HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT(s) FOR SINUSITIS / HEADACHES / MIGRAINES (Without any side effects or complications) :-
Right sided frontal sinusitis; discharge thick, yellowish; worse by cold,damp and exertion Penicillinum 30X or 200X, 6 hourly
Sinusitis after mastoid operation Helka lava 3X or 6X, 4 hourly
In acute or chronic sinusitis; catarrh with stringy discharge Kali Bich 30X 4 hourly
Tearing pain in head; from root of nose, extending to forehead with nausea; dryness of mucous passages Natrum Mur 30X, 4 hourly
Pain begins at the back of head and settles over the eyes; worse under a fan Silicea 1M, weekly (6 Doses)
Chronic cold with loss of smell and yellow green phlegm; better in cool, open air Pulsatilla 30X or 200X 4 hourly
Intercurrent remedy Bacillinum 200X or 1M fortnightly (3 Doses)
Complaints worse early morning; aversion to take bath Sulphur 200X weekly (3 Doses)
With constant nausea; clean tongue Ipecac 30X, 3 hourly
With severe throbbing and rush of blood towards head Belladonna 30X, 3 hourly
Due to over eating; stomach disorders; tongue thickly whitish coated; worse bathing specially after river bathing Antim Crud 30X or 200 4 hourly(3 Doses)
Due to exposure to dry, cold wind; sudden with anxiety Aconite Nap.30X or 200X, 1/2 hourly (3 Doses)
With watering of eyes and sensitiveness to bright light Euphrasia 30X, 3 hourly
Headache; better by bending backwards; due to nerve injury Hypericum 30X, 3 hourly
Headache with humming in ears; due to nervous weakness Kali Phos.6X or 30X, 3 hourly
Hammering headache; worse during menstrual cycle going in sun; school girls Natrum Mur.30X or 200X, 4 hourly
Headache starts from nape of neck and shift over to the head; patient desires to lie down quietly; better passing urine Gelsemium 30X or 200X, 3 hourly
Violent headache due to working under gas light; sun-stroke Glonoine 6X or 30X, 2 hourly
Bursting headache; worse by stooping and movements; excessive thirst and constipation Bryonia 30X or 200X, 3 hourly (6 Doses)
Nervous headache; after grief, disappointment; worse inhaling smoke Ignatia 200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)
Headache; due to sinusitis, pressure and pain at the root of nose Kali Bich 30X, 4 hourly
Due to eating rich fatty food, loss of thirst, better in open cold air Pulsatilla 30X, 4 hourly
Due to eye strain; disturbances of accomodation of eye sight Ruta Grav 30X, 4 hourly
After taking alcoholic drinks; sedentary habits; chilly patient Nux Vomica 30X, 4 hourly
Sun haedcahe; aggravation from sun rise to sunset; from cardiac origin Kalmia Lat.30X or 200X, 6 hourly
Of school children; crushing headache, pressure on top of head Acid Phos 30, 4 hourly
Headache localised; at the nape of neck; worse by walking and noise Pneumococcin 200X, 10 min (3 Doses)
Frontal headache; neuralgic pain above and behind the right eye; heaviness of head. Better by rest, lying down and eating Penicillinum 30X or 200X, 10 min (3 Doses)
Headache worse early morning;empty gone sensation at 10 -11 A.M. Sulphur 200X or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)
From mental work; cold, uncovering head, pressure, sitting upright or sun-stroke Glonoinum 30X, 3 hourly
For nervous, gastric, bilious individuals. Migraine due to mental over exertion in teachers and students. Right sided, specially Sunday migraine, blurred vision, hemiopia; blindness; often burning pain in entire gastro-intestinal tract with violent acid vomiting at the height of attack; worse hot weather; spring and fall; better after vomiting or sufficient night sleep Iris v.200X or above, 10 min (3 Doses)
For irritable hypochondriacs of bad temper; cholerics, neuropathics; from abuse of alcohol, coffee, spices, tobacco, vexation and worry, mental over exertion, business worries, sexual excesses, sedentary habits, cold dry air and winds Nux Vomica 30X or 200X, 4 hourly
For pronounced vasomotor individuals (irritable and full of fear) during pre-climacteric and menopausal stage.Tired expression, head congestion, circumscribed red cheeks; pain above right eye, throbbing, stitching, rhythmic pain, often in every 8 days, early morning, beginning in nape, extending upwards, locating in the region of eye, rising and falling with the sun; sensation of heavy congestion Sanguinaria C 200X, 10 min (3 Doses)
