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This paints a big target on us every election. We're the party of Sodom and Gomorrah. We erode America's values. We are supported by a bunch of fringe special interest groups.

As a generally Liberal Democrat, I wish the Democrats would quit courting marginals and get back to the business of winning elections. To paraphrase the Lotto ads: "You can't play if you don't win."

2007-08-10 03:38:32 · 27 answers · asked by Mr. Vincent Van Jessup 6 in Politics & Government Politics

If you can't get past the avatar, which I've had for months now without complaint from bright people, I guess you're not one of them.

2007-08-10 04:03:38 · update #1

Actually, I am a liberal Democrat from 1984, when I voted for Mondale, against Reagan. And I have stuck by the party, whose principles I endorse against an unacceptable alternative, through the succeeding parade of election losers, one after another: Dukakis, Kerry, Gore. The US has been done untold damage during the last 27 years, which can only be corrected by a Democrat.

Those who keep seeking the solace of denial by chanting "You're not a liberal or Democrat" are proving my point: Most people in the party aren't REALISTS about winning. Republicans understand that political success is synonymous with winning elections. Why can't Democrats, at the leadership level, get this through their heads?

As long as the Democratic party is seen as a party of odd minority special interests, they will never lead the country again. Bank on it.

2007-08-10 04:10:33 · update #2

Rotorhead gets it: "I don't know if it seals their doom but it doesn't help them with the moderate undecided." That segment of voters is essential. They swing elections.

2007-08-10 04:13:41 · update #3

27 answers

I don't know if it seals their doom but it doesn't help them with the moderate undecided.

They bring it up because groups like NOW and others, who are a big part of their political base, demand it. In order to cater to these special interest groups and hopefully win their endorsements, they have to have some sort of plank in their platforms. The rank and file Democrats don't give a rats tail about the subject, its just the Gay and Lesbian groups yanking the strings of the candidates. The candidates themselves would probably skip the whole subject if they could.

2007-08-10 03:48:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well, it is a major talking point for the Gang of Pedophiles' (GOP) spinmeisters. But mostly it's a drag on the Party because you lose track of the Liberal Message when you go pandering to every single interest group individually. Gay Rights should be included in the whole Human Rights package. People have Rights, ALL PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS, period, even if we don't like them. No exceptions, no excuses, no discussion.

After the 1968 Convention Riots, Democrats caved into the Pseudolib Political Correctness crowd. So that only strategies that caused others to lose Rights were ever considered to correct injustices to any particular group. The groups that were designated to lose Rights were invariably the Middle and Working classes. It may not actually have been a plot by the Soviets and Red Chinese to marginalize the American Left, but it sure has worked out that way.

The Dems drove out their core constituencies and those folks continue to vote for Republicans even though they know it's a sucker's game because it's the only game in town. The Dems won't even pay them the lip service they get from the GOP.

As much as I support Equal Rights for Gays, they are the most annoying constituency to pander to. Because, while Lesbians tend to be solid Democrats, gay men tend to vote Republican.

If the Dems ever get their act together and become the Inclusivist Little Guy Party again, Republicans will either have to take their party back from the Fundies and Pseudocons or become a third Party before two Presidential cycles have passed.

2007-08-10 11:18:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

>Question from a Democrat: Why does our party keep sealing it's doom by doing stuff like having a gay forum?

There is nothing doom-sealing about that. The idea here is to stand up for what's right, not to settle for compromises. Even if the anti-homophobia people have problems for the time being, in the end the truth will eventually win, and that's the day we should all be working towards. Compromises just play into the hands of evil people and prolong the time until that day arrives.

That said, I'm not really a big fan of the modern liberals either. I think both conservatives and liberals these days are just two sides of the same coin of totalitarianism, and I think libertarianism (to a reasonable extent) is a much better political position.

2007-08-10 10:49:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I think they will find themselves in trouble by trying to be all things to all different special interest groups, who are not always 100% compatible.

F'rinstance - in 2004, although Michigan went fairly strongly for Kerry, it also went even more strongly for the state Marriage Amendment which defined marriage as one man, one woman. Much of the support for both came from Detroit. This might be a learning point that went unnoticed.

There is also a lot of inner city support for school vouchers so they can pull their kids from failing school districts, and this runs right up against the big $$ Dem supporters - the teacher unions, who seem to see public schools as their personal jobs programs.

Of course, I'm still trying to figure out how the party that said in 2004 that it takes someone who's served in the active duty military in wartime to handle the then current situation, now promote people who never served, who never even thought of serving.

2007-08-10 11:21:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't even know why there are "gay issues" anyway! I have a gay uncle and a gay brother in law and they have no beef with the current laws. Of course they are both Dems and atheists. They are both successful people and my brother in law actually voted for Bush in the '04 elections! Both parties need to stick to the true issues for our nation and get it back on track.

2007-08-10 10:59:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I believe that the candidates were invited to address the GLBT conference and answer questions. Republican candidates (at least some) were also invited although no Republicans showed up.

The Democrat candidates must feel that they should not ignore those folks since they are probably a monolithic voting block.

2007-08-10 10:47:19 · answer #6 · answered by hsrch 5 · 2 0

If someone is so narrow minded that they refuse to vote for someone because they appeared at a forum of people they disagree with no one would get any votes. Fortunately I believe most people are more adult and above that petty stuff. Most people understand that there are votes and campaign contributions in the gay community. It doesn't mean that the candidates favor gay issues or are even seriously listening to those issues. But if any party is likely to do so it is the Democratic party which, by its very nature, is all inclusive. Most Democrats I know do not favor gay marriage but also do not believe they should be dicriminated against either. I personally believe as long as they don't try to involve me in any of their sexual activities or any of my family I couldn't care less what they do. It is really none of my business.

2007-08-10 10:47:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Principles of inclusion are more important than pandering to intolerance.

If the Democratic Party ignores an unpopular segment of the population solely on the basis that it is unpopular then it will be no better than the Republican Party.

2007-08-10 10:51:15 · answer #8 · answered by tribeca_belle 7 · 1 2

The Democratic party is wanting to be all things to all people and by "spreading" themselves around, to include special interest groups, they shot themselves in the foot.

You cant support gay rights, then turn around and support heterosexual rights. You cant tell one group that your not going to raise taxes, then, another group, might have to raise them to cover what ever . . . . . like rebuilding bridges.

The party needs a platform that is consistent, to the point and tough on the things Americans are worried about, like Immigration.

2007-08-10 10:48:00 · answer #9 · answered by bigmikejones 5 · 3 1

I'm sorry, but you have answered your own question. A gay forum? Liberalism has a total different meaning than it used to. Your party is being taken over by left-wing extremists. Example: They gay agenda, gay marriage, etc., pandering to Muslim extremists; weakining the military; letting in ILLEGAL immigrants; giving our power over to the U.N. Do I need to say more???

2007-08-10 11:07:03 · answer #10 · answered by mountaindew25 3 · 2 0

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