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3 answers

John Adams was in Great Britain serving as U.S. Minister during the convention. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention from Massachusetts were:
Gerry, Elbridge
Gorham, Nathaniel
King, Rufus
Strong, Caleb

John Adams had very distinguished career though.
Admitted to Massachusetts Bar, 1761;
Elected to Massachusetts Assembly, 1770;
Attended First Continental Congress, 1774-'76;
Signed Declaration of Independence, 1776;
Appointed Diplomat to France, 1776-'79;
Member of assembly to form State Constitution of Massachusetts,
Minister plenipotentiary in Europe, 1780, '81;
Party to the Treaty of Peace with Gr. Britain, 1783;
U.S. Minister to the British court, c. 1783- '88;
Elected first Vice President, 1789;
President, 1796.

2007-08-06 04:02:41 · answer #1 · answered by Michael J 5 · 0 1

John Adams was in Europe at the time of the convention but he did write home to encourage other delegates.

2007-08-06 11:11:27 · answer #2 · answered by staisil 7 · 0 0

invited yes, but he was busy

2007-08-06 11:36:24 · answer #3 · answered by burn out 4 · 0 0

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