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A Christian student's group at Hastings College of Law, sought official recognition and direct financial support from the college for the group. Unfortunately, the Christian group discriminated against gays, by not allowing gays to join their group. The university would not officially recognize this Christian group, nor provide direct financial support, since the Christian group's discrimination was against the university's nondiscrimination policy. Of course, the Christians lost their lawsuit, since it is hardly a violation of religious liberty, to prevent the Christian group from being exempt from the university's policy of non-discrimination.

My question is, how can Christians claim their religious freedom is being violated if they are not allowed to discriminate? If every other group at the university can't discriminate, why should the Christians be allowed to discriminate? It's a matter of Christians asking for the special right to discriminate, when no other group could.

2007-08-10 06:09:54 · 8 answers · asked by Kitty 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

8 answers

They CAN discriminate, they just can't use public money to do so. The university should not fund any group that is founded for religious reason, Christian, Jewish, atheist, does not matter.

2007-08-10 06:14:57 · answer #1 · answered by davidmi711 7 · 4 0

First, your premise is flawed. Any group 'can' discriminate, some choose to, some choose not to. Every other group at the University can and does discriminate. The Students Union discriminates - you have to be a student to run it. The Engineering Faculty discriminates - they stipulate what you have to do to become a part of the group.

Second, Christians are hardly the only religious 'group' who choose to exclude gays from their membership. At the University of Calgary, Muslim students have demanded a prayer-room be constructed for them and them alone, and have barred Christian students from joining. Gays, Jews, Hindus, Catholics, all are banned from even entering the room. The University sees no issue with this.

That said, I think your question is 'why do some religious groups feel they have the right to exclude some and not others from membership?' The simple answer is that a group, by definition, is exclusive. If it were not exclusive there would be no group. Think of it this way, several people join together and call themselves the 'apples'. Nothing is required of them to be an 'apple', they just call themselves apples. Overnight the 'apples' number 6 billion, because anyone can be an 'apple'. The word 'group' never applies, as there is nothing that separates them from the rest of the world.

The Christians at Hastings College had no business applying for funding, they get no sympathy from me on that. But for the University to claim they had discriminated by determining who could become a member is ludicrous. A group, by definition, excludes. What they base their exclusions on is irrelevant.

Therefore they Christians are correct when they claim their religious freedom is being violated. The University is using its power to influence who the Christians allow into their Christian group.

2007-08-10 06:28:28 · answer #2 · answered by Adam R 3 · 0 0

Hi mate, will try give u a fair answer, really.

Wheather what ever religion we recognise, we all are sinners,
Really, we are all humans and NOT perfect. Wy u think just u
live? It's because in this life u have a marvelous chanse to
cultivate thy charachter. We are NOT perfect but there are
individuals such as Dalai Lama, Jesus, Mohamed and
Martin Luther King AND remeber Ghandi(and all the other heroes!!!) showing the rest of us.. "it is possible".

It doesn't matter which road we chose BUT we'll meet
at the top of the mountin in accordance of god's great plan.

It's not wheather we are jews, buddists, muslims or christians... It's how u.. U.. treat thy inner aggressions.. feelings.. and for bad.. project thy bad feelings towards other
individuals in thy environment. It's nothing whith religion to do;
SO what I point out... WE or I am talking of psykology and thats it!!!!! If u are unsure of your feelings u project those
feelings U cannot bear unto othher people u think are weaker.

What happens (?) U feel strong for a while but u loose.....

It's not Christians.. it's ALL people that are discriminating.
Let's say.. the buddism.. absolutely FREE of violence AND
really.. Japanese are discriminating as does christians, muslems, catholic's, Lutherans (such as I am... ;)

So I would like to REFRASE the question... as...
"WHY DO PEOPLE DISCRIMINATE".. BECAUSE thy question in it self is REALLY discriminating, really.

I can go on for a long time BUT it's not my intention. If some
of u start thinking.. well.. thats something....

/ May God be with u allways....

2007-08-10 07:11:31 · answer #3 · answered by Isme M 2 · 0 0

The college I attended had a group called Gay Students for Tomorrow. You couldn't join unless you were gay.

So I guess the question should be why do Christians and Gays discriminate.

From a social standpoint, people will always want to associate with other people like themselves. Its in our genes, part of social makeup. Deal with it.

From a religious standpoint, most Christian Churches accept that the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. As a Christian you cannot condone or endorse sin. You can accept it, you can live with it, but you can't support it. That goes for any sin and all sins. The general idea is when you sin, you ask forgiveness from God and its over, done with, you're good to go. So if you cheat on your wife and confess and ask forgiveness, the Church can accept you back. But if you perform homosexual acts and do not ask for forgiveness, the Church cannot accept you back.

Part of the religion. And we're suppose to be religiously tolerant aren't we?

2007-08-10 06:22:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Why are Christians still discriminated in many parts of the world? Frankly, Christians do not wish to discriminate but I do not have the freedom to answer the question truthfully due to the dominance of beliefs in this forum. I know in the Orthodox Church, all are welcome and no one is discriminated against. Sadly, humans are not perfect but the Orthodox faith continues on....

2007-08-10 09:18:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians do not have exclusive right to discrimination. the extremist Muslims are the title holder in that respect.

the ACLU is strangely silent on Muslims being given special considerations so they can practice their version of religion. i believe in separation of church and state for all, not just the Christians, but all religions.

we still have the right of free speech here and while i may not agree with some people's opinions, i defend their rights, and your's, to express them.

2007-08-10 06:22:31 · answer #6 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

Some people are that way, I guess.

A church that I used to attend regularly (and tithed to) announced a strict anti-gay policy, stating that gays were no longer welcome. I walked up to the pulpit, picked up the microphone and replied that I wasn't interested in being in a museum for saints but was really looking for a hospital for sinners. I walked out and haven't been back to church since.

What a bunch of hypocrites!

2007-08-10 06:20:08 · answer #7 · answered by Bostonian In MO 7 · 2 1

what is a christian?

jesus said "be ye as passers by" christians dont form power structures

your example is where the christians were denied funding. look at the recent bush awardings to his christian fundamentalist friends. how discriminatory is that? are these people actually christian?

is war christian?

2007-08-10 06:15:56 · answer #8 · answered by thomasdavidhalbrook@yahoo.com 2 · 1 1

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