Hello, My name is Tanya & I'm a yahoo answers addict. I saw it advertised on the yahoo main page when it started, I kept ignoring it but one day the force was too strong and it pulled me in.
I kept answering questions with no harm, but soon enough school was out and I was a regular addict. Getting up to 100 points a day, and I wanted moooooore! Then posted questions, and there you have it. I can barely fuction with it! Here I am on a two week vacation in the UK, and I still visit!!!
Oh, the humanity!!!!
2007-08-07 23:04:40
answer #1
answered by grldragon101 4
From an ad on yahoo groups. I just happen to answer a question one day. A few weeks later I started answering more and reaching my daily limits. I would bookmark questions so 24 hours later I could answer them....Then once I got to level 5 I never left. I was on level 6 before I knew about voting for best answers..ha ha
2007-08-07 20:27:35
answer #2
answered by ▒Яenée▒ 7
I asked a valid question last Aug. then forgot the name of the site. A few months ago I was looking for info on Google and clicked on Answers. I've been coming back ever since.
2007-08-07 20:18:02
answer #3
answered by Georgie 7
I saw a notice for Yahoo Answers and under another ID long since gone I answered a few questions and I was hooked.
Soon I was answering questions without any regard to rhyme or reason.
I was officially a Yahoo Answers Junkie!
2007-08-07 20:16:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I remember i needed help with this guy named Lucas so i was need of a real answer to a question.
2007-08-07 20:21:27
answer #5
answered by primandproper 2
when i needed to ask a question got on yahoo to type it in the search and i noticed the answers thing and wondered if my answer was there tpedit in that search and got an answers
2007-08-08 19:41:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I had a account when it first started but it got taken by the big meanies at yahoo so ya know
2007-08-07 20:17:43
answer #7
answered by man0of0music 4
Was house bound with a health problem and punching in time playing with my confuser bumped into it,I think through an add YAHOO displayed, and dere I was ,hooked.
2007-08-08 01:38:19
answer #8
answered by hunter 6
I saw a friend of mine using it, and it looked entertaining, so I got an account of my own eventually.
2007-08-07 20:22:23
answer #9
answered by Tut Uncommon 7
What I honestly have found out from Yahoo!solutions is that there are distinctive people who say they are bored. i discover that very exciting as there are such distinctive information on the thank you to maintain busy recently.
2016-10-09 11:26:37
answer #10
answered by ? 4