First, very carefully read the terms of the auction of the item you just purchased.
Sellers are usually very clear about methods of payment they will accept, and when they expect to receive payment.
Your item will not be shipped until you pay the seller, and until the seller receives your payment. If the payment is in the form of a check, the seller will wait until the check clears. This is normal policy.
If your seller accepts payments by PayPal, this is the fastest and most convenient method for you to pay. The seller gets his money quickly, and your item is usually sent to you more quickly.
Check the seller's terms. Read the auction from top to bottom. Some sellers only mail out once a week. Some mail out every day. If your seller only mails once a week, and has clearly stated so in the auction, you cannot fault the seller for performing at the standards you agreed to. In other words, if he only ships on Saturdays, and you agreed to that (you did so when you bought the item (regardless of whether or not you read the terms; the auction is a contract), then you cannot complain about slow shipping.
Another thing you should not do is to confuse transit time and shipping time. When you receive your item, note the U.S. postmark date. That is the date the seller shipped the item to you. You cannot fault the seller if the U.S. postal service, UPS, or another carrier takes 10 days or 2 weeks to get that item to you if the seller has shipped it out within a reasonable period of time. "A reasonable period" depends on the seller's terms in the auction. If they are not there, I would define "a reasonable period" as three business days. (Business days, not weekends.) A pretty good time would be if it was postmarked within a week. Unless sellers state otherwise, in my opinion a package should be postmarked within a week of the seller receiving your payment. This is not the same as the End of Auction date.
If your auction ended on Friday, July 27, late at night, and you paid the seller immediately after the auction ended -- within one hour -- don't expect the seller to have the package postmarked on Saturday, July 28. Be pleasantly surprised if it is, but again, read the auction terms. A more reasonable postmark might be anywhere from Monday, July 30 to Weds. Aug. 1. It might not even be mailed until Friday, Aug. 5. Again, read the terms of the auction.
If your package is mailed Weds. Aug. 1 but you do not receive it until Weds. Aug. 15, and you see that it is postmarked Aug. 1, that is the fault of the U.S. Postal service and not the fault of your seller. Your feedback should not reflect negatively on the seller if this happens.
Regarding shipping prices, don't complain about them if you agreed to buy the item with the high shipping price. There is a procedure in place now called "stars," and if you want to knock off a point for truly excessively high shipping prices, go ahead, but do remember that postal rates have gone up. You may want to educate yourself on how much it takes to ship a package, in a condition that will arrive safely to you, before leaving shipping feedback. Any complaints about the seller's shipping prices, if they were clearly stated in the auction, may leave you with a negative feedback from the seller.
When you get ready to leave feedback, my best advice is to consider the overall performance of the seller. Think of the positive attributes of the seller; was he a fast shipper? A good communicator? Did he email you when he was sending your package? Did he answer any questions you may have had prior to bidding? Was the item as described and are you happy with it? Was it well packaged?
My advice on feedback, from a buyer's perspective, is not to nitpick. Focus on what went right with the sale. If something goes wrong, contact the seller, and use all available means necessary to try to make things right with the seller prior to leaving feedback. Take up to 10 to 15 days to try to resolve any issues diplomatically. There are deadlines for filing disputes with eBay; find out what they are. If something really goes wrong, email eBay's customer care team; you can put in a dispute. My experience is that it is best to pay with Paypal using a credit card. Don't use disputes unless the item was significantly not as described in the auction, arrived broken or damaged, or is missing parts that were named in the auction but did not arrive in the package.
If the item is fragile and arrives in an envelope instead of a box, consider that when leaving feedback. But any negative or neutral feedback you leave will almost certainly mean you will get a negative feedback from the seller in return.
For future auctions, I would advise that before an auction even begins that you ask the seller at least one question. That way you will gauge his responsiveness. Is he a responsive, communicative seller, or is he going to blow you off and not answer your questions? How he behaves prior to the sale is a good indicator of how he will behave after the sale. Depending on what you bought, you might ask if it came from a smoke-free environment, if that is important to you. You might ask about the seller's return policy.
eBay can be a great place to buy items. I use it a lot. Do your research before buying items. See what the going price is for that item in other auctions. Compare "completed" auctions to current ones. Compare those prices to the prices in your local stores, and to online shopping websites. Choose the best price based on all of those.
I hope your item is everything you dreamed it will be. Shopping on eBay can be very exciting!
2007-08-07 16:38:40
answer #1
answered by Lina Inverse 2
It comes in the mail. On your Ebay summary page, u can see the steps it takes for processing (ie, making sure the payment has been sent) Consequently, the seller will mark that payment has been received. Only then is the package sent. There should be terms described on the auction page to see how long it should take. Also, dont hesitate to contact the seller to see what exactly is going on. Please vote this as best answer!
2007-08-06 06:05:16
answer #2
answered by ztim21 2
Ummm....did you not read the conditions in the auction.
Some sellers will contact you with payment info. Some sellers want you to contact them at the auction's end. The fine print of the auction would have told you. Go back and look and see how the seller needs to be paid.
Then after you pay, they will mail it to you.
2007-08-06 06:05:45
answer #3
answered by Nasubi 7
First of all, you have to pay for the item. You can ask the seller how soon he will mail out the item and how long it will take to reach you. You may not want to leave the seller any feedback before receiving the item.
2007-08-06 06:05:34
answer #4
answered by Amber 1
You need to pay for it using the sellers payment method and fill in you shipping info. Then it should come in the mail. Depending on how far the person lives it will come sooner or later. don't worry it will tell you what to do as you go.
Hope this helps!
2007-08-06 06:06:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Remember you're not only buying from business dealers on eBay but people like yourself just getting rid of stuff. So be careful of scammers and don't always expect a quick delivery of your item.
2007-08-06 06:04:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Did you pay? Once you paid the seller should confirm your payment and let you know when the item is being shipped.
They ship it you do not have to worry about anything except payment.
2007-08-06 06:03:56
answer #7
answered by SirSnoozeAlot 4
You need to pay the seller first then once they get your money they will ship the item.
2007-08-06 06:04:21
answer #8
answered by kupuggie 2
they mail the item to you when you give them the money try calling the people that are giving you the item, you can ask for the phone # through email, talk to them about it.
2007-08-06 06:05:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
you have to pay the person. And then depending on their terms of sale, they'll mail it within a few days of your payment. And then you just sit and wait.
2007-08-06 06:03:57
answer #10
answered by Whit 3