This may be my final question because this one cuts at the grain of Yahoo Answers. It is meant to be however, a constructive question. One that will help Yahoo Answers and the people who use it. We know that some people are looking for serious advice and Yahoo Answers provides them with a no cost way of receiving this advice. The answers to their questions should be respected as we all know. And we should all try to read them carefully in order to ascertain their feelings. However, their are others who come to Yahoo Answers to be uplifted, have their spirits awakened and be pulled out of depression. Many of them look for HUMOR to do this. Just like going to the newspaper and reading your favorite comic, it can make you feel instantly better, by making you smile. I believe, of course, in both the constitution allowing free speech and also I am concerned that many young people come to Yahoo Answers for advice and have no other outlet to speak out, express themselves, etc. Your Views?
12 answers
asked by
Market Magician
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While speaking on the public square is protected by our illustrious Constitution, and rightfully so.... speech on a private venue CAN be regulated.
Yahoo can choose to run their site any way they see fit....
2007-08-06 08:18:47
answer #1
answered by I Can Count To Potato 7
I truly enoy answers and find myself laughing quite a bit at many of the concepts being passed through here.
I understand those who come here to be funny. I understand those who come here to laugh. I even understand those who use profanity or disgusting concepts to get a rise out of people.
My issue is with consistancy among YA censors and community standards. There have been times that I have asked the same question twice and received one violation. When I ask YA why a question or answer was deleted, I get no good answer. Sometimes i feel like the administration is arbitrary.
As far as community standards, one of your answerers stated that they do not like people who are 'perverted'. My question is - by whose standards. Perhaps what one person feels is perverted is not what most users believe is.
That is why I believe Yahoo should allow a more mature section; one where we are able to ask questions that adults may typically ask without worrying about offending others. In a sense, truly make this a place where we can go to the section that is appropriate for each of us.
Great question.
2007-08-06 14:15:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, it's all of the above!! I may have a serious question but someone can give me a funny answer and that's o.k. too. It helps to have someone answer with a different aspect of the problem. I can come on when I'm really stressed out or just want to vent at it's nice..because I know that people here aren't judgemental and even if they are we will probably never meet in person!!!
2007-08-06 08:20:56
answer #3
answered by stoutunicorn 6
I don't know about everyone else, but if I find a question to be racist, ethnocentric or bigoted against a religious or sexual preference, I tend to ignore it. Two points is not worth my dignity. I have found that it is not just young teens who ask such questions. But a large portion of annoying and blatantly stupid questions are. (When I say blatantly stupid, I am NOT referring to those who are asking questions that are intended to be humorous or clever. I'm referring to those asking "am I pretty" "which girl is prettier" "i had sex, could I be pregnant" "why can't I have a $3,000 sweet sixteen,does my mom hate me" I don't think Answers is a forum for showcasing ignorance, selfishness, and downright stupidity. It's supposed to be a place for real questions, as well as a friendly and fun environment. If there are some people who are constantly being berated for being a "stupid teen" generally I've found it's because they are behaving like one. That's not to say all teens are stupid. But I have had answers to some of my own humorous questions by young girls who think I'm the devil incarnate. As for the fighting and bickering.. take a look at the world around you...there is fighting and bickering everywhere...Yahoo isn't going to be any different.
2016-05-19 23:07:13
answer #4
answered by joleen 3
Nicely worded. Good for you for speaking your mind. I come here for info, for entertainment, for opinions. I respect others opinions, altough I may not agree, I read and respect the answers ( unfortunately there are those that do not). There are those that make it less enjoyable because they report you for the silliest things, therefore making people hold back on saying what they have to say. I feel if said respectfully, then it should not be reported/deleted. Unfortunately that is not the case. Also, people need to remember, we are not experts, we can apply things that we know or have happened to us in life, but we are not here to make problems go away, we are here to help people thru tough problems with humor and words or encouragement. That is what I come here for.
2007-08-06 10:03:55
answer #5
answered by vivib 6
I share your sentiments. This has been discussed many times here.
Only yesterday I replied to something similar.
I agree, free speech is OK as long as it does not hurt another. And these answers do hurt in many ways.
However, there are all types of people in this World and we have no control on them .
What we can control is our own self and be true to ourselves and overlook the faults of others.
When I first came in with a serious Q, many made fun. and I withdrew my Q in horror!
Now I take it in my stride. Answer where and what I like.
2007-08-06 08:24:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
As good as yahoo answers maybe, People allso need to consult with those who know their background and situation. At yahoo you get answer in general and after having that answer you feel you could have given more information but you can't due to lack of trust to the person you have not met. It is advisable to have face to face talk with known people who can help in some of the situation.
2007-08-06 23:57:14
answer #7
answered by Dr Yahoo 3
This is not the section for being serious. If someone wants honest answers, they should either go to another section of Yahoo or search the Internet. They won't find love and compassion here my friend.
2007-08-06 08:17:29
answer #8
answered by astroeyes2000 6
i agree with u , i see how useful Yahoo Q&A is eventhough sometimes we catch many things pretty silly , but anyway we are living in a free world , then why not ? so . . . everything can happen
2007-08-07 06:44:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
All are welcome except those with the perverted avatars and perverted questions.
This is not the place for that...there are several adult only sites were you have to be over 18, and they can have a whole army of perverts to chat with there.
2007-08-06 08:16:45
answer #10
answered by Kiss My Shaz 7