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3 answers

Self catering, going to the supermarket and the market and cook yourself.
But do you want to do the household cores when on holiday?
A good compromise may be eating out for lunch, when the meals are cheaper, and having bread and local meats, cheese or jams for dinner (or whatever the kids like best).
Might be better with the children too, dinner in Spain can be rather late, and if your children are not used to it, they will be rather tired before dinner is served.

2007-08-07 08:43:05 · answer #1 · answered by Willeke 7 · 0 0

It sounds like you need a break from the self-centered attitudes in CA so don't worry about not going there and definitely don't feel guilty ~ only YOU control your feelings so don't let others manipulate you. Vacation should be a fun time but you are letting the family control what you do or what your kids do rather than taking control of your own lives. In the future, plan your vacation as a fun activity for your family ~ not the extended family where you bow down to their every whim or desire. Don't stay in the town where the family lives, go somewhere else and do a pass through visit for a night or two, then go somewhere else with the kids and enjoy your time together. When you plan your next trip, contact the family and let them know you will be on vacation and ask them for a couple of days so you can pencil them in and plan your trip around family time. Let them know you won't be staying in town but will be passing through as you take the kids to see some sites in the state. And talk to your family ~ don't let them take one child and reject the other. The kids are getting at the age where they will notice what is going on and will feel rejected so talk with the family and let them know that is not acceptable ~ take both or take no one and explain to them the children are the age where they will start noticing their rejection of one of them. Be sure and put the action on the adults rather than let them play and manipulate you all the time. They may be angry at first but in time, they will do what they can to be with the kids IF they really and truly want to be with them. If not, you and your husband see that the kids are kept busy so they don't notice the odd family actions. Remember, this is YOUR family, not the grandparents, aunts or whoever, and only YOU can protect them from the selfish attitudes of family when they are this young. Make their lives secure and full of love, even when the adults screw up the way they have been. And even though the family may cause problems through the years, always make positive comments to your kids rather than putting the family down. When the kids get older, they will see for themselves what the truth is. I know I did. Good luck and remember ~ your husband and kids come before the extended family. Give the kids lots of love and devotion and your reward will be well balanced children :) :)

2016-05-20 04:43:11 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Self catering will be cheaper, you can eat very cheaply in the tapas bars and the restaurants doing menu del dia and you will have more freedom for the children.

2007-08-07 00:22:21 · answer #3 · answered by bettina 3 · 0 0

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