To me a friendship is being friends with someone, that you/they can confide in and do things together with similar interests. Someone that is there for you when no one else is and vice versa.
The best way to keep a friendship alive is to keep in contact with that friend. Never let a friendship be one sided, one trying harder than the other. Say your sorry when you are wrong if you had a disagreement. Do something special for your friend from time to time for no reason.
2007-08-04 19:25:57
answer #1
answered by faith♥missouri 7
Friends are hard to come by, true ones are far and few. I know I have lots of acquaintances, but few friends and very few good friends.I think in the last 20 years, I have only had a handful of good friends, and the one that really matters is my husband.
Frienship is precious, and you should do all you can to keep it honest and real. Friends don't have to impress their friend, and friends can be honest and not worry about if their friend will feel hurt by anything they say.
When you have a friend, you feel about that person the way that you would hope they feel about you. You feel as if that person is a part of you. someone that you feel connected to in a special way. I don't feel like I have to tiptoe lightly when around my friends.When you have a real friend, you can be yourself, and whether you are in a real blue funk mood, or as happy as a lark, you dont try to be something you are not.
To keep a freindship alive, just be yourself, don't lie, don't sugarcoat anything, but be respectful of your freind, and
keep an open mind when talking to your friend. Listen with an open mind and let your friend know that you are there for them. The old saying, treat your friends the way you would like
to be treated, is true, so true.Keeping a freindship alive is easier than you may think, but it does take work.Here are some simple tryed and true rules I try to remember.
1. Let my friend know that I am allways there for them.
2. Listen, listen, and listen, don't be afraid to offer advise, but I wait till it is asked for unless I know my friend is asking for help.
3. Don't gossip or spread rumors. Friends trust you in confidence, keep their trust and they will keep yours.
4. Be Kind.
5, I am allways there to help no matter what I may think about what is asked of me, if it is something my friend has asked me to do, then it is important to them, so it is important to me.
6.I allways let my friend know how important they are to me, that I am there for them no matter what.
7. If my friend is feeling down, I try to cheer them up.
8. My husband is my best friend, and he used to tell me so much that I was his best friend, and it has taken almost ten years for me to understand what he means when he explains how important I am to him.
My husband has allways told me over and over again, that the most prescious thing he has to offer me is the time he spends with me. He doesn't spend time with others the way he does with me. My husband is a very private person and so am I , so when we spend time together, it really does mean a lot. Friendship is often overlooked, or it is a term used without much meaning behind it. People call others their friends, when they are nothing more than acquaintances. I may have hundreds of acquaintances, but only a handful of friends, and only one real freind. that I would do anything for.
The only way to keep a freindship alive is to work on it constantly, just like a marraige. Jlust because you are married, does not mean there are no problems that need to be talked out, agreed upon and settled. Freindship is a commitment just like marraige. You don't dump or abandon your freind just because they present you with problems you don't want to be a part of, just as you don't abandon your marraige partner just because you have problems that come up. For better or worse means just that. Life is full of bumps along the way, and sometimes the going gets very rough, but when you figure out which road to take and you go it with your friend and not alone, the road is a lot less threatening and you don't mind so much because it is a lot nicer when you are sharing it with your friend. It all amount to doing whatever I can to keep our friendship alive and as exciting and fun as it was in the beginning. When your friend can know what you are doing when you are not even there and knows how to make you feel better when you are blue and noone else can help, then you know you have a true friend. Friends can not be bought, they are meant to be, and are not as easy to come by as you may think. When you really do have a friend, you will hold on to them with all your might.You will not let go for anything except if it is for their own good.A true friend allways wants what is best for the other, and that means even if it means not doing what you would choose to do, it is what they want and you are happy for them because it is what they want.
2007-08-05 02:34:30
answer #3
answered by Pat Hawk Smith ( fluffypurrcat) 3