For weak, fat and irritable patient; often apathetic, changing moods, strange changes of character (egocenteric), memory weak, due to disturbance during climacteric period, results of tobacco abuse. Person with shallow complexion, yellow saddle across the nose; pain located on left temple; throbbing, stitching pains Sepia 200X, 10 min (3 Doses)
For neuropathic persons, full of fear caused by noises, change of weather or worms; with face pale, located above left eye; specially left pupil (ciliary neuralgia); sharp, shooting, tearing, stitching, periodical pain from occiput to left eye; slowly rising in intensity with sun. Bile vomiting at the height of attack, slowly improving with setting sun. Feeling as if head were open along sagittal suture Spigelia 200X or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)
Left sided; worse during and after sleep; before menstruation; heat; during menopause Lachesis 200X or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)
Intercurrent remedy Bacillinum 200X or 1M, fortnightly (3 Doses) .
Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms.
No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine
Feel free to email me if you do not understand anything or if you want to discuss anything.
Take Care and God Bless you !
2007-08-09 15:52:42
answer #1
answered by Soul Doctor 7
This Site Might Help You.
Does anyone know of a homeopathic remedy that can clear sinuses?
2015-08-26 10:19:56
answer #2
answered by Yancy 1
pneumonia perhaps, especially if you get a fever, then take antibiotics. Homiopathic measures are worthless. They were just less harmful than accepted medical cures before Louis Pasteur's discoveries, such as bleeding and taking arsenic, etc.. Hoemeopathic cures killed less people back then because they were basically water. They were very dilute solutions of chemicals that imitated the diseases patients suffered from. Mostly 1 part per million or less in a solution of otherwise pure water. If you had a rash, then something like poison oak extract would be added to water, but very dilute.
2016-03-13 10:45:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Only one good answer from the Homeopathic practitioner, I would suggest you follow the advice of Soul Doctor.
Get Well soon.
2007-08-12 19:30:38
answer #4
answered by Bob 4
Make a saline solution using distilled water and salt. Use an eyedropper, tilt your head back and let it drip through your nose and spit it out. This will not only moisturize the interior part of your nose, it will clear out debris and allergens.
Take two capsules of fresh, freeze-dried nettles, three times a day. It has to be fresh, freeze dried. It will completely take away your headache. You can mail order it from Eclectic Institute.
2007-08-10 03:53:10
answer #5
answered by gentle understanding 4
Colloidal Silver comes in a spray bottle for your sinuses and works very well.
Heavy congestion we use 1 fresh garlic clove crushed steeped in 1oz water for 3 hours or more. One or two drops into the sinuses once or twice a day. ****burns like fire ****
But keeps us off of prescription antibiotics.
2007-08-15 14:00:18
answer #6
answered by Dionannan 5
yes get eucalyptus oil ....it works terrific for clearing a stuffed sinus. just put some on a tissue and breath it in.also taking coerciten C every day helps controll histamine levels
2007-08-13 13:33:48
answer #7
answered by maur911 4
A basic thing that helps me here in "sinus central" Houston, TX.... a supplement called MSM. It supplements the sulfur in your diet. You will definitely need a sulfur supplement if you had your tonsils taken out... the tonsils are the ONLY repository for sulfur in the body.
Another thing would be to avoid foods that make you more sensitive to common environmental allergens:
* wheat (particularly breads)
* soy (one of the most allergenic substances around)
* corn and corn-products - particularly CORN SYRUP
* sugars - think soda pop.
