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1. Because they have, post JFK, been taken over by anti USA leftist like Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan they will NOT defend the country from foreign enemies.

2. They will gut the military and intelligence services to pay for all the handouts they promise their supporters.

3. They always raise taxes. Every time without fail. JFK was the last dem to CUT taxes.

4. They are hostile to people of religious faith.

5. They are the pro gay marriage and abortion on demand party

The republicans are FAR from perfect but that does not mean people want us to be like CANADA. No military and never ending entitlements.

(On My 360 page Blog - I listed many reasons why I like George W. Bush. I challenge thos on the left to accept the truth.)

2007-08-10 04:55:07 · 43 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4 in Politics & Government Politics

43 answers

1. Opposing the War in Iraq doesn't make anyone anti-USA. I'm a vet who believes that GWB has screwed up so badly that it could take YEARS to undo the damage he has done.
Have you served your country? No? Gee, I'm so surprised.

2. 51% of our tax dollars go to the military. It's been that way for decades. Our military budget is more than all the other countries of the world combined. Can you say overkill?

3. JFK did not cut taxes, sweetie.

4. You don't have to be a Democrat to resent the Christian Right's attempts to cram their religion down your throat.

5. Not being homophobic doesn't make you pro-gay marriage and no one supports "abortion on demand."

Your understanding of the issues is confused and ignorant. Your melodrama is entertaining though.

2007-08-10 05:10:25 · answer #1 · answered by BOOM 7 · 5 1

Where to begin,

#1 Because an American has a different point of view does not make them unwilling or unable to defend the country from foreign enemies. That is distorted and you know it.

#2 The world is changing and will continue to change and as such the military demands will change. The military budget will change because we are in a unwarranted war. A war for profit, there is nothing noble about the Iraq occupation. Our brave soldiers are dying so that the bush jr "base" can get rich. Sorry this doesn't wash.

#3 The unfair tax cuts given to the rich will definitely be cut, the trickle down theory doesn't work has never worked. The rich get richer and the rest of us decline economically.

#4 I am a green liberal Christian, I believe in Jesus and the Holy Bible. As such I have to be a liberal, read Acts, the Sermon on the Mount and Proverbs and try and tell me you believe that and you are a conservative.

#5 I believe Romans 2:1 and therefore do not take a stand on this issue.

Greed permeates the Republican party and does not reflect the values it claims to represent.

2007-08-10 05:14:44 · answer #2 · answered by Follow the money 7 · 3 0

1. Cindy Sheehan is the product of Bush and Company, not of the Democrat as most people thinks. As far as Moore the right has just as many if not more pushing the own belief.
2. our present administration in my opinion is every anti-military.
3. I am a Democrat and I believe in the freedom of religion not freedom from religion. there are just as many people on both side that want to limit your religious ideas.
4. I know here are people that are Republican that are for abortion on demand and there are gay republican. IE. the log cabin republicans.
5. When you at "war" we need to pay for it and just how do we pay for it?

remember this, both side has good ideas and bad ideas what we need is to work together for the best for our country.

while you may think that Bush is great I personally think has not been that great of a Perez.

by the way Canada does have a military. so much for your reasoning. get your fact straight.

2007-08-10 16:37:16 · answer #3 · answered by Richard S 2 · 0 0

1. I will defend this country to the death from foreign enemies. Saddam was not a threat to us, only the countries that surrounded him. My family members serving agree as well. Does this sound familiar?

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

2. The unit of the CIA that was formed to hunt for bin Laden back in 1996 (oh my, Clinton!!) has been disbanded. Why? See above answer.

3. 2 links you should read. Which tax-cut plan was implemmented in 2003 by Bush? http://www.ctj.org/html/dem0103.htm And spending under Bush?http://www.factcheck.org/defending_spending_bushs_blooper.html
4. I don't know where you get that crap. I truly don't. Unless you have taken the liberty of re-defining this. I am a Christian Demmocrat who bellieves that I have no right to force anyone else to live by my beliefs. I have every right to tell you what I believe, but not to make you live by them.

5. I am Pro-choice and support gay civil rights. Why? See above answer.

At least try to do a little bit of research on your "valid reasons".

2007-08-10 05:44:10 · answer #4 · answered by midnight&moonlight'smom 4 · 1 0

Very clumsy. You've been a bad girl, partying when you didn't finish your homework:

1. Moore and Sheehan are party members, not party officials. They only have one vote, like you and me. Sheehan did announce yesterday that she's in the race for Nancy Pelosi's seat in the House, but that's some way off.

2. Bush has driven the professionals out of those departments, and all that are left are the partisan toadies.

3. We've just seen seven years of record deficit spending and you have the nerve to bring this up? Shame on you!

4. No, "people of religious faith" are hostile to Democrats.

5. Only for those who want to take away the rights of others.

2007-08-10 05:11:45 · answer #5 · answered by Who Else? 7 · 2 0

It always gets me when I see people write their positions based on emotion rather than objective thought and research.

