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1. We're doing just fine, thanks
2. Now that's something you don't see everyday
3. Thinkin' with my heart again
4. Any chance you two are through
5. Mighty, mighty love
6. I ain't goin' nowhere without you
7. Love at 90 miles an hour

2007-08-04 13:16:59 · 5 answers · asked by sarge 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

5 answers

Dodge City, Kansas
Circa 1876

"Afternoon Delight"

Sunshine MacGillicutty and The Dodge Boys were going to entertain at the Summer Barn Dance on Saturday night. Sunny was late for the rehearsal as she came storming into town. Miss Kitty just happened to be looking out her window when Sunshine, her arch enemy, came flying down Front Street,guitar slung over shoulder, wearing her crazy yellow bloomers.
Kitty: "(2) Now that's something you don't see everyday. Thank GOD!!!" She took another swig of her Randy Scouse Git Rotgut. Ever since U.S.Marshal Matt Dillon had left Kitty and fallen head over heels in love with Sunshine, Kitty was losing her grip on sobriety.
She watched as Sunshine rounded the corner, heading for the empty building next to the freight office. She raised her glass in a toast.....
"Here's to you, Sundown Mac Moron!"

Sunshine discovered that a few of the townsfolk had gathered, wondering if they could sit in on the rehearsal. With Sunshine, the more the merrier was a rule of thumb.
(Unless of course she was with Matt.....That's when she cranked up the drawbridge!!)
There was one fellow there who had a secret crush on her. Chip Edwards. He knew that she and Matt were going together; But, like Miss Kitty, he was always hoping they would break up.
Sunshine introduced the first song they would play and then Boom! Boom! Boom! She kicked her feet..... and kicked ***!

Matt walked in soon after she started singing. He loved the songs she wrote. He loved listening to her sing and play her guitar. He was button-popping proud of her talents. Shoot........ Matt just loved his Sunshine.
As he looked around the room, he noticed Chip's rather....ARDENT attention to EVERY move she made.....And Sunshine always did alot of jumping around.
When the song was over Chip saw Matt and walked over to him........... "Sounds as though Miss Sunshine is a bit lonesome these days. (4) Any chance you two are through?"
Matt looked him right in the eye....."(1) We're doing just fine, thanks!"

Sunshine smiled at Matt and blew him a kiss....... "Will you wait a while, Matt? We'll be through in another half hour."
Matt:"(6) I ain't goin' nowhere without you, baby."
Chip looked at his feet, mumbling as he sat back down," I've been (3) Thinkin' with my heart again, instead of with my brain."

After the last chord was struck, Sunshine came bopping off the stage, right into her lover's open arms.
Matt leaned over and whispered in her ear........ "I have a (5) Mighty, mighty love for you, SunnyMac. Any chance you being up for some ...uhhhhh...."
Sunshine:"Some afternoon delight?"
Matt:" Bingo!"
The two of them jumped on their horses, heading for their farm. As they raced through town, they were a blur:
Doc Adams was talking to Miss Kitty out in front of the Long Branch when Matt and Sunny sped by.
Doc:" There goes (7) Love at 90 miles an hour!!"
Kitty slumped her head to her chest ........"Ohhhhhh, GAWD!!"

2007-08-04 13:20:48 · answer #1 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 5 0

Joe was zipping down the highway when he passed by a pair of elephants hitchhiking on the opposite side of the road. Mumbling to himself "Now that's something you don't see everyday", he turned his car around and headed back in their direction.
Joe was elephant handler at the local zoo. He'd just lost Mabel, whom he'd tended for 20 years, and he needed to recruit a new cow for his zoo.
He pulled up next to the pair and said "How are you folks today?"
"We're doing just fine, thanks" was the reply.
Joe got right to the point. "Any chance you two are through? 'Cause I sure got a nice place for a fine young lady like you at my zoo."
The bull replied quickly "well, we're both pretty hungry..."
And the cow intercepted his comment almost as quickly, "Baby, I ain't goin' nowhere without you. Mister, you got to take us both, if you want one of us."
"I don't need you both", Joe replied. "Now get in the car, or I'll have you both picked up for vagrancy."
Mighty, mighty love, that's what an elephant's love is. The bull reached into the car with his trunk, pulled Joe out, and threw him as far as he could into the field by the road. Then they both jumped into the car and sped away, radio turned up as loud as they could stand it.
Love at 90 miles an hour is great for an elephant.