2007-08-09 16:37:14
answer #8
answered by revsuzanne 7
There is no real remedy for terminal sinus problems but if you switch from mucus generating red meat and dairy products to white meat and soy milk then you will notice some improvement.
2007-08-09 18:51:16
answer #9
answered by Susan Yarrawonga 7
Herbal teas, especially ginger, echinnacea, lemon and mint not only taste wonderful but give the body's immune system a natural boost. Add honey to taste if you'd like it sweetened.
Steam helps to relieve congestion, so if you're suffering from a mild allergic reaction, it might clear up just with a hot shower. If that's not feasible or doesn't quite do the trick, the old-fashioned remedy of a facial steam bath might work. This can be done with a personal sauna from the home appliance department, or you can make your own.
Bring a large kettle of water to a boil and remove it from the heat--this is important! Do NOT leave it on the stove, boiling, while you proceed. Drape a large bath towel over your head, lean over the kettle, and inhale through your nose. Continue for about five minutes. If your face begins to feel too warm for comfort or your breathing becomes labored, lift the towel for a second or two to catch your breath.
The steam baths available at spas help to open skin pores and to relieve nasal congestion, so you might want to use your stuffy sinuses as an excuse to pamper yourself with an appointment at a sauna or steam bath facility.
You can increase the effectiveness of steam, either in the shower or in a facial sauna, by adding essential oils. Eucalyptus is known for its clearing powers, as is peppermint. Just a teaspoon in the hot water will help, or you can put a few drops on a sponge and leave it in your tub while you shower.
According to Dr. Andrew Weil, one of the leaders in the integrative health movement, a handful of dry sage and/or eucalyptus leaves (or a few drops of the essential oils of either) steeped in the hot water not only soothes congested sinuses, it can help to prevent bacterial growth.
Other essential oils recommended by aromatherapy professionals for relieving sinusitis are rosemary, thyme, peppermint, geranium, tea tree (sometimes spelled ti tree) basil, juniper, oregano, and pine.
Use a single oil, or a combination of 3-5, in the inhalation steam or put a drop on a tissue to sniff as you need to. You might also burn candles permeated with these oils at your desk or in your home.
Shiatsu or accupressure practitioners claim that pressure to certain points on the face and head can help to clear sinus congestion, again by triggering the natural healing tendencies of the human body.
Begin by gently massing your forehead and cheeks with small circles, working from the center, above your nose, outward and upward. Then, with the pads of your thumbs, find the v-shaped notch about 1" away from your nose, on the underside of your eyebrow ridge. Apply firm pressure here, holding it for ten seconds. Release. Repeat three times.
Move outward 1/2" to an inch (this will vary according to the individual shape of your face) and find another slight indentation. Apply and release pressure here three times.
With the pads of your middle fingers, feel for bony indentations at the bottom, outer edges of your nose. Apply and release pressure here also.
With the fourth and middle fingers, apply upward and outward pressure at the top of your nose, between your eyebrows.
With these same fingers, apply pressure along the underside of the cheekbone. There will probably be some sensitive places here; do not use so much pressure that you experience pain.
Gently massage, with small circles, along your jawbone from your ear to your chin. Relax your face by yawing, then repeat.
Gently massage or apply pressure to the top of your head, especially right around the crown. You can recognize the pressure points by noting the especially tender spots; that's an indication that some attention is needed.
With a massage oil made of 5 drops of essential oils per teaspoon of vegetable oil, massage around your neck, behind and in front of your ears, and over your cheekbones, forehead and nose.
Better yet, call in a friend with a gentle touch to do these accupressure and massage treatments so you can rest and relax, giving yourself one more healthy boost.
Avoid any foods you have known allergies to, especially if you are fighting off cold symptoms. Dairy products are notorious for stimulating mucous, so they should be off your menu if you're suffering from sinusitis.
2007-08-09 15:31:01
answer #10
answered by ?? ?? 4
Acupuncture, which involves inserting thin needles into various points on your body, may reduce peripheral neuropathy symptoms.
2016-05-16 10:25:01
answer #11
answered by Anonymous