals knowingly aiding and abetting these illegal individuals. Get rid of the CFR and UN. But as previously mentioned, and most importantly, Getting rid of the federal reserve system. NOBODY SHOULD BE ABOVE THE LAW. That's just a start .

2007-08-10 06:41:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

America really is a society in decline, I honestly don't think it can be made better until it's bottomed out - maybe actually collapsed or conquered - and that's some decades away, I should think.

Best case would be a 'graceful' decline as other nations overtake us in economic vitality, military power, and international influence - the result would be something like Brittain, no longer a mighty empire, but not without a little lingering importance, and not a terrible place to live.

2007-08-10 10:05:53 · answer #3 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 0 1

Russia has vested pastime in Iran for financial, political, and strategic aspects. So does China. Iran is very necessary strategic source for the two Russia and China. If the U. S. does attack Iran, the two Russia and China has some thing to lose - and severely. they'll no less than condemn a pre-emptive strike. on the main, they'll intrude militarily. it relatively is purely a count of how violently they'll respond. you may relax certain that Russia and China won't take a seat on their palms and keep their mouth close. it could have virtually a similar effect to the U. S. as Russia or China attacking Mexico or Canada for their oil.

2016-11-11 23:07:52 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

In American Holocaust (1992), David Stannard estimates that some 30 to 60 million Africans died being enslaved. He claims a 50% mortality rate among new slaves while being gathered and stored in Africa, a 10% mortality among the survivors while crossing the ocean, and another 50% mortality rate in the first "seasoning" phase of slave labor. Overall, he estimates a 75-80% mortality rate in transit.

In Slavery A World History, Milton Meltzer estimates that 10 million slaves arrived in the Americas. This would be the residue after 12.5% of those shipped out from Africa died on the ocean, 4-5% died while waiting in harbor, and 33% died during the first year of seasoning.

In "The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Holocaust" (Is the Holocaust Unique, A. Greebaum, ed., 1996), Seymour Drescher estimates that 21M were enslaved, 1700-1850, of which 7M remained in slavery inside Africa. 4M died "as a direct result of enslavement". Of the 12M shipped to America, 15%, or 2M more, died in the Middle Passage and seasoning year.

Jan Rogozinski, A Brief History of the Caribbean (1994): "[A]s many as eight million Africans may have died in order to bring four million slaves to the Caribbean islands."

In The Slave Trade, Hugh Thomas estimates that 13M left African ports, and 11,328,000 arrived. Here are a few other numbers from Thomas:

* No year-by-year stats, but by piecing together scattered decade stats, I figure that 5M slaves were shipped in the 18th Century.
* Shipboard mortality among slaves:
o Mercado in 1569 estimated an average shipboard mortality of 20%
o Brazilian historians: 15-20% in 16th C; 10% in 19th C.
o English trade:
+ 1680s: 24%
+ early 18th C: 10%
+ 1780s: 5.65%
o Hugh Thomas: 9% reasonable est. for 18th C.
o 19th C
+ Cliffe: 35%
+ House of Commons: 9.1%
+ Thomson: 9%
+ Hotham: 5%

In the chapter on African population in the Atlas of World Population History (1978), Colin McEvedy estimates that 9.5 million African slaves were imported into the Americas between 1500 and 1880. He also suggests a 15% mortality rate on the ocean.

Rummel estimates a total death toll of 17,267,000 African slaves (1451-1870)

* Among slaves going to Orient: 2,400,000 dead
* Among slaves staying in Africa: 1,200,000 dead
* Among slaves going to New World: 13,667,000 dead

Fredric Wertham claims that 150,000,000 Africans died of the slave trade.
My Estimate:

Looking at all the scholarship on the subject, it looks like, at the very least, 35% of those enslaved in Africa died before they reached America .

Why would you want to repair or restore anything to the rich who profited from this crime .

Those with wealth used slaves to clear land and put up fences and to this day profit from that great resource and wealth provided them from slavery .

They fenced of 100,000 acres and they own the mineral rights to it all .
The rich insured there profits .

2007-08-10 06:44:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

first impeach bushcheney et al...negotiate with UN and other countries to completely take over Iraq and we will focus on Afghanistan/Pakistan with positive action not killing or vengeance.
Then legalize marijuana/prostitution with regulation and taxation. Institute National Health Insurance
limit CEO pay and end corporate welfare in the form of subsidies and tax breaks
then move on to fixing housing and infrastructure issues by getting away from suburban sprawl and decentralizing power grid ...so much to do and yet what is wrong with US can be fixed by what is good about US we can admit when we were wrong or in the case of the bushcheney fooled and maniuplated and lied to and about

2007-08-10 07:05:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Stop the "war for Oil",leave other countries to govern themselves regardless of lost revenue etc.

basically stop interfering with the rest of the world,leave it to go about it business.

2007-08-10 06:29:35 · answer #7 · answered by Yat-zeu 3 · 1 0

take $$$ out of politics

no lobbying

no private funding of campaign

no politicians beholden to people other than their constituents

2007-08-10 06:15:27 · answer #8 · answered by Nick F 6 · 1 1

Kick out all the Democrats...

2007-08-10 06:14:45 · answer #9 · answered by luckyaz128 6 · 2 3


2007-08-10 06:13:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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