2007-08-04 13:45:43 · answer #2 · answered by gehme 5 · 1 0

Sarge, where has my powerhouse gone?
I am doing just fine, thanks, although, you may not think so.
You don't see me everyday, on Yahoo, though you may,
and my heart is in dismay, using it to think this way,
you and I cannot be through, as my love grows for you,
since you are a mighty sight, in my heart, with love delight, in mighty ways, you'll never know.
Your goodness has rested my soul.
I cannot forget you, I cannot leave you, or else I have nowhere to go, in the sun, or in the snow.
90 miles an hour? No fair, I have too much care, for a man who was once dressed in green, but one in person, I have never seen.
I can't drive, but your kind spirit, keeps me alive.
I want to know you. Eventually, I will.
All the dust around us, one day, will be still,
so I can find you, and then know,
the day is won.

2007-08-05 03:18:34 · answer #3 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 1 0

With hands to their hearts, the young men and women stood, facing the very flag which made hearts swell, with pride. Lifting their voices to the Nations Anthem, I thought, "I think I may cry." What a sight to behold, these brave young soldiers, marching in time...to a battlefield unknown. At that time of day, it was easy to see the great numbers of people who had gathered to say their final goodbyes. Mothers sobbing, Fathers hands shaking as they hugged their sons and daughters goodbye. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw and heard a small voice saying, "Daddy, will you sing me one more love song before you go?" Then another voice, "I'm not that patient, I just want to be near you!" What was once a celebratory farewell had now become a heart rendering experience for me, as I stood there and watched as many hearts broke, that day. In the distance I saw a long line of men, waiting, looking back to see if they could perhaps, get a last glance before getting onto the awaiting plane. A sight so sad, I had to leave. While walking away, I heard another voice, one of anger and one of dissent! "Stop your warring," the angry voice shouted! In disbelief, my eyes were now clouded as I boldly walked into the crowd gathered. "Put up your dukes!" I said, as I shouted...God BLESS AMERICA and ALL who doubt HER!

2016-05-18 01:59:58 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

In the midst of the storm, Katy found her way to the roadside. The droplets of rain, felt like BB's against her face as she hurried up the embankment, searching anxiously, looking for her love.

Reaching the road, she recalled how difficult it was to openly lie about this mighty, mighty love which consumed her. Even so, Katy knew that to tell her parents....would surely be the end of seeing her love. Brushing the thought away, Katy sighed,..."I'M thinkin' with my heart again" ! Doubts began to creep into her mind as she saw headlights approaching. Could this be him?

The car lights were getting clearer now but, the rain distorted the vehicle which caused her to pause. As the car pulled up, Katy saw that it was not who her heart longed for. Her pulse raised and as she drew nearer to the waving hand, she heard the voice asking ," Is everything okay maam?" Not wanting to give away the fact that she was alone, Katy answered the elderly man, "We're doing just fine, thanks." "Just walking through the woods, in the rain and found ourselves at the road!" The elderly man accepted her story but, as he was leaving, Katy heard him say, "Now that's something you don't see everyday!" "Couples walking in the rain in the dark of night."

Katy was relieved to see the man drive on. She had hoped he accepted her words and he had seemed too, as he did not question her. Then, Katy was startled by lights which appeared quickly. It was him, her love! As the car approached, Katy could see his face and the smile which captured her from the first time she laid eyes upon him.

Quickly, Jon opened the door for her to get in out of the rain which was still pouring with no relief in sight. It had been relentlessly raining and Jon was worried about Katy having to stand out and wait for him. Katy shut the door and Jon reached to embrace her, warming her with his tender hands. Katy sighed in the warmth of his arms which now, were holding her tightly. "Did you tell your folks", asked Jon? Katy sighed deeply, "no Jon, I could not tell them...I-I'm sorry," she said sadly. Jon, dropped his head in understanding and his heart was heavy as he began to realize what Katy was giving up...just for him!

"Katy, I love you but, I can wait and we both can go to your parents and tell them how much we love each other." Katy nodded, "no Jon,"I ain't going nowhere without you!" If momma and pappa knew that we plan to marry...Jon, they would send me to my Aunts house and make sure we could not see one another." "It has to be this way, Jon, exclaimed Katy."

Lovingly embracing, their lips met and although the car was merely idling, it felt as though it was love at ninety miles an hour! Hearts beating, lips touching and the mere thrill of being in one anothers arms! It was...suddenly, there was a knock upon Jon's window. Jon, turned around and saw the face of a man. He could not make out who this man was but, as he rolled the window down, Jon realized he was looking straight into the eyes of the local deputy!

Deputy FIFE, lol...., grinning, asked the two, " Any chance you two are through?" Katy blushed as Jon exclaimed, Yes Sir, we're through talking." "Talking huh, asked the deputy"? Well, you two best be on your way and drive safely, those roads are slick out tonight."

As he walked away, Jon put the car in drive and started driving. Not away from the past but, towards their new future...together.

2007-08-04 15:55:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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