No, as long as you don't harm anyone, then it's fine. But don't spend every single second casting spells, it could over rule your life! And as for the dog thing, it's not over the top. I would do that for my dog, and it's to make sure he's safe, so you're doing good for others.
2007-08-05 03:05:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The idea behind Wicca and Pagan spirituality is following your heart and your intuition "do as ye will, an it harm none." The only thing I can caution is don't allow yourself to be led by anyone else into thinking you have to do things a certain way in order to be a "real" witch or pagan. Otherwise, it's an amazing journey to journey into the depths of your soul and know yourself and become one with everything around you. Blessed be!
2007-08-05 04:24:45
answer #2
answered by wulfric JPA 3
A grateful heart is the best thing for a spiritual person to have, keep that up; the absence of which is the first sign of a dead religion. Personally I reserve casting for only important events and issues, again a personal choice. Spend more time on studying other philosophies, inward journeys and contacting personal spirit guides, they can assist you with your questions and aid in magick. I believe in energy workings without the tools and other objects, they are worthy of attention but energy is energy period with time and study you can better understand.
Just remember the Three Fold Law, your intentions, and Harm None and you have nothing to worry about.
2007-08-05 01:25:20
answer #3
answered by The Soap Man 3
I think the best way to answer this is to look at the effects of what you're doing on your life. If this is having a positive effect -- if you are happier, better adjusted to reality, more at peace... if you have what Christians might call "the fruits of the spirit" such as great joy, peace, love, hope, gentleness, kindness, self-control, greater mindfulness, etc, etc, then what you are doing is obviously good for you. If all of this is having a negative effect -- if you find yourself increasingly worrying, angry, frustrated, out of sorts, feeling "crazy in the head" with too many thoughts, unfriendly and unkind towards others, out of control of yourself and your life, and so forth... then in that case what you are doing is obviously bad for you.
2007-08-05 02:54:22
answer #4
answered by threskiorn 3
Follow your heart and do some meditation and ask the Lord and Lady for guidance. There is nothing wrong with doing protection spell work. You just want whom you love to be protected. just make sure to ask family and friends 1st because you do not go against someones free will. my you be blessed with all the good you do.
Blessed be
Lady Blackbird
2007-08-05 13:42:00
answer #5
answered by Becca 1
The whole point of Wicca, is that you can practice your path as you wish. There are no rules only "Harm none..." If your intuition is telling you not to lay off, then don't. Just remember, whatever may be right for you may not be right for others. Blessed Be!
2007-08-05 00:53:20
answer #6
answered by Y!A P0int5 Wh0r3 5
Well maybe not...It sounds like you do good things, I cant help but wonder if in all the thanks that you are giving do you thank God? I don't want to offend you in any way but you might want to do that every now and then. I believe in brujeria ( Mexican ) and I have seen many things but I never forget to thank Him. I to am constantly back and forth with it.
2007-08-05 03:53:33
answer #7
answered by Bigeyes 5
If your Wiccan then no. It's like religion. It's not used to hurt people. It's fine. But...The whole dog thing is a little strange in my oppinion. I mean, I love my dog, but I'm not going to "cast a spell" on him to keep him safe. I'm not Wiccan, or anything so I don't know much about it. All I know is that if you get too caught up in it, people are gonna think your insane (not that I do, I don't even know you.)
2007-08-05 01:02:13
answer #8
answered by Rebel 2
Not really, it's like a thing children go through when they become aware of self. In a bit you will become comfortable with yourself and your abilities and slow down.
2007-08-05 02:38:25
answer #9
answered by Terry 7
~You dont NEED to be doing as much as you are.......
If is making you happy~Why not?
I do it a little differently....I thank much and ask for little.
It has been a pleasure to watch you discover your path.
2007-08-05 03:32:14
answer #10
answered by *~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~* 6