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hi, i am 35 weeks pregnant with my first baby. just wondering if anyone else has this really nervous thing going about this time- we went on the hospital tour last night and i think that was when it really sank in that a human being was going to be coming out of me- like, next month! i got woozy looking at the labor/delivery room! my hubby says he's mostly excited- and so am i, but i have this overwhelming "what have we gotten ourselves into?" feeling sometimes! i guess i'm just not sure what i am going to do once she's here- am i gonna be a good mommy to her?? you know, that type of stuff. any advice for a first-timer?

2007-08-10 05:46:40 · 14 answers · asked by lilidepot 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

Trust me, as it comes you will be fine. You will learn from her just as she learns from you! You will be a great momma and it helps show by you being concerned. As for the labour and delivery part. I was nervous when I first got pregnant but as the time passed I just realized that I needed to be confident that my body would do exactly what it was made to do. I know it is a nerve wracking thing, but our bodies are incredibly durable. Please don't be nervous, as hard as it is not to be! I had a fairly easy labor (my first and I was in labor a total of 10 hours from my first real contractions and only pushed for 20 minutes) so there is hope that it will go perfect. Every labor is going to be different for every person though. Just relax, breath and take it as it comes! Once she is born, every day will bring a new challenge and it will also bring more knowledge and priceless memories! Good luck and congrats on the precious baby. Enjoy EVERY minute, even the hard ones.

2007-08-10 05:57:40 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What you are feeling sounds perfectly normal to me, when I had my tour at 35 weeks I was the exact same as you, it really freaked me out when I was in the delivery room and it suddenly became very real to me! My baby is due next week and I am feeling much calmer about things now, the truth is I am so uncomfortable I would do absolutely anything to get this baby out lol, I think it's mother nature's way of preparing us. I also have these moments where I wonder what have we done and will I be a good mum, all these things are totally natural to feel - so I'm told, and I'm also told that once your baby is here you won't remember what your life was like before them and everything will just come naturally to you. Don't be scared hun, you're not the first heavily pregnant woman to feel this way and you certainly won't be the last. Good luck!

2007-08-10 12:54:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Definately know the feeling. We went on the birthing unit tour and I thought it was the coldest scariest place to have a baby.. my confidence dropped after that. However, I'm coming to realise it's not so bad - next time I leave that place I'll have my beautiful son. That's worth a couple of days in pain at least! The location of birth doesn't faze me now and everything that follows will follow, I just want to do my best for my kid at the end of the day. It's such a big change in your life, I don't think you'll ever be 'ready', just prepared for the best/worst

2007-08-12 02:56:56 · answer #3 · answered by mischa_h 2 · 0 0

I got the same woozy feeling on our hospital tour....I think the smell of the place did it, but the realization that I would be in there really set things rolling.

It is a case of the jitters and you'll be a fine mommy.

Take a deep breath, try to relax and enjoy the last month of your pregnancy.

2007-08-10 13:17:16 · answer #4 · answered by GayLF 5 · 0 0

Yep, first timer, 39 weeks, and I think I've been so focused on just getting through this pregnancy, that I haven't spent much time really considering what it's going to be like actually having the baby around in my daily life.

It did hit me a bit last night that in the not to distant future I'll have a crying baby to feed in the night...definitely an intimidating thought. Even though I've helped a lot with nieces and nephews (I'm certainly not clueless about babies) it's still very overwhelming to consider.

2007-08-10 12:59:11 · answer #5 · answered by daisyk 6 · 1 0

I am 36 weeks pregnant and Im going through the same thing.. im scared I have never actually been this scared or this type of scared. I mean that babies head is coming out from WHERE??? And shes can come out any time she wants to right now..... and the nursery isnt ready i have no money saved up for maternity leave. I have started to have these crazy dreams on my hubby running out on me, my emotions are all out of whack and i have cried at least 6 times in the past 4 days.... will i be a good mom?? will she have the family curse of having birth marks??? Oh god and I would blame myself if she had one on her face!! So I cant give you advice on how to handle it... Im a freakin wreck... GOOD LUCK

2007-08-10 13:00:52 · answer #6 · answered by Andrea B 2 · 0 0

I constantly wonder if I'll know what to do when the baby's born.

I think you'll be fine once the baby is here. I always surprise myself at how nervous I am before something big in my life happens but when I'm finally experiencing it, I can handle it pretty well. I'm at 37 weeks so I think I'll be fine too once baby's here, and so will you. It's just the unknown that's making you understandably nervous.

The dad is always excited because he's not the one who worries about feedings and scheduling and milestones at a certain age. The mom is always nervous for the reasons I just named.

2007-08-10 12:56:44 · answer #7 · answered by linda 3 · 1 0

I did not like the looks of the hospital labor room either; all those monitors and impersonal stuff. I decided to go to the birth center instead. It was much easier to have a baby there.

2007-08-10 14:05:50 · answer #8 · answered by pennypincher 7 · 0 0

its perfectly normal to be nervous. after all, it is another life you created! Its wonderful though and you'll see that once the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do.
That may not sound comforting right now, but just wait and see. Youre going to look back at this and wonder what in the world you worried about.

2007-08-10 12:51:56 · answer #9 · answered by luvbug7982 2 · 2 0

OH yea, I'm feeling the same thing. On one hand, I'm CRAZY excited! And then I go and see something (like the maternity unit tour) and the reality of it sinks in! Every time I go to a class, it just gets more real, and more scary! I'm like, "holy crap, I'm going to be a MOM...for EVER!"

But then the scariness passes, and I'm excited again. Good luck!

2007-08-10 12:50:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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