The question itself seems slightly prejudiced. You're talking about some chain that needs to be broken... I don't think white presidents are supposed to "represent" some sort of chain that needs to be broken. Besides, so far it's going okay, in my opinion. President Bush may be the latest exception.... but there's always next year and always another election. Is there going to be a Asian person for president inthe U.K.? What about in South Korea? Will a white man get elected in South Korea anytime soon? lol It's not imposible but unfortunately it takes time to take the fear out of some citizens that electing a black or mexican man won't be so bad afterall. Some of America (I've travelled to many rural and also big cities) (and i'm just stating the obvious) haven't really "been raised with black or Asian culture" and therefore, I would think it might be hard to understand the benefit of having a minority for president. Since electing a president in America is extremely important especially now because of the Middle East conflict, people might be especially picky about who they pick; since the last fella (President Bush) didn't leave a good taste in our mouth.
I think America will have a minority president. I think they should. But once we elect a black or Asian man for president, will there ever be another white one again? Or will the "black chain of presidents" (like you said) need to be broken then for reverse racism?
2007-08-04 10:55:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Lets see is Hillary a Billary?
Is Edwards more feminine yes he/she is the Breck Girl.
Obamanation is a Muslim in hiding. You Tube " he will use his faith on Non believers" code for Muslims.
There are more woman and blacks in higher place in the republican party than in Clinton's or any other Demarcate administration so if you ask if Republicans would for the right black or woman than yes. But Democrats never as they think they are the elite and they need to keep welfare and the class wars going to get and keep power.
As a quote from Lady Bird Johnson said to Bab Walters" the great society was well intended but the worst thing to happen to the USA"
Now you ask your self who is the right one and non can be found on the left so take your insinuated racism back as too many people will not by it. Go feel guilty that you are a rich person while I love it that I am.
2007-08-04 10:44:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Can I ask why it would need to be broken? As long as the right person got the job, why would it matter, even if it was a white man?
2007-08-04 17:04:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
the residing house of Representatives impeaches (indicts) the president, the Senate tries the case. No president has been removed from place of work via the technique of impeachment and Senate trial, yet 2 presidents have been impeached - Andrew Johnson and bill Clinton.
2016-12-15 05:47:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Probably not, when you have a winning play you don't change it. I guess we could have leaders like those in South Africa, China or Mexico....oops, sorry, Hispanic is now considered "White" in America.
Quite playing the race card, that is so much BS and now everyone that can think independently realizes it. Find another axe to grind; like women now earn more than their male counterparts!
2007-08-04 10:49:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Whats wrong with white men? Since when does race or gender determine who a person is or what a person does?
Its not the race or gender that matters, but what the person is like.
I can name you plenty of corrupt, dishonest, calculating women in politics, and one of them just so happens to be running for president.
What we need is a president with integrity, honesty, principles and courage. If that person turns out to be a white man, wonderful, if its a black woman, also wonderful. I dont care about race and gender and all that nonsense. I'm supporting Mike Gravel, another white man, because hes what I'm looking for in a president. (Gravel interviewed on MSNBC about his making a difference in the '70s in the Senate) (Gravel visiting with the Muslim Alliance of Indiana) (Gravel responding to a question about campaign financing and talking about corruption)
2007-08-04 13:30:10
answer #6
answered by Jesus W. 6
Sure it can be broken. When a candidate comes forward who is not a socialist, and has at least some actual experience you will be surprised at the support given. America is against socialism. Color and sex has little to do with it.
2007-08-04 10:38:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Eventually, but not for a few more years, maybe 8 more years. I doubt we will see a black woman as president in the next 30 years. We might end up with hilary clinton as president in the next election. I hope not. I don't mind that she's a woman, but I mind her as a person.
2007-08-04 10:40:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
January 2009
2007-08-04 10:38:13
answer #9
answered by Bon Mot 6
Yes, but ironically I would still vote for John Edwards.
2007-08-04 16:10:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous