I am sick to death of hearing the words "needy, sensitive, issues, feelings, self-esteem, relationship, agenda, victim, and survivor"
They all smell like narcissistic self-pity to me.
Men are just as bad in their own narcissistic ways.
Maybe "narcissistic" is the key word here.
2007-08-04 03:23:29
answer #1
answered by oldsalt 7
Judge, jury and executioner you are!
So if your husband left, died or for some reason you guys separated, you'd be fine, right? Financially and emotionally?
Are you being fair? I mean, do you know these women personally enough to make that decision that they are being spoiled brats?
Also, have you checked the divorce rate lately?
You're being the selfish one - I'm afraid. Why don't you give these gals a chance? You have have no idea what goes on behind closed doors!
And damn right I want equality. I shouldn't be judged by a an armchair psychologist whether I deserve to be treated with dignity or not.
My father has been married 3 times, my mother twice, my aunt 3, my brother-in-law 4 just got married for the fourth time; well - you get the picture.
In MY day - this is what we grew up with and what we've learned - divorce. And somehow I've mananged to stay married to the first person for ten years. Do I have no right to work on my relationship or even talk about it?
I bet some of these girls are whiny - but I bet the majority of them have legitimate issues that you're either ignoring or shutting out.
Don't be so hard on them, will ya?
2007-08-04 10:53:58
answer #2
answered by Done 6
I don't know about the word 'relationships' but I can tell you about useful words that 'didn't exist' back then:
- child abuse
- child molestation
- sexual assault
- wife battery
- major depressive disorder
- post-traumatic stress disorder
To name just a FEW.
Women indeed were 'moaning' about relationships - problem was though, nobody was listening. Wife battery was swept under the carpet. The old warning about 'not airing dirty linen in public' well-heeded. Thank GOD those days are over; no more Valium handed out by prescription-happy male doctors. No need to keep 'em quiet - keep 'em in their place. Keep 'em drugged. Climbing the walls, lonely, unfullfilled, unhappy, helpless, fearful, angry, dependent - "don't bite the hand that feeds...". Bottles of alcohol stashed away in nooks and crannies in every corner of the house. No more passive-aggression eating away at their guts, day in and day out. Unrelenting. No more treading ever-so-carefully on eggshells
'where will I go, how will I survive?".
No more terror.
Nice try, but
I won't let you re-write history.
Forget it, honey.
2007-08-05 03:15:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I've read some of the answers others have posted. Between them and your opinion (and this ALL is opinion) most of us are not looking with a clear point of view. Yes, some women are needy, but my opinion is that their mother didn't teach them to be strong and independent. As for some of the male perspective I noticed, my opinion is there is a large lack of understanding of what women are and the perceived "What they are supposed to be".
I allow my wife to be whatever she wants to be. NO, she doesn't need my permission, rather, I support her in whatever endeavor she undertakes. And anyone who has support will fare a whole lot better than if someone simply hollers "HORMONES".
I think it would be better if we all stood in the mirror and started making an examination there. Then, if or when we find flaws within ourselves, make the needed changes. Once we learn to better ourselves we will be better equipped to find the good in others, not the negatives.
2007-08-04 10:29:57
answer #4
answered by tercir2006 7
I think it depends on the age of a woman/andor her maturity. I am 39 and not needy at all. I know I can make it on MY own.....no matter what I know I'm a survivor. I have walked through the fires of sheer hell and made it to the other side. Life is a solo journey. If you can't depend on Yourself, you are in deep doo doo.
No moaning from me.....
We have a saying in my house when someone whines...... first we say "Waaaaaaaaah!" then we say "Call the waaaaaambulance" No one wants to hear it! I can't stand whining and complaining.
2007-08-04 10:23:10
answer #5
answered by Freedspirit 5
I am not at all needy and I'm a woman. There's nobody in our crowd who is needy either, so I have to assume it's more to do with whom you mix. If you are attracted to feeble women, that's what you'll get. Not all of us were 'allowed' to support the Women's Movement, and feminists who realise that, think about it before we cricitise.
This member joined yesterday and I would say from the put-down of women, and the general prose-style, that 'she' is a male, mixing it.
2007-08-04 10:30:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Don't generalise.
I work hard to build a life and a future
I have a great relationship with my husband precisely because we talk about our relationship.
I do not think that previous generations, who were unable to talk about relationships, had it any better. I just think they lived unhappily but quietly. I'd rather be noisy.
2007-08-06 18:19:19
answer #7
answered by wonderfulworld 2
Sounds like the women you are around suck. I'm guessing, but I bet they don't consider themselves feminists either.
I choose friends who are mature, responsible, intelligent, and resourceful. I don't have the issues you do with my friends.
2007-08-04 14:59:57
answer #8
answered by edith clarke 7
I totally agree with you. I think they would find more good prospects in men if they weren't demanding that they take center stage. It seems to me that too often men are seen by women as a means to something instead of as a person in their own right, and that men are expected to provide them with the means to obtain their own agenda.
Additional: The big difference between what men expect from women and women expect from men is this:
Men basically accept the woman for who she happens to be and expect this to at least stay the same. If she has the potential to become more and does, then that is fine. All they ask is that the way they were doesn't get lost in it.
Women don't accept the man for who he is but rather for what he potentially can become and/or for what he might potentially have to offer. They want him to change but only as they wish him to change, the change must always benefit them.
2007-08-04 10:27:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
A hidden sense and feel of insecurity; perhaps; and lack of knowledge about how and where-from to get same.
In my opinion a women primarily desires sense and feel of safety, security, and surety; but the problem is that once they get the sense and feel of them within themselves, they use it wrongly for all wrong full purpose and reasons; those of self beautification and self development only, and not for passing on the sense and feel of same from within themselves to their near and dear ones and loved ones.
As a result they also begin to associate and use the sense and feel of safety, security, and surety of them selves with money, material goods, machines, and kindness of others towards themselves only; unable to know either the true needs and requirements of self and true causes and reasons of origins of same within themselves.
Feminist movement could have changed the world into a better place for all to live; if only women could have learned to work hard; simply and merely for knowing the true causes only;as mentioned above, and for using them only to deliver the sense and feel of safety, security and surety to their respective near and dear ones and loved ones..
2007-08-04 10:42:14
answer #10
answered by ts@greenpastures 6