most places you don't have to permits for putting up a fence.
with this in mind, you do have to follow property lines. you didn't say what type of fence, so I'll assume wood since your doing it and worried about the corner.
take your circular saw and simply cut an angle on your post from top down to ground level or you can simply make angle notches where the runner boards will fasten. your choice and your time, as the latter one would be quicker, but you have to be more precise on your cuts.if your installing one of those easy to do confounded plastic fences(they are not as easy as sounds) where you buy it will either carry or be able to give you the information on ordering what they call angle wedges.
2007-08-05 01:19:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't matter what angle it's at, you have to follow the property lines so, with that in mind, and you don't know where your property lines are, it's best to hire a surveyor before you apply for your permits, the County building inspector will want the permits drawn for the fence, with these He'll want to survey of the property lines too.
All this will cost about two grand.
2007-08-04 23:16:32
answer #2
answered by cowboydoc 7
well No..happy bday .. mine are depressing I've been banned from having birthdays A new rule has been made Signed ,sealed and delivered By the local Fire Brigade! They say that all those candles Would create such a blaze They'd have to come and put it out And stay around for days ! So, I guess I'll have to party Without the birthday cake, Perhaps I'll light one candle Just for old time's sake , Those firemen ! So fit and strong, Such healthy looking men - Whose birthday is it ,anyway ? Let's light them all again ! ps good to see your still around im back for the 25th time
2016-03-16 07:02:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
assuming it's ok to put where you want,make a sqaure with pegs and string,when you measure the same distance diagonally you're square,then measure the same distance each way from the corner you intend to angle,this produces a perfect 45 degree angle every time
2007-08-05 01:35:53
answer #4
answered by chris 3