The most common way of doing this is through filing for a "DBA" (stands for "doing business as") in your county. Part of filing for the DBA includes doing research on whether anyone else is using the business name(s) in which you're interested, and in what capacity. Getting your DBA and business name is usually separate from, and done before, you get a business license at the city or county level. (I'm assuming that you don't want to incorporate here, as that is more complicated.)
As somebody else mentioned, you can use a name that somebody else is already using, as long as you are not selling a competing or similar product/service in the same market area. So, for example, is you want to name your sandwich shop "The Red Onion" and somebody else has a produce stand called The Red Onion, you're cool. However, I suggest that you name your business differently if possible to avoid any possibility of litigation. Some businesses -- especially the big ones -- will go after you with corporate lawyers and deep pockets and, even if you're in the right, it's not worth the fight.
You can get somebody to file your DBA for you online in many cases. Try Good luck.
2007-08-04 15:57:56
answer #1
answered by Barrabas_6025 4
First, your name doesn't have to be unique. For example, I own a company called Colorwheel Painting, and I know there is also one in Colorado too. What it comes down to is vicinity of operation. As far as I know, the state you live in should dictate this, and most likely won't allow two exact same names. However, that's exact... ie. ABC painting is different from ABC drywall, and ABC drywall is different from ABC drywall INC. So, just know there is some flexibility.
Ok, all that said, check with the state. Search google, for example, business registration, state of "x" and you'll probably find what you need. Then, you'll likley do some paper work, pay a fee depending on the type of business you're opening, and be good to go aside from some renewal things in the future.
2007-08-04 22:42:43
answer #2
answered by Mike M 2
Florida has the Florida Division of Corporations.
You can do a search for fictitious names.
2007-08-04 22:41:15
answer #3
answered by lissie 4
You must go to your county registrar/record clerk.They have computers where you can research business names.I am not sure you can do this online but you can try.
2007-08-04 22:43:59
answer #4
answered by J's leather emporium 3
go to the bbb and askfor the name you want they will be able to help you and then make it a corperation
2007-08-04 22:43:22
answer #5
answered by blu@1 2