Rule # 1 Never cast in angry. Rule # 2 never do spell work on someone against there will. and Rule # 3 be careful what you wish for.
I really do not like doing any love spells. It's best to leave those alone . That's my opinion. Never do any spell work on anyone unless they ask for your help and basically give them what they need and let them do it them self's. give instructions and let it go . Now you are going to have to do a reversal spell and yes Karma did and has bit you on the butt. hopefully you can get the spell reversed and everything can go back to normal. Good luck and Blessed Be.
Lady Blackbird
2007-08-05 09:11:03
answer #1
answered by Becca 1
I'm a translator and proofreader but I don't correct people on the net unless asked to because people that are not linguistically minded just don't care, it's a waste of time, and it just gets on their nerves. That said, poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation is disturbingly prevalent throughout the net, other people see it, and, knowing no better, copy it; and so the vicious circle goes on until poor English is the norm (if it's not already). I would have to quit my job to correct all the mistakes I see in a day's browsing: this page is full of mistakes (not including the intentional ones), as many from the preachers of good grammar as from the defenders of illiteracy; the lack or overuse of the apostrophe being the worst (Two Weeks' Notice or Two Weeks Notice? Yes, even Warner Bros get it wrong, so what hope for the rest of us?). And what can we do when even respected websites like the BBC are rife with mistakes? By the way, the spell check is useful but not perfect. I almost put "quite my job" because my fingers are always racing ahead typing common words before my brain reaches them to tell them what they should actually be typing. The spell check wouldn't have picked that up. It probably wouldn't pick up all poor punctuation either, e.g. the difference between it's and its. This site is actually not that bad compared to many forums I've seen, so perhaps some tolerance should be exercised.
2016-04-01 00:13:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Really a partner should be there for you when you are having a difficult time. That is what relationships are all about. Its understanding he is hesitant becaus he may feel that if you through another patch then you may push him away again. Read here
I am going through something similar, but she hasnt made any contact to come back to me, and I know even though I may want her, I would be hesitant because of the possibility of going through the same thing again.
I dont know how long you have been apart, but dont pester him to get back with you, although it would be good for you to let him know your feelings, and that you are sorry for pushing him aside.
If he is willing to chat, then great, if he is reluctant, just offer to be a friend maybe, but you have to know that it does not mean he will come back to you.
He will care about you, even after what iv gone through...feelings dont just dissapear no matter what he may say. Stick in there. only time will tell.
If you get another chance, then make the most of it and never let him go awain because if you do, he will never come back. I really hope it works out for you. Its a difficult thing to go through.
2016-07-20 01:40:17
answer #3
answered by ? 3
I'm a wiccan and use spells and mental elements all the time. Ive been having major financial problems so cast a luck/wealth spell 3 days ago. Today my spell worked as of Tuesday i will be debt free. When you cast a spell never send out evil or negative ones as they will come back 3 fold. If you need anymore advice mail me
2007-08-05 12:38:55
answer #4
answered by jay boy 3
My Gosh! Sister
Casting of Spells to achieve your desire is so out dated?
Positive thinking and positive desire, result in white spells aka white magic. The likes of healing and life enriching.
Negative thinking and negative desire, Karma is return back to you 10 fold.
Yep, is 10 fold.
Rule of Karma and action as stated in the Gita of the Hinduism.
Karma or known as seed of your desire thought.
Instead of spells cast, have you forgive yourself first. Then whatever spells you cast, it wouldn't work if you have not forgive yourself.
Rather send love and happiness to the person you want mentally, praying for them, this positive action is return back to you 100 fold.
I have done it, and it work for me.
My life has taken a new meaning.
Read the Gita for more information.
2007-08-05 14:26:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ive dealt with bad karma before the good karma because I fiddled in black magick with my brother. Probably not a good idea. We cursed a certain someone we didnt like so that they would fall on hard times. That hit us more then threefold.
On the good side I also did a spell asking that my past lover might come to terms with our breakup and ask me back. It worked but the only problem is I found another guy (whom Im still with after 2yrs now) and I want nothing to do with my past ex.
Yes, spells work but it depends on the caster, they have to fully believe that it will work. They have to make sure that there is no will bending involved least you hit the three fold rule.
2007-08-05 08:00:08
answer #6
answered by Widget 3
Want to know how to get your ex back? Change yourself. Don't worry about changing other people, worry about changing yourself. Go to
Once you do that then you can start to worry about getting back together with your ex, other wise you will find that you are fighting about all the same things and getting no where. Do what it takes and I promise things will work out in your favor.
The funny thing is I came to the realization that I had to change a little too late. After I was kicked out and after I was about to lose the only things that truly mattered to me - her love. A funny thing happens when we truly love someone and lose them. We do what ever it takes to get them back. For me I had to drop bad habits that had caused not only our relationship to sour but practically every other relationship I had had in the past. Not only with women, but with friends, co-workers, family, you name it.
Which is why I say to you as my ex at the time said to me, the only thing you can do is change yourself. Work on yourself and improve on the person that you already are. Drop the negative things in your life that don't belong there and you will see all of your relationships start to take off to new heights.
2016-04-27 17:23:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I believe that spells may work...depends on the caster...the timing...etc.
Spells are like anything else....most things aren't 100%... Even though Tiger Woods is a great golfer...he doesn't golf "hole in ones" all the time...Magick spells are like that.
You should probably not cast spells that are for specific things...i.e. as certain person's love, for money to come to you, etc.
When casting, remember not to cast planning harm to another, ergo the 3 Fold Law, which I believe strongly.
Cast only general spells for good health, prosperity, and love...they will work. Eventually. (not 100% guaranteed)
Blessed Be!
2007-08-05 10:28:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I did a love me or get hurt spell to this girl I really liked and I wrote a tinier simpler spell and the back of the paper I used so the spell would be more effective, the girl didn't even know my name but I really liked her, well I could bring myself to finish the love me or get hurt spell, by buring it in the ground, because I didn't want to hurt her, but the simple spell I did finish and It started to work it's magic and the girl started to get very intrrested in me and It was all thanks to the spell I could finish the other spell but I never will it was almost black magic and If it did go the wrong way it could come back on me bad I never have really experienced the threefold thing but that doesn't meab it doesn't exist! well I feel bad for you sorry about predicament yopu'll just have to let the spell and come back runn it pace
2007-08-05 10:14:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I wondered the same thing once so I researched magic found some spells written down and tried them .
Only the one about, do this ritual and crows will come a kill a Owl tied to a tree branch worked.
Then I found out that crows hate owls and will come an kill it if possible, ritual or not.
As for the rest I have 3, count them 3 ,incurable diseases but I figured it is just bad luck. Now though I can blame , umm who or what am I blaming?
( as long as it is not myself)
P.S. the thing about the 3 incurable diseases is true and while 2 are merely pain full and annoying the third is going to kill me in time. If you find any magic cure please write me.
Really , please.
2007-08-05 08:26:26
answer #10
answered by Alan G 3