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this is 4 a debate . so the topic is "the public deserves the politicians it elects" . & we need to oppose this caption. So wanna find out facts to support as to say that the public does not deserve the poticians it eleccts. If possible pls help

2007-08-10 03:34:09 · 12 answers · asked by sris 2 in Politics & Government Elections

12 answers

It elects Political Cadavers rathern than Political Brilliants.

2007-08-10 03:38:46 · answer #1 · answered by frendygirrl 1 · 2 0

The public needs to be properly educated on exactly what a politician is. They are people who are elected to government offices by voting citizens that believe the particular person they are voting for represents their core values and beliefs.

They put on this big campaign against each other that costs way to much money and in the end one of them is declared the winner. I'm sorry but the money could be put to use in a much better fashion, but hey why screw up us being screwed.

Once that is all said and done the politician disregards all that crap he ran up your back before the election and now will concentrate on his own agenda. Politician = LYING, CHEATING, THEIF.

Can you blame them? The good people of this great country are duped yet again. We are also tricked into paying taxes and supporting those who can't support themselves, all the while the politician skims his cut off the top. That's easy money to dress up in a suit and hang out in an old building.

Since the people won't rise up and speak against those leaders who make bad decisions, we get exactly what we deserve. The majority of people don't support those tyrannical causes put out there by the swine running the country, but we haven't made a move to bring them down.

In 1776 our founding fathers declared their independence from England only to become the next big oppressor of the world. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and George Washington would be ashamed as to what has become of this once great nation. Rise up and fight the power or you'll keep getting what you deserve!!!

Think for yourself, question authority.

2007-08-10 10:59:12 · answer #2 · answered by akd438 3 · 2 0

Yes! and No!
We need to demand more realistic accountability from our elected officials. The problem is....we want our politicians to tell us what we want to hear. WE are unrealistic. If a politician talks common sense, there is NO way he or she will get elected. We want them to promise us the moon and promise to lower taxes in the process. The only way that's possible is to run up debt, which is the worst thing for us.
Sooo.......we're electing goofballs. But in one sense, it's really not our fault, because we don't have a lot in the way of choices, really. For example......Hillary pretty much acts like George W...........other than they are politically opposite on the spectrum they both behave in the same arrogant way. So what is our option?
We have to be realistic with ourselves first, and get smarter on the issues and the way we think. Only then can we demand more from our elected officials.
I honestly think it will help if they start putting "none of the above" as a blank on the ballots. When "none of the above" wins frequently, it will send a message about our dissatisfaction and will be a genuine vote of no confidence.

2007-08-10 10:42:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The public of UK voted in Tony Blair because they were sick of the conservatives. I guess they deserved Tony Blair.

The UK public did not vote in Gordon Brown he was self elected and supported by Tony Blair. The public do not deserve Gordon Brown.

I think the people, on all major issues that concern the people, should have an opportunity to vote for or against the governments choice.

I vote that it is now time to close the doors on all immigrants entering UK - We already have far too many, the amount we now have is more than ample to pay for the next UK generation of pensioners.

I vote that any person not born in the UK who commits a crime whilst in the UK against the UK government or its people should be immediately exported back to country of origin with all family members and never be allowed entry to UK again.

This should be policy and law in the UK. Why should the British tax payer (even though there are more foreigners now than natives in UK) have to pay to keep and house in prison a non native who commits a crime?

A person who commits a crime in a host country does not deserve any rights to stay.

2007-08-10 10:47:57 · answer #4 · answered by Jewel 6 · 0 0

Well i would say yes

Decisions are made by those that get up and vote...so those that do not vote are not helping and deserve whatever happens to them.

Now out of those that vote the vast majority vote for the catchy slogan or who had best commercial rather than actual stances on issues.

Then we have these politicians who get up and speak for long periods without actually saying anything....all so they cannot be attacked for whatever sound byte may come up....so we get all these blah, cookie cutter candidates who all believe good things are good and we should avoid bad things...ask them what is good and what is bad and you get answerless answers.

So why do only these double talk people run for politics...because most with real talent or decency want nothing to do with the dirth throwing, bickering contest called politics because the American voter will forget everything you have said on the issues if there is a video of you farting or saying "sometime I just want to slap stupid people" and will vote for the opposition who wants kids to be armed with guns in kindegarden.

The other thing that drives me craxy about the elections is those who for Joe Smith ONLY because they don't want Jane Everyone to win. People should be voting for the candidate that shares their values...not this "every vote for X takes one away from Y". This ignoring of the 3rd parties or second runners "because no chance they will win" is contrary to democracy, contrary to reason, and flat out wrong.

So yes we deserve who we get because it is our stupidity that gets us these results.

2007-08-10 11:12:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The public deserves the politicians it elects due to apathy or blindly voting along party lines (intellectual laziness), rather than educating themselves on the issues and where the candidates stand on the issues.

2007-08-10 11:14:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The public deserves the very best that any person they elect has to give. The public does not deserve corruption or criminal dealings from their elected officials. They deserve people who care and do their best for their constituents.

2007-08-10 10:37:43 · answer #7 · answered by ItsJustMe 7 · 1 0

Yes because we either didn't do our homework and vote for the best choice, or failed to vote at all. We get what we deserve so to speak.

Until and unless we all get serious and vote for the best and say to hell with their party, we will have nothing but a third rate bunch of crooks in office.

Can you hear me Congress, Your less than Third Rate!!!

2007-08-10 10:39:11 · answer #8 · answered by bigmikejones 5 · 1 1

Yes, because we either elect them or don't do enough to ensure better alternatives.

2007-08-10 10:40:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I never voted for Bush, I don't deserve him as president..

2007-08-10 11:05:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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