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2007-08-10 05:06:55 · 28 answers · asked by ▒Bella▒ 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

28 answers

Wow, That is really relevant. But I will give it a shot.
It is really good to be informed but dont read a bunch of books that tell you what to do and what not to do.
We all have this thing called instinct.....trust yours. I am sure you will do fine.
Its nice when you can put your kids first, but lets face it, our kids dont pay our bills. So sometimes you have to disappoint them.....get over it. The same thing happened to you when you were young.
Lastly, sometimes when they are between 0-1 year old....let them cry...It will sometimes break your heart, however, a broken heart is a lot easier to fix than to break the "I will come to you every time you cry" habbit.
good luck and have fun...after all that is what life is all about.

2007-08-10 05:14:42 · answer #1 · answered by Veteranschoice 4 · 3 0

I am a new mommy myself - our son will be 5 months next week. I have discovered 3 things:

1. Do not drive yourself crazy reading books or listening to how others think you should parent your child. Trust your own instincts! You will come to know your baby better than anyone else in a very short amount of time.
2. Sleep!!! I was amazed at how completely exhausted I was in the beginning. Sleep whenever you can - the housework can wait. Let others help when they offer it.
3. Keep the lines of communication open with your spouse. It will help you to have someone to talk to and will help maintain some intimacy in your relationship - which quite frankly will take a back seat for a little while.

Good luck and congrats on the new baby.

P. S. Enjoy it!!! Your baby will only be a baby for a little while.

2007-08-10 12:14:02 · answer #2 · answered by Shannon 3 · 5 0

I was petrified when I brought my son home...as was hubby. Best advice for someone doing it for the first time...relax..and you are doing the best you can. They don't come with a manual so hang in there. The housework will get done sooner or later...don't sweat it. Take all outside advice with a grain of salt...you will find your own routine, and your own way to do things...just cause someone else does it a different way doesn't mean that your way is wrong...its just a different way.

2007-08-10 15:04:57 · answer #3 · answered by mommy_2_liam 7 · 1 0

Give your child all the love you can give. Don't
be quick to judge until after you get all of the facts.
Always believe in your child no matter what. Don't
try and be a best friend to your child-he needs a parent. Stay involved in your child's life. Know who
his friends are and supervise him when he ventures onto the Internet. Never be too busy to listen.

2007-08-10 12:18:51 · answer #4 · answered by Precious Gem 7 · 4 0

baby swing, oh ya!! i didn't have one! that is the one thing you should get if you do not have one!!
breast feeding is the best! nutrition for a new baby!...
it will hurt at first..but will get better, if it gets better than gets worse, go to the doctor! and your problem will be solved
i put my child to sleep on her side, so she didn't end up with a flat head or the bald spot on her head.
cuddle a lot, but don't let her fall a sleep in your arms, put them down before they fall a sleep.
ummm, that is all i can think of right now!
good luck and enjoy your time, cause they grow up fast!!!!!!!

2007-08-10 12:16:19 · answer #5 · answered by little-fingers 4 · 1 0

Spend plenty of time with your children and cherish them...most of the time pregnancy goes by so slow but once the baby is finally here, they keep you on your toes so much that they are grown and gone in no time. I look at my 20 month old and I'm just amazed, it seems like only yesterday I gave birth to her and all the sudden she is miss little independant. I hope and pray my little girl always needs me, that is the best feeling...when she runs to you for help or comfort.

2007-08-10 12:19:47 · answer #6 · answered by LosersSuck 3 · 3 0

Parents, in-laws, grandparents, friends... they'll either be very supportive or critique almost everything you do.

For the critics... just take it with a grain of salt. Don't let them get to you. Do what you know is best for your baby. You are the parent and you are the one who is with your child for a majority of the time.

(as you can see, people love giving advice)

2007-08-10 12:14:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Don't worry too much, newborns and babies are tough. You won't pull their head off getting them dressed or undressed, and if you leave them to cry for 5 minutes while you have a shower or a sandwich, they are not going to explode or hate you.
Have fun, and don't get stressed about what your child should or shouldn't be doing at a certain time or age, all kids are different, Just enjoy the moment.

2007-08-10 12:11:18 · answer #8 · answered by louloubelle 4 · 7 0

My advice is this. Everyone is going to give you advice, before you heed it, consider how they turned out, and how their kids turned out. Follow your heart with your child, each child is different, even when the same Biological parents, brought up under the same rules. I'm a baby boomer, and we were brought up by a book written by Dr Benjamin Spock. Dr. Spock had 2 sons, both turned out poorly, and he wrote the book....follow your heart.

2007-08-10 12:13:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Have a LOT of patience, don't take your anger out on a child, lots of hugs and kisses, don't spoil them with lots of big toys, a few small toys will be adequate, ALWAYS tell them you love them even if they accidentally spill something. And ALWAYS be there for them when they hurt - physically or mentally.

2007-08-10 12:12:46 · answer #10 · answered by Pancake 7 · 5 0

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