1) I think that is a blanket extreme statement. Everyone in government will defend our country from foreign invaders. Invading the country that we supported during the "Iraq - Iran War"--- We trained Iraq military and supported Sadamm Hussein, Fact.

***I will agree, we should have invaded IRAN years ago, as they pose the real problem.

2) This statement makes absolutely no sense. I was in the military, and a member of the current administration proposed cutting hazardous duty pay. Appalling, but thank God it never passed.

3) Bush Sr. was quoted as saying "Read my lips, no new taxes," first thing he does in office is...raise taxes.

***Remember who put this country 3 trillion dollars in debt, Reagan.

4) Hostile to people of Religious Faith? A statement made out of pure ignorance, at least your other statements had some credibility.

5) I believe they support "civil unions" yes, and to say abortion-party is again incorrect. It's pro-choice, i.e., meaning that a pro-choice person supports the women's decision to either KEEP the baby or abort, so long as it's the women's decision alone.

P.S. I am a Republican. If you want to argue, at least present facts that are accurate.

2007-08-10 05:27:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Your five reasons are not valid.

1. Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Ted Haggard, David Vitter etc. etc.. The republican party is full of egotistical, heavy handed,hypocritical radicals.
2. Which is worse, gutting the military or overburdoning it?
3. Dems wouldn't have to raise taxes if we didn't have to clean up the mess the republicans make. Clinton had the national debt amost wiped out. In six years, we are back to a debt of 3 trillion and growing daily. An economy based on debt is not a strong one, as you see in the fluctuating markets.

4. Republicans are hostile to those who don't share the same religious convictions and towards those who don't feel the government should rule by the Christian Bible.

5. Not all dems are pro gay marriage. Only 2 out of the 8 presidential candidates are for gay marriage. Most are for civil unions as are all the republican candidates. Denying gays the right to government benefits they pay for with taxes is discrimination. I'm not talking about having a right to be married, but the rights to tax breaks, loans, and other rights heteros benefit from as a couple.

Being pro choice is not the same as "on demand" abortions. Noone supports that, not even the most liberal democrat.

2007-08-10 05:09:48 · answer #7 · answered by Mkath 3 · 4 2

Those are valid reasons.

I adamantly disagree with most of them, and the importance of others, but that is what is important to you.

Personally I wont vote for GOP due to:

1. Blantant disregard for protections given under the Bill of Rights (Amendments 1, 4, and 6 specifically).

2. Illogical war based on nothing more than bad intelligence and a refusal to acknowledge that.

3. Lack of conservative policies for Federal vs. state power.

4. Lack of conservative policies in spending.

5. Lack of conservative policies in size and power of Federal Gov't.

6. Refusal to be held accountable for actions while in office (dont care about beforehand)

7. Insane presidential directives giving nearly absolute control to Executive Branch in times of emergency, then failing to define these times.


Again, the DNC is not really any better, but I am wary of allowing this to continue. I would prefer a third party and will likely vote that way.


How can people have responded to this by saying the reasons arent valid, then justifying the actions she describes rather than saying they are wrong? People place importance on different aspects of gov't-that does not make them wrong.

I hate what the DNC does to the military when theyre in power-cutting funding to them is not a good way to get money for other programs. However I am also disgusted by the GOP's treament of soldiers, sending them to die in an ill-advised war that is accomplishing nothing. Neither opinion is right, nor are they in conflict with one another.

2007-08-10 05:20:52 · answer #8 · answered by Showtunes 6 · 3 0

Typical. Why is it that those that want to correct the problems with this country are considered anti-American by you folks? The whole saying is "My country right or wrong; when right to embrace it and when wrong to correct it."
This war is a bogus and draining this country. Sure Bush didn't raise taxes to fight this war, but he is borrowing the money which is putting us in debt for decades.
We are only hostile to religion when it is forced down our throats! Freedom of religion means that we are free to not believe. All your "facts" are exaggerations and simply talking points from the far right. Open up your mind and listen, perhaps you might hear the truth and the truth will set you free.

2007-08-10 05:12:57 · answer #9 · answered by diogenese_97 5 · 4 0

1. No. Complete nonsense.
2. No. That's crap. But you could easily accuse the Republicans of doing this too.
3. No, unless you call restoring the deep, damaging cuts on taxes on the very rich an increase. Then yeah.
4. We ARE people of faith too, so no. We just don't like hostility from your people of faith.
5. No. Not "pro" - just believing in freedom to be pro.

Nope. Not even close. I'm a Democrat, so I know better than you.

2007-08-10 05:08:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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