Having "ghosts" in your house and developing your empathic/psychic abilities are really two different things. The most important thing to do is to take a step back, take a few deep breaths knowing that you are not the only one to which this happens.
It doesn't really matter how old/new your house it, spirit people can be attracted by all sorts of things. If you feel comfortable, talk to them/it, tell it that you will respect their right to be there as long as they respect you. You can ask them to stop scaring you but some spirits think it's funny when they freak us out.
If you feel uncomfortable or you just don't want them/it there, tell them. You may need to enlist the help of your parents because it usually has to come from someone in 'authority' in the house. You can tell them that it is time to move on. You may have to do this several times but they will leave.
As for your dreams, they are that. Our subconscious dreams about a LOT of things that we're not aware of. Hence the name :) What is probably happening that this is one of the hundred things you dream at night and you remember that one when something happens to trigger the dream-memory.
Feeling people's emotions is all a part of being an empath. All people are able to do this, whether they recognize it or not. It's one of those things that's wired into our brains. Some people have it naturally activated, others have an event activate it, others consciously work to develop it and even more people choose not to. You're at an age where you're developing in more than physical ways so this doesn't suprise me. I would recommend you do some learning about meditation and shielding - the life of an empath is difficult and ultimatey incomplete until they can learn to acknowledge what emotion/thoughts/motives they can get from others and not internalize it.
Good luck
2007-08-05 15:10:04
answer #1
answered by Zimmia 5
You can be sensitive to spirits without being a psychic. I personally don't trust psychics that much (sorry if this offends anyone). I personally can tell if there is a spirit in an area, sometimes before I even enter a building. I can tell whether they are stressed or friendly. And (this creeps me out, I never tell anybody about it) I can smell them. The smell is hard to describe...like a light combination of musk, dry dust, and ozone. There's something to it I can't describe, but its the strongest just before or just after poltergeist activity, which happens a LOT at work (I work at a college thats been around since the early/mid 1800's and is built on Indian burial grounds with the mounds still visible everywhere). I'm not psychic and don't ever want to be. I can't explain why these things happen, and don't bother wondering about them anymore. Doesn't make me special, and I know I'm extremely sane (yes, I've been tested for work).
What you're sensing is natural. You are not crazy. If it makes you more comfortable, go ahead and see a shrink. It won't hurt, and I'm sure you'll come out sane as anyone else. When you hear these voices, try to make out what they are saying. Train your peripheral vision so you don't have to turn your head when you think you see something. Watch and observe these things with an analytical eye. Don't get freaked out, and don't go trying to delve into the spiritual aspect of things or you might drive yourself mad. Do what I do. Understand that you have a certain talent, then use your mind to be critical of everything. Use a scientific approach to things and you will get the answers you're looking for.
As a final suggestion, and this is a strong one, ask your parents to have an electrician, or somebody with access to an EMF reader to come our and inspect your house. If you have old wiring or appliances around that put out high EMF's (electro-magnetic fields), the EMF's could actually make you hallucinate slightly. THAT is a scientific fact, and all good ghost hunters will check the reading before they begin an investigation, just for that reason. Its a very common thing in old houses and buildings. Good luck, and don't let answers left here by haters discourage you.
Just had to note a quick fact that bothered me. Somebody said that 'If you're a Christian, you don't believe in ghosts'. Are you kidding? Yes, Christian DO believe in ghosts, no matter what denomiation. Catholics will tend to believe in ghosts even more, but Christians in general are extremely open to beliefs in supernatural and paranormal activity. The reason is that there is a religious understanding of what ghosts are...the manifestation of a human soul or a non-human spirit (aka demon or angel). Don't make statements unless you know the facts.
2007-08-05 15:23:26
answer #2
answered by Wassime 3
Honey, you are what we would call an "indigo child".
You have an evolved consciousness and have lots of latent psychic ability, and reincarnated here on earth to assist, but you came in with a case of amnesia. Try doing a web search on indigo and crystal children.
Ghosts are real. Chances are that old house is in what we would call a "geopathic" zone, meaning that the longer an area has been developed, the more likely there is energetic funk... geopathic rays, noxious rays, negative aspects of the global Curry and Hartman grids... that actually attract ghosts.
Ghosts will actually surf in on negatively charged parts of the Curry and Hartman grids... like a conga line!
Something else you might want to know... the last of the partitions dividing 3-D with 4-D seemed to have come down in about 1998. We're seeing a lot more ghost activity simply because it is more noticeable.
