I know this question has been asked before, but I thought maybe we could get some new stories from new yahoo answers users.
My dad's side of the family is related to a famous Philly mobster (Nick something or other-I can never remember his name but he's either dead or in jail. My great grandfather actually was in the mob and committed suicide over it. My family doesn't like to talk about it. Also, one of my cousins cousin on her dad's side is Loretta Swit (hot lips from MASH)
17 answers
asked by
Entertainment & Music
➔ Celebrities
Great answers guys! I love realizing how small a world this is. Even though celebs and famous people are just people-it's still cool when you here these stories.
05:48:30 ·
update #1
My dad's second cousin was the creator of Dracula.
2007-08-05 05:38:31
answer #1
answered by mahoganychik@yahoo.com 6
a girl at my college who graduated final year has achieved some video clips. Aussie video clips so which you does not understand her of direction yet nonetheless somewhat cool. As for related to widespread people i does not understand i'm beneficial there is somebody. i'm related to a widespread guy who helped hijack a prepare with the Queen on it back interior the 80s or something. he's spent his entire existence in penitentiary.. or something. he's my super grandmother's cousin or 2nd cousin so it is quite distance, yet nonetheless there.
2016-10-09 06:39:32
answer #2
answered by bjorne 4
My great uncle Billy designed the very first batmobile, and my other great uncle Claude was a set builder for movies before he retired. One of his most famous sets was the fun house in the Julia Roberts movie "Sleeping with the enemy". It was even named after him.(Claude Powell's house of fun) or something like that.
2007-08-05 06:27:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My cousin is Daniel Radcliffe and I am friends with Vanessa Anne hudgens, Zac Efron, Ashley Tisdale, and Miley Cyrus! I am telling the truth!!
2007-08-05 06:45:26
answer #4
answered by ? 2
A male neighbor of mine up the street from my house is good friends with Billy Ray Cyrus. I think they went to school together. Him and Miley came to my neighbor's house for visits a few times. I never got to see them though.
And "Lil' Prep" girl above, if ur Nick Jonas's 'second cousin' wouldn't u have said the other 2 Jonas brothers' are ur second cousins too? Not just Nick? Duh.
2007-08-05 05:47:34
answer #5
answered by Ali 2
My great-aunt is heavy into geneology, and her research has linked my family to Scottish royalty, as well as either General Grant or General Lee, although I can never remember which one.
2007-08-05 05:42:27
answer #6
answered by hockey_gal9 *Biggest Stars fan!* 7
There were triplets in my class and their 14th great grandfather was on the mayflower and this other boy in my class, his grandfather is the mayor of the city we live in.
2007-08-05 08:25:30
answer #7
answered by KayKay 2
Yeah, I'm Vanessa Hudgens! Kidding. I wish I was! Great question!
2007-08-05 05:44:30
answer #8
answered by Sunshine 1
If they exist, they are doing a great job of hiding it too!
2007-08-05 05:39:12
answer #9
answered by cadaholic 7
Hey i am um i am related to Nick Jonas, he is my 2ND cousin i am serious!
2007-08-05 05:40:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous