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So I have always wonderd about Ouija Boards, Until recently I have even been scared of saying the word out loud. My mother has told me stories of when she was a child and using one in her home (its a 107 year old farm house now, very creepy and stale feeling). Since the one time of her using one she never even tuched the boards, where the one she used is I don't know. But she tells me stories of the horrible things she accidently and unwillingly(sp?) invited into her house. Things that asked her to let them in, and turnd lights on and off. Until about a year ago I never believed her. Even now I am a sceptic. One day my grandpa called from his house-her childhood home- and left a msg on the answering machine (im going to change my mothers name) you could hear my grandpa over the whispers in the background, you could easily hear they were callling my mothers name. The one thing it said that sticks out in my mind is "we are waiting for you marie, come home to us". (continued in details)

2007-08-04 14:45:43 · 6 answers · asked by dumbledoresarmy06 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

At that point i looked at my mother, She was pale. I tried to ask her about it but she didnt respond. Then last summer me and my grandmother were at a flee market and i asked for a ouija board that i found for a 25cent. she told me if i ever asked for another one i would never be alloud to come back to her home. So, i guess what im getting at is, are they evil? so they work? Can anyone tell me about a REAL expeireance with a ouija board? And maybe history on them? Is it safe to use one outside of your home, or will whatever you call on fallow you? anything about ouija boards would be nice to know, thanks.

2007-08-04 14:49:51 · update #1

6 answers

Ouija boards are just plain dangerous. They are not toys and should never be treated as such. You can open yourself to many dangerous things and you are basically playing with fire. They will lie and manipulate you.

I know many people think they are loads of fun or even think of them as a party type game but I can tell you from experience to stay away from them.

I know most people will think I am making this up or just trying to pull your leg but I promise this is a true story. One of many I might add. I will just tell you this one though.

When I was a kid my sister and my baby brother and I got into playing with them. It was a big mistake. It seemed to only work when my brother was on. He was about 7 at the time. It asked us if it could come out. We thought it was funny and said yes. It told my brother to go into the closet. Whatever it was it scared him to deth and he will never talk about what he saw.

Years later.....

My niece and her friends started playing around with the board and were pretty excited that they were able to get a spirit on it. It started to tell them stuff that they didn't want to hear. Horrible stuff. It started to get really scary. They started to experience things in their home even when they were not playing with it.

My niece tried just burying it in the yard. That didn't work. Then she dug it up and decided she would burn it. She threw it in the burner can in the yard and when she did she and my sister actually heard screams like demons coming out of the can.

I say get rid of it Burn it even better. Then pray to God to clear up anything in your home that you may have let in. I am not joking. Evita

2007-08-04 17:32:48 · answer #1 · answered by evitabug 5 · 0 0

In all the years I've played with the young'uns on a Ouija board I've had only one incident. A Christian couple insisted on "trying" the board with me. To make a long story short...the woman ended up in hysterics and the man wanted to fight me.........The planchette moved through the letters until the word "whore" was spelled. I wasn't even near them or the board as I had gone to the kitchen for a beer.

The Ouija boards, like the pendulum, and the planchette, are amplifiers of talent already within the operator. If you try too hard or you have no natural talent, it is normal for the board to remain quiescent or make only foolish moves.

There are none of the evil things many Christians say will cause you harm, for all of these phenomena only exist in the minds of Christians who thrive on fear in others and themselves.

The Ouija board is subject to the laws of Magick because it is used as a tool of Magick and if you try to use it for an evil purpose the evil will be returned threefold

2007-08-04 22:05:57 · answer #2 · answered by Terry 7 · 1 0

i was reading about black magic and also how to use the quija hoping i might get the numbers of loto but instead of that i was unable to sleep for almost a month.something was disturbing my dreams and i had all kind of dreams (most of them bad) and always wake up at same time, several times between 3am and 5:56am.I was trying to make myself able to control my dreams and see from the outside myself and what was happening on them but what i saw was terrifying.Always feeling some presense on my room that i could not see but could feel.i will never try those things ever again and i had learned my lesson.i had to sleep with the lights on and door opened and i am 26 years old.can u believe i was scared to sleep alone in my room?dont try that unless you have a very powerfull mind and does not get scared easilly

2007-08-04 21:56:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

We use to have one when we were young and my Father broke it and threw it away. I have heard too many horror stories to even entertaining the thought of using one.

2007-08-05 00:08:36 · answer #4 · answered by oldhag 5 · 0 0

Ouija boards are capable of letting poltergeists into your home. Do. Not. Use. One.!!!

2007-08-04 22:17:20 · answer #5 · answered by Ashley 2 · 1 1

Burn it if you find it.

2007-08-04 21:50:33 · answer #6 · answered by momatad 4 · 1 2

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