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I am sick and tires of people acting as though because you are under 30 you are stupid enough to follow anything a politician tells you. One of the guys here said that if Hillary signed up her daughter she would get the youth vote. Why on the world would the youth blindly follow Hilllary simply if Chelsea works for her campaign? its the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.

Or Rock the vote. These people clearly dont understand the purpose of Rock music, which is as an expression AGAINST politics. Simply because some musician or actor says vote for a certain person all the youth in America are supposed to blindly vote for that person.

Is it any wonder the youth overwhelmingly dont vote?? Why the heck should we vote for any of these people who act like we are complete and utter morons?

2007-08-04 22:12:04 · 16 answers · asked by Avatar_defender_of_the_light 6 in Politics & Government Elections

16 answers

Have you read some of the questions and responses posted by some of the younger people on these boards? It is a frightening prospect to realize that a few of them will be voting. I know that there are also some intelligent, well educated folks out there under 25, but young people just don't vote. Sure, the politicians are out of touch with younger voters, but they are trying what often does work in our celebrity worshiping culture.

2007-08-05 02:22:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am well over 30 but would have to agree with you that the campaigns think the younger voters are stupid.

Remember a few years back:
"Vote or die!"

While I get a good laugh out of hearing the election advertisements for the younger crowd, I know its not actually funny at all. They are using a tag of "vote or die" (and similar things) to attempt to reach full grown adults not 10 year olds (thinking it is most effective)...and that is sad indeed.

2007-08-04 22:35:03 · answer #2 · answered by Calvin 7 · 1 0

Our hope is with the youth vote. I hope they see that the government is not their friend. And that the Democrats and Republicans are selling out our country. To many older people are looking for a free ride and an easy answer to every problem. Always involving the government.

2007-08-05 07:06:21 · answer #3 · answered by John himself 6 · 0 0

They do not think you are stupid, they just don't know you. You have a bunch of older people making decisions on how to reach the young vote and all their ideas are biased toward how they think they thought when they were younger. All older folks think they were cooler than they were, me included. Please vote and vote for the people who you think represent you the best. Don't vote for them because they are Republican or Democrat or because they are conservative or liberal, vote for them because they have the same ideas as you do. You may vote for the exact opposite person as me at every level, but just vote so we can make a difference. I, myself am not that impressed by the people who are there right now, but I will vote for someone who I think holds the ideals I do about where this country is heading. If you do vote for someone because they sign their daughter up or because some celebrity said to, please do not vote because you are not thinking for yourself.

2007-08-04 22:28:45 · answer #4 · answered by Jeff E 4 · 1 0

I'm 19, and I agree. Rock the Vote is so condescending, it drives me nuts! Hey, let's assume that college students only like sex, beer and rock n'roll... lets parade a line of celebrities and emphasize the impotence of voting... hardeharhar

All right, sooo exaggerated. But point made.

I acknowledge that the sex, drugs and rock n' roll culture exists on college campuses and among youth. That's to be expected, but it almost seems like Rock the Vote doesn't recognize the substantive intelligence beneath college students' attitudes.

BUT I know one politician who isn't treating youth like they're stupid. Obama's campaign has Students for Obama, the official youth part of his national campaign. He has hired a youth vote director,and two deputy youth vote directors on full salary just for our demographic. These people work with a team of national leadership... students, ages 18-24, who then coordinate with students at college campuses. The Obama campaign has given an enormous amount of respect for youth. I work for his campaign on my campus, and I have access to the national field director. It's amazing.

I can't reveal the specifics of the Obama strategy, but the youth movement is one of several components. In fact, there really is a lot I shouldn't say here, but trust me, the campaign really really values and works with youth.

2007-08-04 23:36:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I do agree with you. I think that many young people say they will vote and then don't that politicians may begin to feel as if they are wasting their time on the youth vote.

2007-08-05 03:29:17 · answer #6 · answered by It is what it is 4 · 0 0

That is because most younger voters are too stupid even to bother to vote - I remember being in college and hearing my Frat brothers all talking about how they supported for president etc... and when push came to shove only five of us out of 40 bothered to vote and that is not atypical.

Nobody thinks because Hillary hired her own daughter you are going to vote for her - all that means is that she hired her own daughter with the hope that with her involved she will help stir the campaign to get younger voters to vote for her mom (Bush family does this with younger members of their family too - good think for Bush his daughters were cute probably benefited him with more recognition of his campaign - all politicians do this - just the level they use them differs).

The fact that most youth don't vote isn't because of arrogance of adults - its because they are just too lazy to bother.

Good Luck!!!

2007-08-05 03:05:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i do no longer think of youthful electorate are stupid, yet I do think of maximum of them are in basic terms uninformed. whilst i replaced into 18 I voted for bill Clinton...and that i voted on emotion in basic terms like numerous of the infants that voted for Obama in this final election. the comparable approaches via the liberal media have been utilized in 1992. George Bush Sr. replaced into "too old"....examine out Clinton "he's cool" (taking part in a sax on point). Liberals did the comparable in 2008 with McCain calling him "too old" and he would not use a working laptop or pc (because of the fact rather he has difficulty lifting his palms by way of conflict torture injuries). Obama is cool. do no longer forget approximately additionally "it incredibly is time we had a black president" (heard that way too lots in the process the election). study the subject concerns, study the historic previous of the rustic and consider out what's handed off by way of liberal rules and conservative rules. what share roles did each and every create? and so on. Then make your selection.

2016-10-14 00:49:13 · answer #8 · answered by marolf 4 · 0 0

No use complaining. You have to get involved. Get yourself educated. Develope opinions that make sense. Pick the best candidate you can find and join his/her campaign. Ask a lot of questions. If you don't get good answers, come up with better answers. If that party doesn't accept your answers, find another party or start a new one. That's the only way to influence events. No use complaining.

2007-08-05 10:28:29 · answer #9 · answered by marvinsussman@sbcglobal.net 6 · 0 0

Thing is alot of people will just vote for who they see the most. They won't research the canidate's position or analyze his character. For you and me, you're completely right. But alot of people dont think like that. They will do whatever the media tells them too. The majority of the american public are lemmings.

2007-08-04 22:22:14 · answer #10 · answered by Big Pimp 1 · 1 0

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