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Myth: Women earn $0.XX per man's $1.00 for the same work. (The $0.XX claimed varies wildly)

False. This myth refuses to take into account important considerations such as actual hours worked (!), training, job commitment, etc.

Myth: Men control more money than women.

False. Men work for and earn more money, but women control more than 65% of US personal wealth, and spend 4 consumer dollars for every consumer dollar that men spend.

Myth: Women's standard of living falls after divorce while men's rises.

False. This myth is based on an "advocacy" study by Lenore Weitzmann that has been long debunked, for use of unrepresentative samples, misleading arithmetic, insistence on counting payments from the ex-husband to the ex-wife as if he still possessed the money, and so forth. Weitzmann openly broke the American Sociological Association's Code Of Ethics but has yet to be disciplined for it.

2007-08-10 03:44:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

Myth: Choice for men is about men trying to evade parental responsibilities.

False and sexist. In the US, choice for men would give men only the rights women have had since Roe v Wade, nothing more. It would not let the man compel the woman to abort. See http://www.nas.com/c4m

Trick: People who oppose Feminists are "threatened by strong women"

It is manipulative and arrogant to imply that the only flaw feminists could possibly have is to be "too strong".

Trick: Feminists just want equality. Feminism is about people.

The anti-male nature of Feminists is so obvious, so huge, so outrageous, that to discuss this myth would only dignify it undeservedly. And we've all noticed that purveyors of this trick don't object when the "Why should Feminism do anything for men" trick is used.

2007-08-10 03:57:54 · update #1

Trick: Why should Feminism do anything for men? Why don't men form their own groups instead of demanding that Feminism behave itself?

We do, and obviously we lack the political clout of Feminism. But given Feminism's constant use of appeal to pity, it is enormously hypocritical to now say "Who cares about you, we got ours!" And we've all noticed that purveyors of this trick don't object when the "Feminism is about people" trick is used.

Myth: Differences in the skills and behaviour of men and women are all caused by socialisation. Thus in principle all women can do most jobs as well as all men.

There is an enormous middle ground between biological determinism and cultural determinism. Both extremes are ridiculous. We should not accept the socialization-causes-it-all theory as "the alternative" to biological determinism.

2007-08-10 03:58:42 · update #2

Trick: Women have it worse because violence against women is increasing at a faster rate than violence against men.

This is the Fallacy of Confounding the Derivative with the Function. Men have it much worse, as evinced by the two major U.S. Department of Justice crime measures. The actual victimization rates for women are still much lower than those of men.

Trick: You can't criticize Feminism because no statement you make is true of _all_ Feminists.

This trick tries to block discussion by making it impossible to express your thought. The writer simply specifies that by "Feminism", he means mainstream Feminism, misandry. Another approach is to qualify the term: "Gender Feminism", "Biofeminism", or "Radical Feminism". And if Feminism really was so random, by the same token you wouldn't be able say anything positive about it.

2007-08-10 03:59:39 · update #3

Trick: Well _I_ don't approve of [some particular Feminist evil]. Only some rare radical Feminists do. Maybe.

If you genuinely don't, then we weren't criticizing _you_. But generally the statement is part of the old good cop / bad cop routine. Do you ever actually criticize the misandrists? Ever advance new arguments against Feminist policies or actions? Ever spread the word about the latest Feminist outrage? Or do you just tell _us_ to stop holding Feminism accountable?

Trick: There is no Feminist agenda. I must have been away when the agenda was handed out

That tactic has become a favorite one to deflect criticism about the activities being conducted on their behalf. Movements don't exist without agendas, nor can they be effective without a fairly high degree of uniformity among their supporters.

2007-08-10 04:00:19 · update #4

Trick: I don't speak for Feminism, just for myself. I'm not accountable for Feminism. Feminism is not accountable for me.

Fair enough if it came from a real non-Feminist. But if you have argued in defense or support of Feminism, you have shown your colors and we won't forget it for your convenience. It's also fair to hold Feminism accountable for you if other Feminists refrain from significantly criticizing you.

