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the citizens of this country do not care for the HUMAN(criminals) RIGHTS ACT. That we want tighter immigration controls, tougher policeing and sentencing of criminals and away with all this PC malarky?


2007-08-10 05:46:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Why are you against immigration control? Do want this country full of forgeiners? Some are usuful and work. Some are scroungers, some are terrorists and some are criminals. All immigrants and assylum seeking should be controlled. We do not need to accept anyones assylum unless they share a border with us. Instead of importing skilled workers why not start training our own people? Apprenticeships anyone?

2007-08-10 05:52:26 · update #1

Cherrypicker- Are you going to pick on me for spelling? Instead of slagging my poor grammar which I know is bad. Perhaps you should come back with a decent argument? Just because my spelling is 100% doesn't mean I am a cretin. Right now i could go and say its my Human right to have poor spelling and not have to put up with your taunting as it is mentally scarring me.

2007-08-10 05:55:41 · update #2

Counter argue then cherry picker. I didn't know yahoo had a spell check.

I wouldn't want to live in a country with no HRA but have you noticed that the HRA only seems to be abused by criminals we never had any problems with human rights before we signed up to it? Why don't you leftys go to iran or north korea and start protesting about Human rights and see how far it gets you?

2007-08-10 06:22:16 · update #3

17 answers

when we rise up and force them to start doing what we want and stop voting for the same usles parties with vested intrests and stop taking the lies we are force fed from them

civil war is the answer.

2007-08-10 05:50:34 · answer #1 · answered by bigsexydug 4 · 1 1

All Laws start out with well intentioned motives.
Racial Discrimination Act/ Human Rights Act even PCs.
But I'm afraid the Judges and our Governing Bodies have forgotten that they were for all the Population of the Country.
It appears its the Victims that end up on the wrong side of the Law.
As far as I'm concerned all Criminals chose to give away their Rights when they commit the Crime.
Only today we see a Burglar died while on a job,now the householder faces Prosecution and jail.
Dont throw away your own safeguards just because the Government and some Judges misinterpret the rule book.
It all boils down to funding and lack of Communication between the various Departments ..Immigration/Home office/Scotland yard/MI 5 all in fighting ,while the Law Breakers run free.
I still believe overall we have the Best System in the world providing it run fairly and the Victims are treated as such.

2007-08-10 07:40:33 · answer #2 · answered by cowboy 2 · 0 0

i like political correctness and i am all for human rights! Yes i believe in a tighter immigration policy, however at the same time the whole immigration, asylum etc scenario has been blown out of proportion. What the world really wants is an end to War, so that the money spent fuelling Bush's war will be spent on more "homely" issues, such as student tuition fees and the NHS (oh i'm sorry, that's what i want anyway, kind of like what you want!)

2007-08-10 09:17:34 · answer #3 · answered by Faith 5 · 1 0

The HRA is a pernicious piece of legislation, like the Race Relations Act. Human rights are not something handed down from above; they are rights conferred by society on its members. Rights carry responsibilities. If one person wants their human rights respected they must respect those of others; else the system breaks down. If someone murders; tortures; rapes; robs, etc. they forfeit their human rights. Of course the PC sorority cannot see this. Examine the policies of the BNP.

2007-08-13 20:54:02 · answer #4 · answered by galyamike 5 · 0 0

CHERRYPICKER - If bad spelling offends you what would you do if someone said your nothing but a lonely old mean woman who has nothing better to do with her time then to put people you don't even know down. Answer to your question,I know how you feel the USA has it's share of immigrants and all the problems that come with them.

2007-08-10 15:41:28 · answer #5 · answered by Teenie 7 · 0 0

Your spelling is atroscious and your source of news is Yahoo (not very high-brow now, is it?). Clearly you are a tabloid reader (I would guess Mail or Express because you seem pretentious enough to think you are better than a Sun reader, when you are actually not), and about as well informed as a monkey.

Have you ever actually read the Human Rights Act 1998? (It is the integration into British law of the European Convention on Human Rights, although we have been a signatory to it for much, much longer. The HRA also has some extra human rights law that we made ourselves, such as the complete abolition of capital punishment.) I really suggest you read it.

Why is it that British people seem so incapable of rational, informed choice? Firstly, people need to distinguish between asylum seekers and economic migrants. Both are people who want to come into the country, but for very different reasons. When most people say "asylum seekers" they are actually thinking about economic migrants. Asylum seekers come to escape oppression in their own countries, like people in Darfur and such. Of course, an uninformed tabloid-reading bigot will not have heard of Darfur. As far as I am concerned, all asylum seekers should be given asylum, or we should cooperate with other EU countries to spread them out a bit more evenly. Unfortunately they don't usually come with many useful skills, but it would be wrong to send them back home. Economic migrants, on the other hand, do not need to be here, but they come here precisely to work (and not "scrounge") so they make a huge, undeniable contribution to our economy. And people cannot complain that they can't get work because of immigrants: just learn more skills and be better educated than them!

What we need is more effective sentencing of criminals, not toucher sentencing. There is a big difference. 'Tough' sentencing - a new right idea and for many years a Conservative policy (and Republican policy in America - sadly it pretty much still is) - simply does not work. The crime rate, according to the BCS and reported crime stats, rose during Conservative government of Britain, but has fallen drastically since 1997. The nasty little influence of the media has made crime seem worse than it actually is, as it reports more crime now even though less is committed. Oddly the prison population has got much bigger in this time, which either must be down to sending more people to prison for lesser offences or sending people to prison for longer, or both. This is something that we in the criminology field are still trying to get our heads around, but it is most likely to be more due to sending people to prison for lesser or multiple petty offences.

More effective sentencing must meet the criteria of rehabilitation, deterrence, reparation, incapacitation and retribution. Long prison sentences only do two, arguably three though in my opinion not, of the five. I think we need to make punishments more individual, taylor made to the offender in order to be most effective for them. The general attitude we have towards it is unhealthy for society.

EDIT: Oh, the irony in teenie's answer (below) made me laugh!

2007-08-10 13:32:24 · answer #6 · answered by quierounvaquero 4 · 0 0

Being politically correct isn't bad in and of itself. It's in it's context that makes it good or bad, just like language in general.

Now, we know that in some cases, criminals are way mollycoddled in the United States, especially considering what they have done.

On the other hand, it is necessary to insure that we do not become a police state, either. I think that Americans have a very fascist bent these days, and I think it's more frightening than what is going on in the world.

2007-08-10 05:51:47 · answer #7 · answered by joshcrime 3 · 0 0

There are problems with the Human Rights Act, but maybe if you had lived in a country where people are arrested and tortured for speaking their minds, you might not complain so much about it.

2007-08-10 05:59:34 · answer #8 · answered by fundamentalist1981 3 · 1 0

Mass immigration is against the wishes of most UK people, don't believe me? try a referendum and see.

Mass immigration has many disadvantages including increased property prices, don't believe me? see the link below.

2007-08-13 05:37:14 · answer #9 · answered by Sam J 2 · 0 0

Gee! I wonder why the Native Americans didn't come up with some kind of 'immigration law' when we showed up!
Talk about 'human rights'?

2007-08-11 20:35:51 · answer #10 · answered by jaded 4 · 0 0

Well said. Everyone is so afraid of upsetting the wrong people. Why not listen to the right people for a change.

2007-08-10 06:31:18 · answer #11 · answered by focus 6 · 1 0

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