awww my god i feel so bad for you guys! I'd be terrified if I were you too.
But please don't worry too much. It could've meant on the 25th day of month when he's 90. Or 2025 (if that helps).
But seriously, don't worry. If the ouija board really did work and an actual ghost told him that, the ghost just might want to scare him. Joking you know. Being mean. Ghosts shouldn't be able to know when someone dies, they probably lie in that game. They wanted to build suspense. Please don't worry, kind of just forget it.
If you're too worried though, tell him to go to the doctor maybe. Get any health condition off your mind when they tell you he's ok....or get any problem treated early.
2007-08-07 20:02:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Like the Death card in the Tarot Deck, the prophesy of death in a reading of any kind can mean profound change in the querist's life and the removal from the familiar.
Example: In some cultures children "die" at puberty and are reborn as adults.
To believe something too intensely can bend the path and make a maybe the way.
2007-08-07 22:40:45
answer #2
answered by Terry 7
For all he knows, it could mean 2025... or the 25th of some month. Or after 25 children. Or 25 years on the job. Or on bus #25. Or on Highway 25... It's a game, so treat it as such.
2007-08-07 21:38:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Not really. Most of the time the spirits that make contact through a Ouija board (proper spelling FYI) gain strength through fear and emotional turmoil. Very rarely do they have access to the future, and only say things like that to stir up trouble.
2007-08-07 22:55:34
answer #4
answered by Oswald F 3
You can't trust a ouija board. They like to 'Joke' around, only like %50 of the time do they tell the truth. So no he has nothing to worry about.
2007-08-08 10:33:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No. If he has no other psychic powers, and he was just a little boy, it meant someone pushed it there. If he has any powers, it could be the 25th day of some month in his 109th year. Stop worrying about ouija boards and please enjoy this happy time in your life.
2007-08-07 21:34:06
answer #6
answered by swarr2001 5
In most religions or myths like this , yes it will be true.
(kind of like if you have a dream that you see gods eye that someone will die)
just pray really hard to god, cry, and serve god on his birthday and while hes 25. wear a cross necklas. and pray each night to god, because nothing is stronger than god.
my friend had something like this going on and her mother prayed for her and did this stuff and she lived
2007-08-08 18:44:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, worrying and obsessing can cause things to happen. I have played with the board myself, and nothing bad has come of it.
2007-08-07 21:34:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't be terribly concerned. Heck, it might not even have meant at age 25, but 25 years from that date... could mean anything. Don't let him be "scared to death" (in other words the fear of death bringing on death itself via accident!)
2007-08-07 21:38:01
answer #9
answered by MotherBear1975 6
besides the fact that an Awegie board is evil it means that he should go to confession and ask god for forgiveness and the reason why he's freakin out is because satans stuck in his head breaking him down and making him think he is marked for death which is why he should do the following above.
2007-08-07 23:51:32
answer #10
answered by whatsupman 1