It did happen. There is enough proof for it. When I take your calculations for granted 171 dead an hour divided by 10 extermination camps gives 17 dead an hour, divided by 50 concentration camp gives 3 personas an hour. Not impossible at all.
And all those dead must not be killed, exhaustion, sickness, wounds could do "the job" partially.
The Germans kept a lot of files so there is proof enough. Stop being a negationist.
Stalin was also a mass murderer, for that I agree with you but it is no excuse to deny the facts about the hollocaust.
2007-08-07 23:47:18
answer #1
answered by Rik 4
Wow, I still can't believe there are those who continue to deny what most historians and researchers have stated concerning the numbers of those killed during the Holocaust. 6 million may be an under-estimation as well. And what are you talking about with your statement what the U.S. and Russia did to Germany after the war? What conditions make you sick? I know on the western side, we helped rebuild Germany faster than we did than any other country ravaged by WWII, a war begun by the very same Germany. How is that sick? And how naive you must be to think that hundreds if not thousands of camps, concentration and extermination, could not kill 171 human beings an hour, 24/7, for 2 years? The Germans unfortunately excelled at such efficiency, which is why many think the number of 6 million may be too low. One more thing, Russian sources count the number of peasants Stalin had starved to death in the 20-30 million range, so, once again, your numbers are probably too low.
2007-08-08 11:05:49
answer #2
answered by Bob Mc 6
The Jews did not suffer in Germany because there was no Holocaust. Actually it was the Jews that was torturing the poor blond haired deprived Germans. Those tattoos on the Jews arms and hands that are still alive today (by the grace of God) are really there because they want to be hip.
1. We knew the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor before they did. I mean come-on President Roosevelt liked the thought of our boys baking inside the Battle Ship Arizona before they died. The President was looking for a better way to get a good nights sleep.
2. America did not land on the Moon. We payed billions of dollars for the 360 foot Saturn 5 rocket so we could look at it and say wow that is a big rocket. We kept approx. 400,000 technicians, scientists and construction contractors quiet, with zero leaks to the public. The rocks that we thought that came from moon and have proved to be from the moon are really from the Pacific Ocean.
3. The Mafia whacked JFK, via the Russian connection, via the Cuban connection.... The man on the grassy knoll was a CIA agent acting on orders from Giancana from Chicago and Marcello from New Orleans, with duplicity from Castro and Kruschev....true story.
4. Aliens landed in Roswell and we transported them to Area 51 to back engineer their technology, where do you think the stealth air craft came from? Again, we kept it secret by brain washing the thousands of workers who were in on the scam.
5. The Moon we see every night is really not there along with the planets, stars as well as the Planet Killing Asteroids. Those were put there by the evil United States to toy with our minds.
6. The fossils of homo eructus, neandertals and 15 other hominids that are extinct were put there by paleotologists, archeologists, and assorted rock hounds to enhance their careers. Creationism is the only reality.
7. America is a conspiracy and is a fake country and none of us Americans really live here.
8. I was never born so this response to your question is a fake.
2007-08-08 17:28:01
answer #3
answered by Its not me Its u 7
Are you an idiot??
I'm not an American and i believe it happened. By the way, 6 million is a conservative estimate. Do you know much about the Shoah? You would know that they had concentration camps around europe and africa, and they didn't stand there and shoot every individual with a gun. They were operating these killing camps across many countries and had the manpower to kill and burn these innocents.
I think you need to go back to school.
2007-08-08 06:22:56
answer #4
answered by votehowardout 4
Yes. The legendary German fussiness and efficiency concerning record keeping says it all. With such great inventions from computers and tape recorders through to the jet fighter, the nazi administration forgot to invent and use the paper shredder. Papers whining about the innefficiency of firing squads and cremitoria through to the last set of glasses and gold fillings were left around for all to see,
Finally Adolf Eichmann Irecall said that obviously they did not do a thourgh enough job since there were enough left to try him. Also (though not good historical criteria) one of my relatives went through a few of the camps and yep, there were vast numbers of dead alright.
2007-08-08 11:52:51
answer #5
answered by Michael Kelly 5
yes 6 million ppl is an outrageous number but even in ur evidence it talks about louse-born typhus which is similar to the bubonic plague which swept across europe killing millions on its own. wat is so hard to belive about 6 million ppl dying in the holocaust. u may believe it is just propoganda but it is not hitler believed in total eratification of the jewish religion. it is very easy to be mislead by the enormous number of ppl killed but it is true 6 million ppl were killed during the holocaust. hitler did not only destroy jews he destroyed anyone and everyone he wanted. if u were crippled or mentally challenged or mentally unstable u were exicuted. he did not bury them so that he didnt leave behind as much evidence. he had most of the bodies burned in the crematoriums and then the ashes were tossed aside. the gas chambers that were used were very effective and hitler usually ran them nonstop. auschwitz is responsible for the most deaths during the holocaust. so yea it did happen. and the things america and russia did to germany were nothing compared to wat they should have done.
2007-08-08 06:32:48
answer #6
answered by Jon 2
are you serious??
it's not like hitler ran around the world shooting people!!
CONCENTRATION camps-- concentration is the key word. they could EASILY kill 171 people in one hour in just one camp!! and what about everyone who starved to death or died in "medical experiments"?
though i do agree with one point: The horror of Stalin's reign is played down to no end. The United States was afraid of Russia, and it wasn't ready to burn bridges. Furthermore...the U.S. didn't liberate the russians. we didn't save them from this evil man. in the holocaust, americans could delight in their heroism...with stalin, there was only regret.
2007-08-08 06:46:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I know people who have a number tattooed on the inside of their left wrist. They have told me stuff. Not much, but I have been told a little bit.
The numbers you recite are appalling. They are probably accurate.
2007-08-08 07:39:36
answer #8
answered by iansand 7
Yes it did happen. Lots of historical, political and pictorial documentation. Remember, this took place over a period of many years.
2007-08-08 06:24:19
answer #9
answered by Mrs.Blessed 7
It is people like you who will try to make us forget... and once we've forgotten the door is open for it to happen again.
2007-08-08 06:18:56
answer #10
answered by MotherBear1975 6