2007-08-10 04:01:04 · update #5

Trick: Why is SO IMPORTANT to you to argue about [some particular gender issue]?

You should be asking this of Feminists, not of Antifeminists. The Feminists invented the "Which sex has it worse?" issue with all its variations and invented countless lies about it. It was only when the lies were thrown in our face over and over that we realized we had to defend men. Why attack Antifeminists for defending men, and say nothing to Feminists for attacking men in the first place?

Trick: Men are responsible for wars. This justifies many sorts of manbashing, including the all-male draft.

You mean, men _are sent_ to war. Surely sending a birth group to their deaths does not justify further discrimination against that group.

Trick: You're not a woman so you could never understand.
And when's the last time you told a female Feminist she could never hope to understand because she's not a man?

2007-08-10 04:04:28 · update #6

And so the only people who can comment on gender issues are people who have had sex change operations?

2007-08-10 04:05:11 · update #7

To Fraxinus: The link works, and even if it doesn't, you can still read the additional details.
And didn't you have a question that focused on recognizing and eradicating
trolls ?? Surely the dust you sprinkled is by you yourself ??
If you want to post spam to my questions, I'm afraid I just have to block you.

2007-08-10 04:14:16 · update #8

dracorim: "so, the indescrepancy in the first issue makes me question the validity of the remainder... "
great way to ignore the rest of the points. I suppose we should all take up that line of reasoning and dismiss everything based on one point alone.

2007-08-10 04:16:03 · update #9

To Super Ruper: True indeed.

2007-08-10 04:16:43 · update #10


2007-08-10 04:34:20 · update #11

8 answers

Of course it does, but feminists will deny everything here. Just watch. See my answer here to know more: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Au0LoJ8x4OJ9oA6wj3QfzAvsy6IX?qid=20070808200633AAbQ1N0&show=7#profile-info-41Dwgx0Caa

Draecoram, then why don't you give us a link to this study? I have sources from CBC: Canada's Broadcasting Corporation.

2007-08-10 03:50:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

No. no and FOXPAC isn't our bible. a million, If Obama's approval score drops under 35% like Reagans did then you definitely could additionally make a controversy of it. 2. No do not cherry p.c... congress has a 26% approval score from Gallup. All this after the two 365 days concern smear and disinformation promoting campaign. 3. there's no failed stimulus in case you're able to agonize to look for your self. 4. After different guy all began bailing out the vehicle cos. 5. 9.5% unemployment that with out the stimulus could desire to be plenty better. 6. a million.3 trillion deficit is in preserving with the way that distinctive guy greater effective deficits. 7. not actual.

2016-12-15 11:07:22 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

There are all kinds of people in this world. The trick is to ignore those that upset you, and spend your time focussed on those with whom you have fun or interesting conversation. Life is too short to get uptight about those people with whom you cannot agree...

2007-08-10 04:11:16 · answer #3 · answered by Super Ruper 6 · 3 0

My compliments and an outstanding example of how constructive debate can be undertaken and issues addressed without the stench of trolling.


2007-08-11 00:30:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please be advised that Weitzman's study was debunked by feminists. We never looked to her as a spokeswoman. It was found that women's standard of living does decrease, but by only half the percentage that she estimated.

But it's safe to say that pay disparities today can only be attributed to discrimination in several isolated incidents.

2007-08-10 09:32:44 · answer #5 · answered by Rio Madeira 7 · 2 1


People of opinions expressed similar to this questioner are not welcome at many discussion groups and you get violation notice and stuff if you post stuff like this.

Everybody, pleas take note of the points and also help in the cause of fighting against propoganda, by feminists and other such people.

2007-08-10 04:23:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

I'd say so, but I have never been a feminist...never have had "the man" put me down...

2007-08-10 03:49:53 · answer #7 · answered by The Nag 5 · 2 3

As your link doesn't work, your 'proof' that it's all bunkum isn't evident. You wouldn't be throwing dust in our eyes would you?

2007-08-10 04:08:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

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