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Why or why not?

2007-08-07 15:22:15 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

24 answers

No. I am not a smoker and I hate people who smoke around me but there has to be a limit. I think it is fair enough that smoking is banned inside as everyone is entitled to enjoy themselves without choking on smoke but outside is a different matter because you only are in a person's space for a limited amount of time. Some people have suggested banning it at busstops and i can see logic in this as you are forced to wait there or else you miss your bus but for just about every other situation in public you have a choice as a non-smoker to move away from that person.

2007-08-07 15:32:06 · answer #1 · answered by ginzuisho 4 · 2 1

While I appreciate the prejudice to people who smoke, I have got to say as an asthmatic and a non-smoker that I help the ban in SOME public areas. I'm from the US (do not know if you are speaking approximately the UK), so right here one can not smoke in eating places, in a few bars on the discretion of the landlord, and inside 20ft of a public constructing. I individually uncover it fair. While I recognize it is an dependancy, I consider that the extra obstacles located on people who smoke the larger. It's like letting an alcoholic drink and be rowdy at any place they're, they will undoubtedly trouble anybody with their dependancy as they'll outcome others round them. Smoking is fitting extra taboo due to the fact humans are afflicted via it. Frankly it stinks and it is an enormously unattractive and dangerous addiction. The extra lives we will retailer via banning it the larger. Lung melanoma is a horrible factor to are living via because it oral melanoma, emphasema, and protracted bronchitis. I've watched spouse and children undergo via the opposed results of smoking and it is unneccessary to die earlier than a while only for a foolish ciggarette.

2016-09-05 11:18:21 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No, by pushing the smokers away from public places, they might then feel like animals, rejects or in superior and possibly rebel against the Rule.
- If outside, follow the law and respect the non smoker 25 feet from an entrance, with a roof and heater/air conditioner would be respectable. ( after all the smoker did get pushed outside)
- If inside, a fireproof room with adequate air ventilation.
I think that the mind is a very powerful tool that can give life or take it away.
eg: The doctors say that smoking can kill, or second hand smoke can kill. If in your mind you believe this, then it becomes your reality and smoking will kill you. ( I would not want to think my habit killed someone. Give the non smoker some room)
My belief is from the Bible
eg: Mt 15:11 What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him ‘unclean,’ but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him ‘unclean.’ ”
So I do not believe that smoking will harm me, but it can harm others.
My wish: The Government would out law cigarettes and then no one would smoke and we would have no problem.
My other wish: Research would make a healthy cigarette.

2007-08-07 16:39:03 · answer #3 · answered by Erik B 4 · 0 1

I am a citizen living in england, and the non-smoking ban in all public places has already been introuced. It is such an improvement not walking down the high street having to inhale everyone else's smoke. It's unfair and people should not have to inhale this.
Also last month, i went on holiday to spain, and here, the smoking ban has not been introduced. It was horrible that people were aloud to smoke wherever they wanted, and were aloud to do it in childrens play areas, infront of little children. I thought tht was discusting to see to be honest.

I am very glad that the smoking ban has been introduced in england. I also do not care if people moan saying its not fair if the ban gets introduced, but at the end of the day, They cant give us one good reason why the smoking ban should not be introduced, because we should not have to inhale their drugs, and get drugged ourselves!

I have took ages writing this answer, its one of those things that i get very angry about :)
Thanks cya !

2007-08-07 15:40:45 · answer #4 · answered by Luke B 2 · 2 1

Nah, everyone has a choice to be in a public place or not. I'd like to see cologne banned from public before cigareete smoke, and then hey!......lets make all of society like little robots who should all eat breathe and believe the same thing! America, home of the FREE.

2007-08-07 15:34:30 · answer #5 · answered by ♥monamarie♥ 5 · 1 1

As a smoker I feel discriminated against. As a parent , I feel it's good to ban smoking. I always smoke outside the home away from my children but it's hard to quit with smokers all around you. So I guess I'm torn

2007-08-07 15:28:40 · answer #6 · answered by tired mom 4 · 1 1

obviously yes.
I'd rather not inhale other people's smoke, thanks.

And so what if you're outside, like on some bar patio? The smoke doesn't just evaporate cause you're not indoors. I'm still stuck in your cloud of second hand smoke.

And whats with everyone comparing alcohol to smoking, saying that if Im for banning public smoking I should be pro banning drinking too.

You cant compare drinking a beer to smoking a cigarette! If I drink a beer next to you, it won't affect your kidneys. You smoke next to me, and it sure as hell will affect my lungs. Smokers come out with the dumbest reasoning sometimes.

2007-08-07 15:25:08 · answer #7 · answered by Cristina 5 · 1 2

I think the public should be banned from all smoking places. Why not discriminate against people with kids? They add to the overall demand on the planet's resources. Where do you draw the line?

2007-08-07 15:25:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

i think it should be banned. i grew up around smokers and live with them now, i dont understand if i have the will power not to start after all these years, how come they didnt when they first started. i laugh when i get pulled over for 105+DBs that are pouring outta my car when i ride, the cop tells me if there was a ambulance coming u wouldnt hear them and u would be responsible for someones death, i tell him theres over a million people who smoke and are slowly killing people from infants on up and ur not giving them a ticket? i say if ur gonna smoke get a air tight chamber under your house and smoke there, i dont wanna have to shoot someone because i find out i have lung cancer from second hand smoke, now i use a gas mask but i hate buying filters so often. i know how strong the addiction is but all u need is some self control and if u believe in god then pray to have him help you if u believe in him so much. i say good luck to us non smokers.

2007-08-07 15:35:18 · answer #9 · answered by sonofsam415 2 · 0 2

no i think tabacco companies should be banned! but to seriously answer your question, no. if it's legal, it's legal. there's a reason for different sections in the restaurants, anywhere else, then you shouldn't go clubbin and such. i like to smoke while i dance, don't stand by me if you have a problem.

like i would say i don't want you to wear that stank butt perfume, and yes i could get mad at the person for liking that scent, but that's their choice. or i don't want you to drink around me because i don't wanna smell that alcohol oozing outta your skin! and i don't want to have it all over me, because you're too drunk to hold your cup right, and i don't wanna die from your bad driving when i'm leaving the parking lot! and i don't want to hear you talking all loud and being obnoxious all the way at the bar, while i'm trying to have a peaceful dinner thanks. or i don't want to be here because that baby next to me won't stop crying!! would you raise crap at a person because you had to go into a restroom behind them after they #2'd? you can get mad all you want... but...

nothing around you is gonna be perfect. if you think so dream on. you can get up and leave or request a different spot if it bothers you that much...

2007-08-07 15:31:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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