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i was recently searching for questions and i came across this one.. that really bothered me >> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjJD5vvUJC7q9MiPKJFz.7kjzKIX?qid=20070109113031AAAuz5K
its not that i care what other people think.. i just cant believe how hurtful people can be... not just the asker.. but also the people that answered the question.

my name has never given me any problems.. and i dont find it 'gay or stupid' at all.

the asker of the question claimed it was a scottish sur name.. which is probably true..but im not scottish at all..
im spanish, german and austrian..


2007-08-10 04:17:50 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Baby Names

21 answers

my names Mackenzie. the think the Mc part is cool. I've never had any troubles at all with my name. people can name thier kids w/e they wan't I don't think the name Mckenzie is gay or stupid. the guy who asked the question is I love my name.

2007-08-10 06:09:32 · answer #1 · answered by Kenzie+Camden=♥ 4 · 0 1

Your name is something by which people identify you and address you. If you have a weird name or a name with a weird meaning and people know it, well, they are going to say so. For example, Yoni, in Sanskrit, means vagina. Since I know that, I don't like to call someone Miss Yoni even if it is her first or last name. It feels even more strange when Yoni is used as a nickname for a boy. That does not mean I get to choose what a person's name is. One of my friends has a name that is pronounced un-null. But, for whatever reason, he chooses to spell it as Anal. If you insist on naming yourself Anal, don't be surprised if people make fun of you. You can still take pride in your name, of course. You can try explaining that Anal really means fire and that it is NOT pronounced A-null but un-null. Good luck with that. Considering that Anal is a male name, though, I would not be surprised if people who did not know (or care about) the meaning, called it gay or stupid. But then that ignorance is not the fault of the person who chose the name or the person who bears the name.

2007-08-12 07:44:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anpadh 6 · 0 0


I only have heard Mackenzie as a male name once in the whole 25 years I have been on this planet. It is more commonly used as a females name. Also, I have never seen it as a surname.....I think that asker was just being rude & obnoxious. Maybe that asker was having a bad day. I dont know & I dont care. They just should not have posted that in my opinion. But opinions are like @$$ holes & everyone has one & most of them stink!!!!

2007-08-10 14:30:56 · answer #3 · answered by leashell 5 · 0 0

Who cares what other people think? No one is ever going to like every name out there. I recently had a baby and I Learned not to even discuss names at all with anyone because everyone had an opinion and they were all different. No matter what name I chose I couldn't please everyone. My parents had a fit because we chose Sahara as our daughter's middle name. My husband and I got married in Las Vegas and stayed at the Sahara Hotel. We wanted to give her a name that reminded us of our wedding and our favorite place. EVERYONE else that I tell it to loves the name because it is so unique and different. I only hope that as she grows up she realizes how special the name is and why we chose it for her.

Don't let a loser influence your feelings. Life is too short.

2007-08-10 11:25:47 · answer #4 · answered by jachooz 6 · 2 0

Honey don't let it bother u I love that name something you dont hear often. And you must understand that some of these qustions/answers probley come from pure morones to start with. I would love my name to be McKenzie instead of Melissa. Pretty name for other folks I know named it but I dont like it much.And by the way look at the yahoo name Seto ?

2007-08-10 11:24:46 · answer #5 · answered by Jen 2 · 1 0

People in other countries really hate the American tendency to use surnames as a first name. They really, really hate it. This originally was a practice only of the South, but now everybody seems to do it. On the other hand, I totally hate when people give boy names to girls. But that's a different soapbox. I agree, I don't think your name is either gay or stupid.

2007-08-10 23:39:40 · answer #6 · answered by CarbonDated 7 · 0 1

it's unfortunate that people are so mean and hateful. However, just ignore them. God made you who you are, and no matter what your name is, you are a beautiful person with a beautiful heart. Ignore the people who are being so hateful. Pray for those who curse you......I think your name is beautiful. I have always liked that name. It's not so common, well I don't hear it often at all anyway, and I even have 4 kids in school! So anyway, just ignore them. God Bless.

2007-08-10 11:29:40 · answer #7 · answered by ledbytheholyspirit 3 · 2 0

I've always like the name McKenzie! It doesn't matter if you are scottish or not, and it doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl it works for both.... some people can be so ignorant!

2007-08-10 12:34:36 · answer #8 · answered by sun_shinevt 6 · 1 0

McKenzie.......I happen to like that name & obviously, your parents did too, or they would not have named you that. When naming my sons, I chose names that I liked & didn't pay attention to it's origin or who liked it or who didn't like it. You have to remember that there are people here who can be very cruel but there are also many nice people here as well. Just ignore the rude & crude people & you'll be just fine. I have my opinions about things, you do too, but others seem to want to get nasty, if your opinion doesn't match theirs. Don't waste time on them, they're not worth it.

2007-08-10 11:38:53 · answer #9 · answered by Shortstuff13 7 · 1 0

I like the name McKenzie. It's my grandparents last name. I always liked it as a first name too though. Sorry people are so mean.

2007-08-10 12:02:52 · answer #10 · answered by Eli's Mama 3 · 1 0

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