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Now im christian myself but i was wondering something.....
(By the way we all know science and religion are indefinetly parallel, contradict.... so dont answer this question scientifically) its said that adam and eve were the 1st people on earth right? and they multiplied n so n so....
But then it is known that Christopher Colombia was there first person to travel around the world n when he reached America he found red indians.............!
How did they,red indians, get there yet Adam n Eve were born on the other side of the ocean? And no one had ever travelled before Colombus to go fill america with red indians!
.......plz dont tell me the whole world was one mass then broke into continents that how they came to be there, ThAtS Science!


2007-08-10 03:10:21 · 15 answers · asked by baby gal 3 in Science & Mathematics Geography

15 answers

Because of the religous context many people will question this anwser, but I will do my best.

Adam and Eve were the first and everyone were their decendents. Its stated when Man and Woman was created, they were the first (adam) and second (eve). Now read through and go to the part of the Tower of Babel. At that time, the men and women of the era were building a giant tower so they could reach God. God did not want people coming to him physically so he sent a huge storm and everyone then spoke different languages. From there they found people they could communicate with and separated into their own "tribes." I'm sure some of them eventually moved across the barring land bridge connecting alaska and russia and came to the americas. Remember according to the Bible, Adam and Eve are before 2000 B.C. if not way earlier. Colombus didn't set sail until 1492. Im sure a migration is possible in 3500 years. Also, with the theory of evolution, you could easily explain a skin color change in 3500 years as well. I am not one to believe we evolved from apes, but I believe a sertain sect of a species can evolve over time in a given area. I think science and religion can co-exist with the correct boundaries. That however is a different depbate

This is my take. I hope this helps you in some way. I left out a lot, and tried to summarize it as best as possible.

2007-08-10 03:32:11 · answer #1 · answered by JimBo 5 · 1 0

If you read the bible literally and carefully enough you will notice that it doesn't say anywhere that Adam and Eve are the *only* humans on the planet. Just that they are the only ones free of sin and in the Garden of Eden. This being said, when they were cast out of the garden they would have encountered other humans.

Now, casting that aside and looking at this logically, but from a Christian view point:

If the world and Adam and Eve were created 6000 years ago, and Adam and Eve were the only two humans alive, and they populated the planet, then what's to stop a few of those that ended up in Asia from building a boat and heading across the tiny channel up there at the top of the continent over to Canada. From there they could have spread across America before Chris Columbus got there.

*shrugs* Of course, I tend to personally go with the Big Bang Theory of creation and the Land Bridge theory for Native Americans, but each to their own and all that.

2007-08-10 03:24:53 · answer #2 · answered by Nell 3 · 1 0

First of all, it is Christopher Columbus. ok so Adam and Eve where BC (before Jesus Christ) so thats a long long time before Christopher Columbus and I do believe that the world was ONE and then it broke in to continents, that has nothing to do from the fact that we DID NOT evolve from monkeys. If you notice, continents keep moving all the time so I am very sure that it was all ONE once. and that is how there's people in different places. We do evolve as you may see that for example our bodies keep changing and adapting themselves to how we dress and where we live but we did not come from monkeys. (and yes, I am also a christian)

Christopher Columbus did not Discover America because there was people already here so if you discover something you are the first to enter. He simply showed America to the Europeans. We make such a big deal about him without even knowing if everything was his idea. Maybe he was just the one leading the mission but someone else was the brain.
Hope this makes more sense to you.

2007-08-10 03:22:20 · answer #3 · answered by Pete 3 · 1 0

I believe in the Bible and that Adam and Eve were the first people. I don't think the Bible and science have to be opposites.... you can still believe in Adam and Eve and the world being one mass to begin with which would explain people traveling all over the globe.
Science just tries to explain God's works!

2007-08-10 03:19:22 · answer #4 · answered by Jackie S 2 · 0 0

A strictly religious answer to your question is this. The Holy Bible is not a literal history of the world. The story of Adam and Eve is a metaphor. The Bible isn't literally saying there was one man one woman with all of us being descendants. The metaphor is meant to show how humans began. We began very simply. Living in a garden paradise, free from sin.

I happen to be a scientist and not very religious. But if I were to add any more details to my answer, we would cross from the realm of religion into scientific territory. So I shall leave it at that.

2007-08-10 03:16:36 · answer #5 · answered by TechnoRat60 5 · 2 0

i am not christian, but to anwer the question logically, not scientifically... columbus was the first to (re)discover america. Before him, and before recorded history, the tribes of the world as it was then, also set out to other continents. If adam and eve lived in the garden of eden, described as it is with three known rivers, they lived in north africa. the oldest human skull was also found here (in africa) so this might explain that the population of the world dispersed from its origins in northern africa.
I believe in evolution and science, hopefully you can respect my views as i do yours?
The indians (and asians, and southern africans, and eskimo's for that matter) migrated there long before columbus. I believe that they evolved after reaching these continents, to survive the climate of the respective continents (africans have darker skins to avoid burning as europeans do in the intense african heat, northern europeans have lighter skin, hair and eyes, because of the colder, snowy climate) for example.
Christian or not, even some things in the bible can be explained using logic and scientific knowledge. for this reason i do not oppose either, and also out of respect for others' beliefs.

2007-08-10 03:23:14 · answer #6 · answered by Artist 4 · 2 0

They travelled across the bearing strait. The geography of the earth is changing all of the time (slowly...but changing) Also: Columbus might have been first European..but he wasn't the first. His journey was just for a country interested in colonization and exploitation and led to a bigger impact on the Americas.

2007-08-10 03:23:00 · answer #7 · answered by Jennifer B 3 · 1 0

When dealing with a problem like this, you have to choose the science text books instead of the Holy Bible. Why? Because the Holy Bible tells nothing about red American Indians!

When you have problems in algebra, the Holy Bible cannot help you but when you're having a spiritual undertaking, the Holy Bible is a big help!

2007-08-10 03:22:38 · answer #8 · answered by semyaza2007 3 · 1 0

Almost 5,500 years passed since adam and eve and Columbus...no one "really" knows how they got there...obviously people were there before Columbus...and "history" even states that. Columbus being the first is elementary...and should be changed...much brainwashing goes on in Elementary school...heck they even use Columbus to verify that the Earth is round

2007-08-10 04:14:06 · answer #9 · answered by explorer4x4guy 2 · 0 0

At least one person once posed the idea that the story of Adam and Eve was the story of the origin of the Hebrews, Israelites, or Jews, but not the rest of mankind.

2007-08-10 03:21:28 · answer #10 · answered by night_train_to_memphis 6 · 1 0

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