When you were a child you had that dream...which means your parents must have pumped your head full of nonsense. They should be ashamed of themselves!
2007-08-07 14:36:39
answer #1
answered by Sabrina H 4
Some people would say it's a calling to give your life to the cause of fighting for Jesus.
2007-08-07 21:34:33
answer #2
answered by private 4
I think it means that you will always have a strong belief in the Lord Jesus, and that you have a lot of faith in him and may when you die die for him and if you don't believe in Jesus then it means maybe you eventually will or absolutely nothing!! Hope that answers your question!!
2007-08-07 21:38:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I wish I knew. I have had many dreams with Jesus and it's funny 'cause I once had a dream of Jesus in a mountain too.
2007-08-07 21:36:32
answer #4
answered by Cardiophobia <3 5
Okay I know this sounds like really weird, but I think that you maybe did something not good that day or maybe got in trouble and you felt guilty. So you had this dream that you were fighting of deamons maybe to let god know that you want to be forgiven. I know it sounds really weird but well yea..
2007-08-07 21:38:05
answer #5
answered by Bubbles 2
You may have had a visit from you guardian angel... And its their job to protect you and not have you die for them.... Now if by chance it was Jesus then that dream was a blessing for you....... Also it was not your time to go because you were being warned about possible future events....... Also in most outer body experiences the big toe is use as an anchor.............................................................
2007-08-08 20:14:19
answer #6
answered by kilroymaster 7
Its the story of your life. All your troubles will be you fighting demons off of you and you will suceed. Just trust in God and fight through these horrible days. And you will be granted life forever in heaven!
2007-08-07 21:37:22
answer #7
answered by sixkiller_666 1
This dream means that your dedication to the Lord is just as strong as his was for you, this dream is telling you that you would do in a heart beat for him what he did for you and all of us. Trust me he knows this, this could be his way of letting you know that he knows you would.
2007-08-08 10:54:25
answer #8
answered by luvmyslipknot 2
you believe in the creator and when you had that dream it meant that you are on the side of good and will fight evil Even if it mean your own death. and death it a door way to unknown advances and many great things will happen to you.
2007-08-08 12:00:17
answer #9
answered by wolf 5
It means your not alone and God's fighting the battle of sin with you!
2007-08-07 21:35:16
answer #10
answered by preppy g 2