You probably need to get some sage and smudge the house with the sage smoke to chase the critters out so you can get some sleep. Most ghosts are afraid to go into the Light because of Christian dogma about heaven & hell. We all go into the Light... God's Light. Try talking with the ghosts about going into the Light... convince they there is no hell except their own fear keeping them here on earth.
2007-08-05 18:41:21
answer #3
answered by revsuzanne 7
What you are seeing are spirits sweetie and you do have a hereditary gift. Why don't you talk to your family and find out who else has this gift. You are not the only one, and it is nothing to be afraid of. Listen carefully when you hear the voices. You need to slow down a little and stop freaking out. Fortunately, you will have a person in your life to help you 'fine-tune' this gift. Think of the dreams of your family dying as a psychic 'five minute warning'. It is your way of knowing and processing the information before you are faced with it in the waking state.
I live in a fairly new house and the spirits visit me when they need something and can't reach their own loved ones. For example, one young lady needed her murderer to know he was forgiven right before he died (he was never convicted of the crime) and chose me (who knew nothing of her or the man who was dying). There are always reasons that the spirits have for coming back to this plane of existence. Please don't worry. Please ask your family if anyone else has ever had these experiences (don't worry if they haven't - go to the next generation up - your grandparents, great aunts, etc.). They can aid you immensely. Feel free to e-mail me about this.
2007-08-05 16:00:23
answer #4
answered by swarr2001 5
Yes I think so... not about the ghost thing, but about the dreams.... my mom has them too, they're called premonitions or however its spelled. She dreams about plane, train, car, etc crashes and about a week later its all over the news. She has even dreampt about being in the attic looking out at a courtyard and she later on actually went to the house she dreampt about, she'd never been too it or even seen pictures of it. In college she could in a way read her friends minds, she could tell what they were thinking and would say it out loud to her friends, and be 100% correct. Before I was born she dreampt someone told her I would have anomalies (?)/abnormalities, and I do I was later born with 2 genetic born diseases. Then around the time that my dad was having an affair she dreampt about hearing my dad and a women talking (She told me what they said but I don't remember what it was) and both of us have always known when someone was going to die. A long time ago for a week I started feeling depressed and very sad/sick. It later turns out during that time my dads co-worker was on her motorcycle heading to her birth-day party and was killed. I didn't find out about it till months later when I told my mom. Then just recently about 2 or 3 weeks ago my mom and I were in Boston on vacation, when I woke up the day it happened I had a horrible stomach ache and had no will to get up. It was around 12 pm-1pm and my dad called but my mom didn;t answer her phone. The next day my dad called again and told my mother that himself and 2 of his coworkers were on there motorcycles up in big bear and his friend Harry decided to speed up around a corner and was hit by a car (he was killed instantly from internal wounds, when my dad turned him over his chest was open and bleeding but before he was turned over you couldn't see blood at all) so I believe you probably are physic, once and only once I saw the future and heard it too (it was silly though, I saw myself making changes to something and yes I DID save it, and the next day the changes hadn't been made yet, and at the same time I heard the phone ring and the caller ID announced my best friend's name but no one told me to get the phone or anything like they normally would, and I asked my mom if my bff had called and she said no, then a minute later my bff really did call. But just because you see ghosts, doesn;'t make you physic but the other things you mentioned do.
2007-08-05 15:28:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
1 day i had the same crazy feeling, like I was being watched. Im not gonna go all religious and stuff on you, but if you are really scared the only thing you can do Is summon the faith inside of you, i know I sound stupid, but you got to pray. I dont know for what b/c i havent been in your kind of situtation.. im also 15, and i have a lot of problems in my life. Just pray for help, God always answers.
Good Luck
2007-08-05 15:07:19
answer #6
answered by SinghisKing794 2
yes my sisters friends parents are living in a haunted house
they say that at night they hear voices of little children upstairs when no one even is sleping upstairs. The ghosts also close the windows shut all the time.
they tell me alot of stories
i believe in them 100%
2007-08-05 15:02:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Are you a christian? Then there are no ghosts. There are un explained things but to ascribe them to ghosts is wishful thinking.
If your a wiccan or a druid or whatever. Yes there are ghosts and there here searching for their way some are good some are bad. You could build a small house outside your house and place food and the things they might like in the house and they may move and let you have peace.
2007-08-05 15:11:24
answer #8
answered by Village Player 7
yes i am 10 and i experience ghost s too and i ghost hunt with my family
2007-08-05 17:55:17
answer #9
answered by lost in az 3
Yes they have the power
2007-08-05 15:07:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous